
Novels: Start reading Chinese gangster novel 《一半いっぱん焰,一半いっぱん海水かいすい》by Wang Shuo

In my most challenging post yet, you’ll read the first chapter of controversial literary bad boy Wang Shuo’s dark plunge into the criminal underbelly of Beijing. HSK 6+, not suitable for children.

In the Novels series, I get you started reading the first few paragraphs of classic Chinese fiction. If you like the beginning, you can buy the book and keep reading.

Super challenge time: this is the longest and most difficult read I’ve ever posted. Long, because I wanted to put up the entire first chapter. Difficult, because… well, I explain below. Wang Shuo has been called “China’s Kerouac”, I might lean more towards “China’s Bukowski”, and as such, this piece is not appropriate for children. There is some swearing and (very) mild sexual content – you have been warned.

Wang Shuo (おうさく) is the bad boy of contemporary Chinese writers, a real controversial figure, and his work, which centers around the dark underbelly of Beijing in the 1970s and 80s, spawned its own genre of “hooligan” fiction. This isn’t the organized, moneyed mob fiction of Hong Kong, this is the small-scale thievery that reflects urban life on the mainland right after the Cultural Revolution, when the country just started opening up to international trade and society was a mess. Wang Shuo’s plots are so ugly, dark and brutal that he has been called a “spiritual pollutant” by the powers that be.

This is the complete first chapter of his book Hot and Cold, Measure for Measure, or 《一半いっぱん焰,一半いっぱん海水かいすい》. The book contains several short novellas, but the namesake work is only around 90 pages long in total. I’m just about to finish reading it. The plot is horrendously depressing: the story of a thug who casually seduces a young high school girl with a bright future, breaks her down with his callousness until she becomes a prostitute and eventually kills herself, which sets off another chain of events. The extremely relatable realism with which Wang Shuo describes her destruction will have any woman who has ever been involved with a bad-news boyfriend cringing.

This chapter sets up the rest of the book in two main scenes: One, we meet the protagonist as he is in the middle of a scam he often runs. I’m going to explain the nature of the scam here because it’s confusing unless you spent time in China twenty years ago. Basically, the protagonist works with a gang that includes a friend of his (named 方方かたがた) and a few prostitutes (mainly one lady named 亚红). During this time in China, it was very common for prostitutes to work in and around hotels, they would push their cards under the door of hotel rooms, or cold-call the room to ask if services were required. Prostitution was illegal, but this still happened all the time. The protagonist and his friend wait until one of the prostitutes in the gang have landed a client. Then complicit hotel staff (named 卫宁) calls the gang, who burst into the room dressed like policemen and demand money as a “fine” from the hotel guest, and take the prostitute out as if they are arresting her. So this is where the book starts, with a phone call from a corrupt staff member at the hotel’s front desk to the gangsters, telling them which rooms the prostitutes are in with their clients.

In the second half of the chapter, the protagonist goes about the next day of his life doing some errands, and eventually meets and has a conversation with this girl whose life he will later ruin. She is spunky but naive, daring and precocious in the way that young people can be when they think they can handle themselves, but haven’t yet encountered real danger or darkness in their lives.

Some language stuff

Linguistically speaking, this is one of the hardest Chinese books I’ve ever read, because it’s full of underworld colloquialisms, and like a lot of great fiction, some of the things that happen aren’t clearly spelled out, they’re only suggested and you have to read between the lines. This chapter isn’t too bad, but subsequent chapters are pretty heavy on that stuff. I’m going to explain some of the slang used here that isn’t in the dictionary.

First, though, a couple of proper nouns: しろ茹 is a brand of car, the old Chinese name for a Peugeot. Peugeot’s official Chinese name is 标致, but the cars were being imported into China probably before the company released an official Chinese name for them, so since しろ茹 kind of sounds like “Peugeot”, this is probably just the Chinese-ified brand name given by locals. Happened with quite a few brands back then. つばめ is the name of a hotel.

 yě gē – 鸽 means “dove”, but here it is slang for “prostitute”. , as you probably know from the word 野生やせい, means “wild” or “untamed”. 鸽 refers to a prostitute that is not working for the gang. In the first paragraph, is used by itself, this is what it’s referring to.

しょう xiǎo zi – This is a derogatory way to refer to someone. It translates to something like, “little shit”.

 tā mā – Usually 妈的, the swear word “fuck” or “fucking”, but not referring to the sexual act itself, just used for emphasis, as in “What the fuck are you doing here?”

ぼつ méi jìn – This usually means “no energy”, but in this case, it means “uninteresting” or “dull”.

たおせ霉蛋 dǎo méi dàn – “Unfortunate guy”, in this case probably better translated as “sucker”, as it’s referring to people who were scammed by this gang.

さん联单 sān lián dān – An invoice that has three copies (one of those old white / pink / yellow carbon-copied invoices). In this chapter, the protagonist gets one from a medical clinic, and it is not made clear here what is being done with it, except that it’s clearly being used in some kind of dishonest dealing.

四胜三和五负 sì shèng sān hé wǔ fù – This phrase is being used in relation to a game of Go. Literally: “To win four (games), tie three, and lose five”. Here just means “to win a few and lose a few”.

しょう xiǎo máo tou – “Little boy”, used as an insult here.

丫头 yā tou – “Girl”, usually with overtones of naivety, in this case used insultingly / dismissively.

凑人 còu rén – A casual phrase meaning “to get some people together” for a party or activity.

らい lái jìn – To be annoying, to pester or hassle someone.














“谢谢。” ねん轻妇おんなすわしもきさきまた逗弄しょう孩说:”谢谢叔叔。”












わが们都わらいりょう。”りょう。” おんな孩把书撂到いちつくり。“你有事ゆうじ吗”她问

ぼつゆう。” わが说:”ぼつじん约我。”




“瞧我。” おんな孩示范性磕了いち个瓜,洁白てき贝齿いち闪,わが下意かい识地闭紧自己じこけむり熏得くろてききば齿。おんな孩倒ぼつ注意ちゅういあきらゆうももよん处张もち。“你是哪个学校がっこうてきわが注意ちゅういいた她里めんころもじょう别着いちまいこう徽。おんな孩龇齿咬ふりわがわらいおこりらい

“这就さけべ’套瓷’吧。” おんな孩说:”しも边你该说自己じこ哪个学校がっこうてきわが们两こう挨得如何いかちかぼつじゅんてんてんのう碰见……”

“你看わがぞう学生がくせい吗?” わが说:”わが劳改释放はん,现在还靠敲诈勒索为生。”

わがざいかん你是什么呢。” おんな孩笑瞅着自己じこてきあしとんが乎那儿有什么こう玩可わらいてき,”你是什么わが无所谓。”


“你多だいりょう?” おんな孩转过头わが细细りょうりょうわが一遍いっぺん:”你,过去ぼつ怎么跟女孩接触せっしょく过吧。”

ぼつゆう。” めんあらため声色こわいろこころとべ骗她。




“你笑おこりらい,” わが说:”跟个傻丫头似てき。”






わがよう,就敢跟你睡觉。” わが微笑びしょう说:”敢吗?”




また完了かんりょう?” わがわらい她,”敢在こうてんしも书,かい抽烟,时髦半截はんせつ。”

“你别らい劲。” おんな孩不服地ふくじ说,”给我いちささえ!”



吗有てんしんじ,就应该信。知道ともみちわがそとごうさけべ什么吗?ろう枪!” わが听到かん完全かんぜんぜん收拾しゅうしゅう书的声音こわね,恶意わらい说:“わがさけべ你害怕了。”

ざいぼつゆう呢。” おんな孩站おこりらい:“わがただ该走りょう。”



このみわがぞく。你走吧。哎,” わがさけべじゅう她:”咱们ようさい见了,就得さん朋友ほうゆうりょう吧?”

さん朋友ほうゆう。” おんな孩笑はしりょう


Buy the book on Amazon.

Show English translation »
“Hey, both pairs just went into their rooms, the room numbers are 927, 1208, and there’s one other [that isn’t part of our gang], went into 1713.”

“Got it.”

I put down the phone, immediately put on my suit jacket, picked up my book bag, and called to Fangfang who was watching TV, and we ran down the stairs two at a time. The “Peugeot” car I paid 4000 RMB for was parked on the corner of the street. We got in the car, and drove quickly onto the road, and drove directly towards the brilliant lights of the Yandu Hotel. On a shady street next to the hotel, I waved to stop behind a row of cars, our doors closed with a ping pang, and we quickly stepped in to intermingle with a group of Japanese tourists that had just gotten off a tour bus, walking [among them] into the Yandu Hotel’s resplendent lobby. Courteously standing behind the main service counter, Weining surreptitiously shot us a look: everything was normal. Fangfang and I walked into the washroom, opened the leather bag, took out two police uniforms and changed into them, walked out of the washroom, and took the emergency exit stairs up. We climbed to the 9th floor, both of us huffing and puffing, and waiting until our breath came easier, then we walked towards the [floor’s] service counter. The service personnel sitting there raised his head and looked at us astonished.

“We’re the police, please open room 927.”

The staff compliantly lifted out a chain of keys and lead us to a room at the end of the long hall.

“There’s a guest inside.” The staff saw the “do not disturb” sign hung on the door, and said looking back at us.

“We know, open the lock.” I ordered.

The service staff twisted open the lock, and stood to one side.

“Get back,” Fangfang roughly waved away the staffer.

The staff disappeared down another hallway, and Fangfang and I immediately opened the door and charged inside…. Fangfang and I walked out with Yahong, our leather bag stuffed full of a few thousand fresh bank notes, and with serious expressions entered the elevator next to the service desk, then Fangfang and Yahong could [no longer] suppress their laughter.

“What are you two laughing at, what the fuck is so funny [lit: it’s really fucking uninteresting].” But as I spoke I couldn’t help laughing myself, and I said to Yahong, “Wait in the bar downstairs for a bit, we’ve still got to go grab up those little shits on the 12th floor.” We took the elevator to the lower floor, let Yahong out, then went back up to 12. ?

Fifteen minutes later, we changed out of our police clothes and took the second girl to the bar to find Yahong, had some drinks together, and Yahong left on Fangfang’s arm. I gave Weining at the main service desk a call, told him it was done, and to let the hooker on the 17th floor sleep soundly for the night, then call the [real] cops [on her] in the morning. With the other girl on my arm I walked casually out of the hotel. Fangfang had already started up the Peugeot, and he drove off as soon as we got in.

In the morning, I was woken up by a phone call, and Yahong who had been sleeping by my side answered it. She told me: Weining said that the two sorry suckers that we’d scammed had already paid for the rooms and left, the other prostitute had been taken away by the cops that were waiting at the main entrance. Yahong rolled over and went back to sleep. I couldn’t fall asleep again, [so I just] smoked one cigarette after another. Sunlight was spilling at an angle through the thick curtains, and I walked quietly to the window, looking out through the crack in the curtains onto the flow of people and traffic outside, the sun shining brightly on the street, and pulled the curtains firmly shut. I don’t like the early morning, seeing people in their hundreds and thousands rush to work, to school, makes me feel like an isolated shadow. I don’t have anything to do during the day, and no one’s waiting for me, my friends are all asleep. I smoked another five cigarettes, looked at the calendar, then put on my clothes, washed my face and brushed my teeth, and walked out of the apartment where I was staying. I walked past the Peugot parked at the corner, and walked straight to the bust stop. Even though rush hour was already over, the bus was still pretty packed. One guy who was sitting down got off the bus, and I was just about to sit [in his place], when I saw a young woman carrying a small child, and called her to sit.

“Thank you.” After the young woman sat down, she cutely said to the kid: “Thank the uncle.”?

“Thank you uncle.”

I smiled at the kid, and he fished a piece of chocolate wrapped in colored paper out of his pocket, ripped open the packet and was about to stuff it into his mouth, saw me watching him, and held up the chocolate to me.

“No thanks, uncle doesn’t want it.”

“Have it, it’s nothing.”

“No, really, uncle’s got to get off.”

I pushed my way off the bus, walked along the road as far as the next stop, arrive an infirmary and asked for asked for a triplicate invoice, then called an acquaintance to go to the hospital and get some blood drawn in my place. At two [separate] savings banks in the business district I deposited the money I’d gotten last night under my dead parents’ names, then I went to the post office and sent a tuition payment to a correspondence university where you didn’t have to take a test to register, just pay. I registered to major in law. Once I’d finished these things, I went to eat lunch at a fine dining restaurant where there weren’t too many patrons. The food at this restaurant was exquisite. I drank no small measure of wine while looking at the lovely picture [menu], ate a few ice creams drizzled with chocolate sauce, left the restaurant in the afternoon, bought the morning and evening papers at the news stand, and sat on the long-distance call waiting bench in the telegraph office and browsed them thoroughly. I called the house around dusk, Fangfang picked up. We talked for a while, he’d just been playing Go with Weining. Weining had come over earlier, they’d been playing Go all day, he won a few, tied a few and lost a few?and tonight they were planning to get some people together for a Majiang game. I told him I’d be back that night, and hung up the phone.

It was late spring, the trees and grasses had turned green, the flowers bloomed in profusion. I went into a park where they’d organized an evening music event, and waited in line to return my ticket. An old man had given me one ticket, I ended up re-gifting it to a young couple who only had one, refused their offer to make up the difference. Between the huge, green-painted pillars, I saw a beautiful young woman sitting on the marble platform reading a book, her two long legs hanging in the air hooked at the ankles, swinging up [and down]. She was holding a book in one hand, and was picking sunflower seeds out of the bag at her side with the other, the shells she’d spit out had amassed into a pile, she was humming a song, turning a page now and then, leisurely and unrestrained, delicate and lovely. I quietly walked up behind her, and stood on tiptoe to look at the book that had fascinated her so. It was a profound works of literary theory, I skimmed it for bit, [found it] dull and insipid, and I was just about to turn around and leave, when I suddenly heard the girl say:

“You don’t understand it, huh?” she turned up her face, looking at me with a smile.

My face turned red, and I felt at a loss that I [was still capable of] getting embarrassed. After a moment, I settled down, and said: “You’re just a student, sitting here in the park reading is a bit of affectation.”

“I’ve been sitting here all afternoon, look here you, see how much I’ve read.”

She quickly flipped through all the pages she’d read, and I pinched that thick stack, and thinking back on the contents, asked doubtfully, “You read that quickly?”

“I don’t understand it either, but I read it quickly.”

We both smiled. “I’m done reading.” The girl put the book to one side. “You have somewhere to be?” she asked me.

“No,” I said. “No appointments.”

“[Shall we] chat [for a bit]?”

“Let’s chat.”

I sat down next to her, and she pushed the bag of sunflower seeds over to me. I didn’t really know how to crack the sunflower seeds [with my teeth], and [when I tried] spittle went everywhere.

“Watch me.” The girl demonstrated with a single sunflower seed, her pure white teeth flashing, and I subconsciously closed my mouth over my own tobacco smoke-yellowed teeth. But she didn’t notice, swinging her legs in all directions. “What school are you from?” I noticed there was a school emblem on her inside sweater. Biting down on a sunflower seed, the girl looked at me and smiled.

“That’s called ‘cottoning up’,” she said. “Next you’ll probably say whatever school you’re from, and that our schools are so close to each other, maybe we can run into each other every day…”

“You think I look like a student?” I said. “I’m a criminal freed from the work camps, I extort people for a living.”

“I don’t care what you are,” the girl said, smiling and looking at her toes, as if there was something amusing there. “Whatever you are is nothing to me.”

I didn’t speak for a while, and the girl didn’t speak either, just looked on, pleased, as the evening light disappeared on the horizon and the sky quickly dimmed, but didn’t lose its magnificent clouds: “That cloud looks like Marx, that one looks like a pirate, doesn’t it, don’t you think so?”

“How old are you?” the girl turned her head to look at me, carefully looking me over. “You, doesn’t look like you’ve been with that many women.”

“I haven’t,” I said, lying to her without a change in expression or a thump of the heart.

“I could tell right away, little boy! As I was reading my book just now, I saw you standing far away, wanting to talk to me but also timid, afraid I’d curse you, huh?”?

“[Actually,] I’ve slept with over 100 women.”

The girl let loose a laugh, unbridled and amused.

“You laugh,” I said, “like a dumb chick.”??

She suddenly stopped laughing, angrily throwing me a scornful glance, “I didn’t criticize you, don’t criticize me. Truthfully speaking, I’ve already been with someone for a year.” The girl smiled again, quite satisfied with herself.

“Is it one of your idiot classmates?” ?

“He’s not an idiot, he’s a cadre in the student union.”??

“Then he’s stupid beyond measure.”?

“Huh, a little baby like you who’s only been kissed by his parents doesn’t deserve to speak of him.”?

“If I was him, I’d already have had the courage to sleep with you,” I said, smiling lightly. “Has he dared?”??

Although the sky was already gloomy, I perceived the girl’s face reddening, “He respects me.”

I tittered, “Oh, respect, don’t even, no need for us to talk about that. And no need for you to play dumb.”

The girl sat there vexed for a while saying nothing. I started whistling, started sucking on a cigarette, passed her the cigarette pack, she shook her head.

“Busted again, aren’t you?” I teased her, “willing to read a book in broad daylight, but can’t smoke cigarettes, [guess you’re] only half-fashionable.”

“Don’t be obnoxious.” Still, unwilling to be conquered, she said, “Give me one!”

I passed her the cigarette that was in my mouth, she took a puff, and heng, blew it all out. I stretched an arm around her shoulder, she trembled a second, but didn’t refuse. I pulled her near to me, she looked at me from close up, pushed my arm off, and with a forced smile said:

“I might believe a little that you’ve slept with over 100 women.”

“What are you doing only ‘believing a little’, you ought to just believe. You want to know what they call me? The Old Pistol.”?I heard her grabbing up all of her books, and said with a nasty smile, “I think you’re scared.”

“Well, I’m not.” The girl stood up: “I should probably go.”

“Do you dare tell me your name, or where you live?”?

The girl jumped off the platform, her bright, crystal eyes flashed in the darkness, and she said smiling, “Ah ha! I thought maybe you weren’t like everyone else, [talking shit] half the day, but then sinking into mediocrity.”??

“Fine, I’m mediocre. Go. Hey,” I called her to stop, “If we meet again, let’s consider ourselves friends.”

“Sure, friends,” she said, and smiling, left.?

I sat for a while on the platform smiling genially, then I too jumped down and left. ?

2 replies on “Novels: Start reading Chinese gangster novel 《一半いっぱん焰,一半いっぱん海水かいすい》by Wang Shuo”

That was really interesting! I’m looking forward to being good enough in Chinese to actually read the book in Mandarin as it was originally written! It took me a while to get through just that short part – but still, I’m getting better (I hope!).
I just have one question: how old is the young woman in the story? It’s not clear… as in, is she over eighteen years old? That’s an important information given how the story goes…
And thank you for your efforts posting these texts here, it is very appreciated!

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