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| The Cooper Union

Faculty News 2024


September 27

Professor Robert Topper and Andrew Kim ChE’25 Receives Cyberinfrastructure Resource Grant for Quantum Investigations of Next-Generation Batteries

Andrew Kim ChE'25 and Prof. Robert Topper crafted and submitted a proposal to the ACCESS program, successfully securing an initial allocation known as an "Explore Project."

Faculty: News

September 23

Programmed for Cooper

The Albert Nerken School of Engineering launches a new computer science degree program custom-tailored to The Cooper Union learning experience.

Faculty: News, News, News, News, News, News, News

September 17

Coco Fusco Video Debuts in Union Square

Coco Fusco's Everyone Who Lives Here is a New Yorker, a video that engages public perception of migrants in New York City, will be featured on select LinkNYC screens leading up to this year's presidential election.

Faculty: News

September 10

Meet Emily Palmer, Visiting Professor, Physics

Joining the Albert Nerken School of Engineering this fall is Emily Palmer, a visiting professor in the Department of Physics.

August 19

Prof. Sam Keene to Lead New Computer Science Department

Professor Keene will serve as the first chair of Cooper's new computer science program. We asked him to weigh in on his plans for the department. 

Faculty: News

August 14

Writing Associate Liza St. James Receives NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship

She is one of 15 recipients for fiction

Faculty: News

August 12

Meet Abhishek Sharma, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Faculty: News

July 08

Yuri Masnyj Named Asst Dean of School of Art

Faculty: News, News

May 24

Assistant Professor Abigail Raz Co-Authors Paper Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics

May 20

End of Year Message from Acting Dean Eber

Faculty: News

May 20

Assistant Professor Cynthia Lee Co-Authors Paper Featured in Sustainable And Resilient Infrastructure

May 17

Associate Professor Stanislav Mintchev Co-Published In Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena

Associate Professor of Mathematics Stanislav Mintchev has co-published in Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (Vol. 19, 2024). The paper delves into the topic of “Emergent properties in a V1-inspired network of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons.”

Faculty: News

May 17

Cooper Students Compete in the 2024 AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition

Cooper engineering students and their faculty advisor, Dirk M. Luchtenburg, professor of mechanical engineering, competed in the 2024 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Design/Build/Fly competition hosted by Textron Aviation in Wichita, Kansas

Faculty: News

May 16

Cooper’s Solar Decathlon Team at the 22nd Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Final Competition

Engineering students Larry Zheng CE’26, Amelia Roopnarine ME’25, Lawrence Zeng CE’26, Mizanul Hoque ME’, and Vito Di Gregorio CE’26, alongside architecture students Abraham (Bram) Cherner ARCH’26, Kyle Ku ARCH’26, and Miao (Miles) Xue ARCH’26, showcased their project at the 2024 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Final Competition held at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. 

Faculty: News

May 07

Meet the New Saturday Program Staff

We spoke with José Ortiz, the new director of The Cooper Union Saturday Program, and Ciana Malchione A'21, who was recently promoted to assistant director.

Faculty: News, News

April 16

Meet New STEM Outreach Director, Yvonne Thevenot

The Cooper Union welcomes Yvonne Thevenot as the new director of STEM Outreach, which offers a host of educational programs to New York City high school students.

Faculty: News

April 12

Introducing our Newest Staff Members

Blair Ribeiro, Lizbeth Soto, and Jake Zweiback have joined Albert Nerken School of Engineering Dean’s Office

Faculty: News, News, News

April 03

Assistant Professor of Art Fia Backström Receives the Borlem Prize

Faculty: News

March 25

Professor Jennifer Weiser Receives Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for 2024-2025

 Dr. Jennifer Weiser, an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award in Biomedical Sciences to Austria for the 2024-2025 academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Faculty: News

February 29

Cooper Solar Decathlon Team's Sure We Can Design Secures Finalist Position

Over the weekend, The Cooper Union Solar Decathlon team delivered a virtual presentation to a panel of jurors at the 2024 Solar Decathlon Design Challenge Semifinal and secured a place as a finalist under the Multifamily Building Division

Faculty: News, News, News, News

February 21

Cooper Union Engineering Students Participate in 10th Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry

Several Cooper Union engineering students participated in the 10th Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry to learn how computational quantum mechanics is used to study the structures, reactions, and applications of chemical compounds, biomolecules, and materials

Faculty: News

January 30

Art and Architecture Faculty Participate in the Whitney Biennial 2024

The 2024 Whitney Biennial features current adjunct faculty members from both the School of Art and The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture.

Faculty: News, News, News

January 08

Brian Swann's Latest Book Chronicles Life During COVID

The latest book by Brian Swann, professor emeritus of humanities, is titled Ya-Honk! Goes the Wild Gander or, Covid Divagations.

Faculty: News


December 01

2023 AIChE Annual Student Conference: Chemical Engineering Students Win Top Awards

Last month, chemical engineering students and faculty attended the 2023 AIChE Annual Student Conference in Orlando, Florida. AIChE stands as the foremost global organization for chemical engineering professionals, boasting over 60,000 members from 110 countries.

Faculty: News, News, News

November 16

Mechanical Engineering Students Presented at ASME’s 2023 IMECE

In early November, Cooper mechanical engineering students Brandon Bunt BSE’22 MME, Maya Grutman ME’24, Calder Leppitsch ME’24, Daniel Zaretsky ME’24, Benjamin Meiner ME’24, Jason Chen ME’24, Christos Potamianos ME’25, and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Kamau Wright, Associate Professor of Mechanical and C.V. Starr Distinguished Professor Dirk M. Luchtenburg, and Adjunct Professor Robert Dell attended and presented research at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

Faculty: News, News

November 09

Faculty-Curated Exhibition on Jewish Italian Artist Corrado Cagli at CIMA

A new exhibition, curated by HSS professor Raffaele Bedarida, explores the life and work of Jewish Italian artist Corrado Cagli and is accompanied by a series of talks featuring Cooper Union faculty.

Faculty: News

October 17

Meet Eilin Pérez, Visiting Assistant Professor of History

Eilin Rafael Pérez joins the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences this semester as a visiting assistant professor of history.

October 12

In Memoriam: Winston Wilkerson

Wilkerson worked at Cooper Union for nearly 50 years

October 12

Three Questions for Mokena Makeka

An award-winning architect, Mokena Makeka joins the Cooper community this month in the new role of special advisor to the vice president of academic affairs.

Faculty: News, News

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.