Vine, the service, may be shuttered soon, but Vine, the app, will survive: Twitter is going to update the existing Vine app with a new Vine Camera app come January.
“With this camera app you’ll still be able to make six-second looping videos, and either post them directly to Twitter or save them to your phone,” according to a blog post by the Vine team.
Twitter also plans to give Vine users tools to migrate their Vine followers to Twitter, and the company is now allowing users to download their Vines. The website will also stay up and running, allowing users to continue to watch past Vines. Users will, however, not be able to post any new videos to Vine come January.
Twitter first announced in October that it was going to shut down Vine. The announcement came the same day Twitter announced that it was going to lay off 350 employees, and focus on some of its core initiatives.
Vine initially flourished as video platform for short-form comedy, but saw many creators leaving the platform as new services like Snapchat and video on Instagram emerged. Twitter’s slow pace in rolling out monetization and other features likely also contributed to its decline.
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On Friday, Vine’s team once again thanked its community for their contribution: “Thank you for the culture that you have helped shape, and for the content you’ll continue to make everywhere. You make the world a funnier, weirder, richer, more beautiful place.”