(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Information on Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)(新型コロナウイルス感染症についてのお知らせ) | Blog|Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association

BlogNotices from the International Relations Department

Information on Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)(新型しんがたコロナウイルス感染かんせんしょうについてのおらせ)


To avoid becoming infected with Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and stop the spread of more infections

(※Click to enlarge the image.)

【City of Sendai】

Guide for Sendai City
COVID-19 Vaccination

Vaccination Certificate of
COVID-19 (Vaccine Passport)

7 Points to prevent infections at home

“5 situations” that increase the risk of infection


Medical Information Center (24hours)


※Multilingual support by three-way calling is available for foreign nationals.

The available hours for multilingual support are as follows.
・English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese ⇒ 24 hours
・Thai, Nepali, Vietnamese, Russian, Tagalog, Indonesian, Hindi
⇒ Weekdays 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.


Notice of the COVID-19 Vaccination

Portal Site of Sendai City Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination (仙台せんだい新型しんがたコロナウイルスワクチン接種せっしゅポータルサイト)

Information about “Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19” to Travel Abroad (Vaccine Passport)新型しんがたコロナウイルス感染かんせんしょう予防よぼう接種せっしゅ証明しょうめいしょ

Instruction(Pfizer Inc.)説明せつめいしょ(ファイザーしゃ))



To those who need money urgently

Financial Aid for Ensured Housing住居じゅうきょ確保かくほ給付きゅうふきん)【2023.4.20】
Scheme for rent subsidy

Employment Adjustment Subsidy雇用こよう調整ちょうせい助成じょせいきん※Application ended by 2023.3.31
While employees are off of work due to a decreased workload, the government will pay a portion of an employee’s salary in place of the employing company

Support fund and allowance for forced leave during the COVID-19 outbreak新型しんがたコロナウイルス感染かんせんしょう対応たいおう休業きゅうぎょう支援しえんきん給付きゅうふきん※Application ended by 2023.3.31
Support funds or an allowance will be paid to employees of small and medium sized companies who were unable to work, or did not receive wages (leave allowance) due to the effects of COVID-19.

Issue of Injury and Sickness Allowance within the National Health Insurance System and Advanced-age Medical System国民こくみん健康けんこう保険ほけん後期こうき高齢こうれいしゃ医療いりょう傷病しょうびょう手当てあてきん


Information on Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)

Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association(SenTIA)

Blog:Information on Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19)

Sendai Multicultural Center
We will be limiting the use of some facilities as a preventative measure against the spread of COVID-19.

Status of Convening Japanese Courses Within the City of Sendai


City of Sendai

■ The Situation of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases in Sendai City (Japanese only)

■ Announcements from Sendai City (Japanese only)

■ Proper Waste Disposal to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus

■ The PCR Test Center Operated by Non-municipal Organization Launched at Main building of the Sendai City Hall.

■ Response to and support of those who have been affected by the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
1. Those who find it difficult to pay taxes or public utility fees such as gas and water fees

2. Procedures related to certificates, change of address, health and welfare may be done by post

3. Issue of Injury and Sickness Allowance within the National Health Insurance System and Advanced-age Medical System


Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR)

■ Regarding the new strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Immigration Services Agency

Change in Handling of Applications for Residency during COVID-19 for those Unable to return to their Home Country
Up until now. The Japanese government have been issuing special visas to individuals who have trouble returning to their home country due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, said policy is going to be changed.

■ PDF Guide to Support for Continuous Employment for Foreigners Who Have Been Dismissed, etc.
Detailed information (Japanese)

■ Regarding the period of validity of the Certificate of Eligibility in relation to the effects of the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
【English】 【やさしいにほんご (Easy Japanese)】 【Japanese】


■ For Foreigners Working in Companies



■ NHK World Japan「Links for Multilingual News &BOSAI Info

NHK NEWS WEB EASY (Easy Japanese)


If you need interpretation support, please call the Interpretation Hotline of the Sendai Multicultural Center

Telephone: (022) 224-1919 (available from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.)
Email: tabunka*sentia-sendai.jp(Please replace「*」with「@」)