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Banche, territorio e sviluppo. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
In: Moneta e Credito.

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  1. Crisi e centralizzazione del capitale finanziario (Crysis and Centralization of Financial Capital). (2015). Lucarelli, Stefano ; Brancaccio, Emiliano ; Emiliano, Orsola Costantini .
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  2. Facts and Stereotypes about Cooperative Banks: To Whom Do CBs Actually Lend?. (2014). Borzaga, Carlo ; Catturani, Ivana.
    In: Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity.

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References cited by this document

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    In: Journal of Financial Services Research.

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  7. Banche, territorio e sviluppo. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  8. Banks, regions and development. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review.

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  9. Banks, regions and development. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: BNL Quarterly Review.

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  10. Empirical Studies of Financial Innovation: Lots of Talk, Little Action?. (2002). White, Lawrence ; Frame, W.
    In: Working Papers.

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  11. Report to the Congress on the Availablity of Credit to Small Businesses - September 2002. (2002). Of, Board.
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  12. Report to the Congress on the Availability of Credit to Small Businesses, September 2002. (2002). Of, Board.
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  13. The economic effects of technological progress: evidence from the banking industry. (2002). Berger, Allen.
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  14. Credit scoring and the availability, price, and risk of small business credit. (2002). Frame, W ; Berger, Allen ; Miller, Nathan H..
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  15. Community banks as small business lenders: the tough road ahead. (2002). Ergungor, Ozgur.
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  16. Credit scoring and the availability, price, and risk of small business credit. (2002). Frame, W ; Berger, Allen ; Miller, Nathan H..
    In: FRB Atlanta Working Paper.

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  17. Empirical studies of financial innovation: lots of talk, little action?. (2002). White, Lawrence ; Frame, W.
    In: FRB Atlanta Working Paper.

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  18. Investment in internet banking as a real option: theory and tests. (2002). Sullivan, Richard ; Nickerson, David ; Courchane, Marsha.
    In: Journal of Multinational Financial Management.

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  19. Specificità e modelli di governo delle banche: un analisi degli assetti proprietari dei gruppi bancari italiani. (2001). Zazzaro, Alberto.
    In: Moneta e Credito.

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  20. A possibilist approach to regional banking systems and financial integration: The Italian experience. (1998). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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