(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Multilingual Consultation Form

Multilingual consultation form for foreign residents.

[Note] Read the following carefully before using.

  • Please allow some time (about one week) for replies. We are unable to take urgent cases. In the event of an emergency, please contact a specialized agency (police, for incidents and accidents: 110; fire department for fire and illness: 119).
  • This multilingual consultation form is for use by those either residing, working, or going to school in Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
  • We can provide consultations in your language. Enter your mother tongue or language you most understand. We will provide a reply in that language.
  • Interpreting for consultations is administered by TPIEF in cooperation with members of the "Multicultural Society Network" appointed by staff and TPIEF.
  • Replies will be sent to your email address. Please be sure to use a current working address.
  • After using the system, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Please check to make sure it is not marked as spam by your email server. If you do not receive this email, please take consultation using the form again.
  • Your personal information will be treated with care, and your responses used only for the purposes of consultation.
  • Specific items from your consultation not designated as personal information and which may be broadly useful for foreign residents may be uploaded to our website in the form of "frequently asked questions."

[Consultation Example] Frequently Asked Question

"I am a woman from ○○ (specify country). Eight years ago I married (remarried) a Japanese man and came to Japan. I would like to bring my child from the old country to live with me here. Would the child be able to go to school in Japan? The child's father is my ex-husband. He is not Japanese. My child is a 15-year-old middle school student. "

Multilingual Consultation Form

※ indicates required fields.

Email address (メールアドレス)
TEL (mobile or smartphone) (TEL(携帯けいたい電話でんわ/スマートフォン))
Full name (enter in your preferred language), or nickname (氏名しめい(あなたの言語げんご記入きにゅう)または通称つうしょう(ニックネーム))
[Place residence, work or school] (【住所じゅうしょまたは通勤つうきん通学つうがくしているところ】)
Other: (その:)
[Visa Status] (【在留ざいりゅう資格しかく】)(Appears on 4th line of your residence card, following the word STATUS)
Other: (その:)
Type of Consultation (相談そうだん分野ぶんや)
Other: (その:)
Consultation Content (相談そうだん内容ないよう)