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Consumption Smoothing through Fiscal Policy in OECD and EU Countries. (1999). Arreaza, Adriana ; Yosha, Oved ; Sgrensen, Bent E..
In: NBER Chapters.

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  1. Risk sharing channels in OECD countries: A heterogeneous panel VAR approach. (2023). Asdrubali, Pierfederico ; Poncela, Pilar ; Pericoli, Filippo Maria ; Kim, Soyoung.
    In: Journal of International Money and Finance.

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  2. .

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  3. Real-time fiscal policy responses in the OECD from 1997 to 2018: Procyclical but sustainable?. (2022). Creel, Jerome ; Aldama, Pierre.
    In: European Journal of Political Economy.

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  4. The (pro-) cyclicality of government consumption in the EU and official expectations of future output growth: new evidence. (2021). McQuinn, Kieran ; Cronin, David.
    In: International Economics and Economic Policy.

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  5. Asymmetric Macroeconomic Stabilization And Fiscal Consolidation In The Oecd And The Euro Area. (2020). Creel, Jerome ; Aldama, Pierre.
    In: Sciences Po publications.

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  6. Asymmetric Macroeconomic Stabilization And Fiscal Consolidation In The Oecd And The Euro Area. (2020). Aldama, Pierre ; Creel, Jerome.
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Asymmetric macroeconomic stabilization and fiscal consolidation in the OECD and the Euro Area. (2020). Creel, Jerome ; Aldama, Pierre.
    In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE.

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  8. The (Pro-) Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in the EU and Governments’ Expectations of Future Output Growth: New Evidence. (2020). McQuinn, Kieran ; Cronin, David.
    In: Papers.

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  9. The behavior of social transfers over the business cycle: empirical evidence of Uruguay. (2018). Muinelo-Gallo, Leonel ; Miranda, Ronald.
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  10. The cyclicality of Irish fiscal policy ex-ante and ex-post. (2017). McQuinn, Kieran ; Cronin, David.
    In: Papers.

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  11. The cyclicality of fiscal policy: New evidence from unobserved components approach. (2017). Wohar, Mark ; Bhattacharya, Prasad ; Bashar, Omar.
    In: Journal of Macroeconomics.

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  12. Was this time different?: Fiscal policy in commodity republics. (2014). Cespedes, Luis ; Velasco, Andres .
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  13. Was This Time Different? Fiscal Policy in Commodity Republics. (2013). Cespedes, Luis ; Velasco, Andres .
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  14. How Effective is Fiscal Policy Response in Systemic Banking Crises?. (2009). Baldacci, Emanuele ; Mulas-Granados, Carlos ; Gupta, Sanjeev.
    In: IMF Working Papers.

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  15. Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy: Permanent and Transitory Shocks. (2009). Zeira, Joseph ; Strawczynski, Michel.
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  16. Retirement, health, unemployment, the business cycle and automatic stabilization in the OECD. (2007). Darby, Julia ; Mlitz, Jacques.
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  17. The design of fiscal rules and forms of governance in European Union countries. (2007). von Hagen, Juergen ; Hallerberg, Mark ; Strauch, Rolf .
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  18. The cyclicality of consumption, wages and employment of the public sector in the euro area. (2007). Schuknecht, Ludger ; Pérez, Javier ; Lamo, Ana ; Perez, Javier J.
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  19. Labour Market Adjustment, Social Spending and the Automatic Stabilizers in the OECD. (2007). Melitz, Jacques ; Darby, Julia.
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  20. Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy In Israel. (2007). Strawczynski, Michel ; Zeira, Joseph.
    In: Bank of Israel Working Papers.

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  21. The design of fiscal rules and forms of governance in European Union countries. (2006). von Hagen, Juergen ; Hallerberg, Mark ; Strauch, Rolf .
    In: Discussion Paper Series of SFB/TR 15 Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems.

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  22. Public spending, voracity, and Wagners law in developing countries. (2006). Inchauste, Gabriela ; Clements, Benedict ; Gupta, Sanjeev ; Akitoby, Bernardin .
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  23. Policy Mix and Debt Sustainability: Evidence from Fiscal Policy Rules. (2005). Claeys, Peter.
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  24. The Cyclical and Long-Term Behavior of Government Expenditures in Developing Countries. (2004). Inchauste, Gabriela ; Gupta, Sanjeev ; Clements, Benedict J ; Akitoby, Bernardin.
    In: IMF Working Papers.

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  25. Dynamic risksharing in the United States and Europe. (2004). Kim, Soyoung ; Asdrubali, Pierfederico.
    In: Journal of Monetary Economics.

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  26. Fiscal Policy and Monetary Integration in Europe. (2003). Perotti, Roberto ; Gali, Jordi.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  27. Are state budget stabilization funds only the illusion of savings?: Evidence from stationary panel data. (2003). Wagner, Gary A..
    In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

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  28. The cyclical behaviour of fiscal policy: evidence from the OECD. (2003). Lane, Philip.
    In: Journal of Public Economics.

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  29. Fiscal Policy and Monetary Integration in Europe. (2003). Perotti, Roberto ; Gali, Jordi.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  30. On the Cyclicality of Public Finances in Europe. (2002). Hallerberg, Mark.
    In: Empirica.

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  31. The Cyclicality of Consumption, Wages and Employment of the Public Sector in the Euro Area. (2002). Schuknecht, Ludger ; Pérez, Javier ; Lamo, Ana ; Perez, Javier J..
    In: EcoMod2007.

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  32. Output fluctuations and fiscal policy: U.S. state and local governments 1978-1994. (2001). Sorensen, Bent ; Wu, Lisa ; Yosha, Oved .
    In: European Economic Review.

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  33. Output fluctuations and fiscal policy : U.S. state and local governments 1978-1994. (1999). Sorensen, Bent ; Wu, Lisa ; Yosha, Oved .
    In: Research Working Paper.

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  34. Output Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy: US State and Local Governments 1978-1994. (1999). Sorensen, Bent ; Yosha, Oved .
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

    References contributed by pro164-22586

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  2. Asdrubali, Pierfederico, Bent E. Sorensen, and Oved Yosha. 1996. Channels of interstate risk sharing: United States, 1963-90. Quarterly Journal of Economics 111: 1081-1110.

  3. Atkeson, Andrew, and Tamim Bayoumi. 1993. Do private capital markets insure regional risk? Evidence from the United States and Europe. Open Economies Review 4: 303-24.

  4. Barro, Robert. 1979. On the determination of the public debt. Journal of Political Economy 87:940-71.

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  8. Eichengreen, Barry, and Jiirgen von Hagen. 1995. Fiscal policy and monetary union: Federalism, fiscal restrictions, and the no-bailout rule. CEPR Discussion Paper Series no. 1247. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research.

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  11. French, Kenneth, and James Poterba. 1991. Investor diversification and international equity markets. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 81 :222-26.

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  14. Goodhart, Charles, and Stephen Smith. 1993. Stabilization. European Economy: Reports and Studies 5:419-55.
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  15. Gordon, R., and L. Bovenberg. 1996. Why is capital so immobile internationally? Possible explanations and implications for capital income taxation. American Economic Review 86: 1057-75.

  16. Hayashi, Fumio, Joseph Altonji, and Laurence Kotlikoff. 1996. Risk-sharing between and within families. Econometrica 64:261-94.

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  25. Poterba, James. 1994. State responses to fiscal crises: The effects of budgetary institutions and politics. Journal of Political Economy 102:799-821.

  26. Sorensen, Bent E., and Oved Yosha. 1996. Income and consumption smoothing among US states: Regions or clubs? Working paper, Brown University and Tel Aviv University.

  27. Sorensen, Bent E., and Oved Yosha. 1998. International risk sharing and European monetary unification. Journal of International Economics 45:211-38.

  28. Sorensen, Bent E., and Oved Yosha. Forthcoming. Federal insurance for US states: An empirical investigation. In Globalization: Public Economics Policy Perspectives, ed. Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka. New York: Cambridge University Press.

  29. Tesar, Linda, and Ingrid Werner. 1995. Home bias and high turnover. Journal Of lnternational Money and Finance 14:467-92.

  30. Tesar, Linda. 1995. Evaluating the gains from international risk sharing. CarnegieRochester Conference Series on Public Policy 4295-143.
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  31. Townsend, Robert. 1994. Risk and insurance in village India. Econometrica 62:539-91.

  32. van Wincoop, Eric. 1994. Welfare gains from international risk sharing. Journal of Monetary Economics 34: 175-200.


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