Podcast: Women Are Winners

women workingWomen at work at the Lever House on Park Avenue in 1952. Today, young women in New York are earning more than men. (Photo: Corbis)
Audio Podcast: Only in New York (mp3)

Following is the draft script of the weekly “Only in New York” audio podcast. Listen at left or download the mp3 to a portable player. Here is a list of other podcasts.

Maybe this won’t come as a surprise to you, but it sure surprised me: Among young adults in New York who work full time, women for the first time now make more than men.

Back in 1970, New York women in their 20s made $7,000 less on average than comparable men. By 2000, they were about even. In 2005, according to a new analysis of census results, those women made $5,000 more — about $36,000, compared to about $31,000 among men.

Nationally, women’s wages still lag. And among older workers, men generally make more. But women have been catching up and even edging ahead.

If you’re a woman in your 20s and work full time, chances are you make more than a comparable man not only in New York, but in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis.

In New York, those women made 117 percent of what men made, according to the most recent census survey. Among the nation’s biggest cities they made more than that only in one, in Dallas, where they made 120 percent of men’s wages.

The gap is by no means universal. It varies greatly by profession, too.

In New York, young men still make more than young women in lots of job categories, including psychologists, registered nurses, high school teachers, bank tellers, bartenders.

But women in their 20s are now making more than young men in a variety of other jobs: as doctors, personnel managers, architects, economists, lawyers, stock clerks, customer service reps and — I’m not jealous — as editors and reporters.

There are a couple of reasons why young women have closed the wage gap in recent years: The biggest one is college. You can argue all you want about whether women are smarter. No question that they are now better educated.

By 1980, more women than men were entering the workforce armed with a college degree.

In 2005, 53 percent of New York working women in their 20s were college graduates. Only 38 percent of comparable men were.

The wage gap was widest among white women with some college education, blacks and Asians with advanced degrees, and Hispanic women who were high school or college graduates.

There’s another reason women have edged ahead: jobs that were once defined as male preserves have become more accessible, including civil service jobs. Among police and private investigators, for instance, young men and women in New York reported exactly the same median wages, a little more than $40,000.

Still another reason for the differential is that in some categories women are heavily outnumbered by men. They may be more in demand.

Now, not all the news is bright. People without a college education are worse off, altogether, but a degree doesn’t always guarantee the kind of higher wages that it used to. And the gender gap could have implications for marriage rates if women, who are already more financially independent, are seeking mates with at least equivalent salaries and education.

“When New York college women say there are few eligible men around, they’re right if they mean they’ll only settle for someone with an education akin to their own.”

That, from Andrew Hacker, the author of “Mismatch: The Growing Gulf Between Men and Women.”

“Sorry to have to predict this,” he says, but, quote, “the spinster syndrome’ will become more pronounced.”

N.Y.U. Professor Mitchell Moss offers another view: “New York,” he says, “is more attractive to women because they can work, build a career, raise a family without devoting 25 hours a week to commuting. And New York is an achievement-based city. Achievement here is based on how well you use your brain, not what you do on your back.”

Dr. Andrew Beveridge, the Queens College demographer who analyzed the wage gap, sums it up more bluntly, I’m afraid.

Men, he says, are losers.

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There’s an Erica Jong poem warning women to be wary of men celebrating their liberation because they may be planning to quit their jobs so you can support them.

The real point is with marriage on the decline guys don’t need to work themselves so hard. Nowadays a smart guy with a decent job, basic cooking skills, a good wash and fold, and sympathetic lady friend or two with her own place are all that’s needed to be pretty content.

Let the ladies whitewash the fences.

I love the women!!!God Bless all the women around the World.

Does this mean they can now finally start helping out on dates, rather than always mooching? And I want 3 months paternity leave, and to retire five years early!

Mark Klein MD speaks the truth. Even having advanced college, and gentleman skills like dancing, creative cooking, and the ability to repair, or build anything can’t over come the wage issue. It will however, get you a vast network of lady friends. Women seem to like the tool boxes more than the men.

Fernando-So do I! What’s going on is just the latest expression of the age old practice of women tending to the fields, shops and shlepping the kiddies while the guys do pretty much what they pleased.

I grew up in a very odd moment in history when things were reversed. Recall thinking when I read “The Feminine Mystique” in the mid-1960s, women have to be totally nuts to want as hard men do. Still a mystery to me what the big careerist deal is when the price is missing most of the children’s once in a lifetime magical moments, savoring married love while still fresh,
and enjoying the natural harmonics of plain vanilla daily family life.

Not just theory with me. The moment I made my pile in my late 40s I retired to share the raising of my then young children. Like the firefly’s flash, when the magic of childhood, it’s gone forever. Without doubt for me when the children were young were the best years of my life.

The irony is women work for no net economic gain because it takes two family incomes to almost replicate the buying power of one as late as 30 years ago.

Bob- Re your comment “Women seem to like the tool boxes more than the men.”

Better to hire a handyman. You know the expression about the camel’s snout getting inside the tent flap? For smart guys today outsourcing is the el camino real to happiness.

It is satisfying to see that hard work and an education can trump even sexual double standards in America. And the fact that merit (and let’s be fair, along with accomodation for past discrimination) can still count in the US is especially satisfying. It suggests that America is still the place that rewards the brightest and the best.

Formerly male-dominated businesses that pay well, like investment banking and corporate law, now have many incentives to hire women, ranging from overall equality to the fact that all else being equal, older male lawyers and bankers like to have nice looking young women around, it’s good for business. I know of one woman, a rather attractive blonde who was no less (but also no more) qualified than male counterparts, whose job interview process at a Wall Street firm consisted of showing up once and answering a few questions. She got the job. I don’t know of too many men who get hired that way, in fact, most are likely screened out prior to the interview stage. It has gone from a historical favoritism for male applicants to a current favoritism for female ones. Despite this, as a single guy, if I take out one of these professional women working in today’s environment of full equality, they all expect me to pay the check. I guess they are only interested in equality when it comes to making money, and when it comes to spending they suddenly get some traditional values.

I wonder if the story looks at median or mean wages. I doubt that the mean (or average) woman’s salary is higher than the average man’s in New York City, because (for one thing) a majority of the big earners on Wall Street (investment banks, money management firms) are still male.

Yes, women are moving forward in careers and earnings.These professional women will not like to become housewives, rather, they will look for young men willing to stay home and cook and look after the house for them,while they are busy in the professions. So, men, please try to become skilled on the home-science related areas so that you shape up into good house-husbands and earn your keep.-nalini nair

The article about wonmen’s and men’s wages appears to use median rather than mean incomes (it is difficult to tell for sure because of statements like the headline “…Gap Shifts in Women’s Favor” but the chart, p. A18 uses median incomes).

The comparisons over the past 40 years that have highlighted gender income inequality (to the disdavantage of women) have usually used mean incomes. Thus the significance of the (implied) comparison and possible trends is difficult to determine.

I suggest you break out income by gender by education level (this is the suggested explanatory variable) and compare median and mean incomes before we begin to celebrate a new era of equality.

Dr. Wm Barclay

Ms Nalininair’s views are thoughtprovoking.Seeing the rate at which women march forward,one has to admit that what she predicts may come true, soon.So ,young men, take note, see the writing on the wall and get trained in the domestic skills.If my needs are taken care of and assured of kind and fair treatment, why not I opt for playing second fiddle at home ?