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CitEc : Citation in Economics
CitEc : This process allows you to submit the full list of references cited in a paper which is available in RePEc

To be identified as a RePEc Author Service (RAS) author is required before using the system. If you have not registered in RAS yet, please go to http://authors.repec.org and register as a previuos step to submitting references data.

Enter your RePEc Author Service Short-ID:



Some documents in CitEc can not be automaticaly processed in order to extract the cited references. This may be due to a variety of reasons: they are not open access, not in PDF format or the PDF file can not be converted to text.

Often we get requests from authors asking why a citation to one of their papers is not included in CitEc. The answer is: because the citing paper has not been processed.

If this is your case, it is now possible to provide CitEc with the missing references for your citing paper. They will be processed and added to the database We ask, though, that all references from the citing paper be provided. Incomplete reference lists will not be considered. The lists of references and the contributor will be made public.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated August, 4 2024. Contact: CitEc Team.