(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
txtmus/abc2svg/abcm2ps documentation
txtmus / abc2svg / abcm2ps documentation

Differences / ABC standard

   Value types

Sources txtmus abc2svg abcm2ps
in txtmus ↓
in abc2svg ↓ ↓
in abcm2ps ↓ ↓ ↓
Parameters relative to the source syntax
abc2pscompat Handle some abc2ps features ynn
autoclef Define the starting clefs as 'auto' ynn
decoration Define the decoration separator ynn
microscale Define the tone fraction for microtone ynn
Define the behaviour of accidentals nyy
Tune header
aligncomposer Define where the composer is displayed yyy
composerspace Define the vertical space above the composer yyy
infoline Display the rhythm (R:) and area (A:) on a same line yyy
infoname Define information types
that are displayed at end of tune
infospace Define the vertical space above the infoline yyy
musicspace Define the vertical space above the first staff yyy
partsspace Define the vertical space above
the part definition in the tune header
subtitlespace Set the vertical space above the subtitle yyy
textspace Set the vertical space above the history at end of tune yyy
titlecaps Display the titles in uppercase letters yyy
titleformat Define the format of the tune header yyy
titleleft Output the title on the left yyy
titlespace Define the vertical space above the main title yyy
titletrim Put the last word of the main title at the head yyy
topspace Define the vertical space above the tunes yyy
Music line definitions
alignbars Align the measure bars ynn
autobar Add missing measure bars nny
barsperstaff Typeset n mesures per line yyy
break Insert line breaks yyy
breaklimit Parameter for automatic line breaking yyy
breakoneoln Break beams at end of line yyy
equalbars Set the same width of all measures in a line nyy
linebreak Define the characters doing line breaking yyy
maxshrink Parameter for automatic line breaking yyy
singleline Put all the music on only one line nyy
stretchlast Stretch the last line yyy
stretchstaff Stretch the staves yyy
trimsvg Truncate the music images nyy
Commands and parameters
relative to the staves
clef Insert a clef change yyy
indent Indent the first music line yyy
maxstaffsep Set the maximum spacing between staff systems yyy
maxsysstaffsep Set the maximum spacing between staves in a system yyy
score Define the layout of a staff system yyy
staff Change the staff of a voice yyy
staffbreak Set a break in the current staff yyy
stafflines Set the staff system layout yyy
staffnonote Display staves with no notes yyy
staffscale Set the scale of the current staff yyy
staffsep Set the minimum spacing between staff systems yyy
staves Define the layout of a staff system yyy
sysstaffsep Set the minimum spacing between staves in a system yyy
systvoices Force which voice names in the staff system nyy
vocalspace Set the vertical space above the lyrics under the staves yyy
wordspace Set the vertical space above
the lyrics at the end of the tune
Grace notes
graceslurs Display slurs on grace notes yyy
gracespace Define the spacing of grace notes yyy
graceword Shift words under grace notes yyy
Stems, flags and beams
beamslope Set max slope of beams nyy
bstemdown Have the stem of middle notes going downwards yyy
flatbeams Display flat beams yyy
stemheight Define the height of stems with flags yyy
sth Set the height of stems nyy
straightflags Display straight flags yyy
Measures and bars
bardef Change the type of a measure bar nyy
contbarnb Have a continuous scheme for measure bar numbering yyy
dblrepbar Define how double repeat bars are displayed yyy
measrepnb Display the repeat measure numbers nyy
measurebox Display a box around bar numbers yyy
measurenb Display the measure number on bars yyy
oldmrest Baroque notation of the multi-rests nyy
rbmax Define the max number of measure bars
stopping a repeat bracket
rbmin Define the number of measure bars
under a repeat bracket when no explicit stop
repeat Replace a music sequence by percent-like signs yyy
repbra Draw repeat brackets or not yyy
setbarnb Set the measure number of the next bar yyy
tacet Replace the text of the multi-rests nyy
Music elements at start/end of lines
ambitus Add an ambitus at start of the first music line nyy
cancelkey Cancel the accidentals in a key signature change with natural signs yyy
custos Add a custos yyy
keywarn Add a cautionary key signature at end of line yyy
soloffs Shift some music elements at start of line nyy
timewarn Add a cautionary time signature at end of line yyy
hyphencont Add a hyphen at start of lyric lines yyy
Voice parameters
voicecolor Define the color of elements of a voice yyy
voicecombine Combine the elements of the voice
with the ones of the next voice
voicemap Define the note mapping of a voice yyy
voicescale Define the scale of a voice yyy
Chord symbols
altchord Select chord alternative to put in grids nyy
begingrid Manually add chord symbol/grid in a tune nyy
capo Add a shifted chord symbol line yyy
chordalias Accept new names as chord symbols nyy
chordnames Redefine the names of the chord symbols nyy
diagram Add guitar diagrams of the chord symbols nyy
gchordbox Draw a box around chord symbols yyy
grid Add a chord grid above or under the tune nyy
grid2 Let the chord symbols and lyrics
without music in a voice
jazzchord Add jazz chord styling to chord symbols nyy
nns Nashville and Roman
roman Roman
chord symbols
setdiag Add new chord diagrams for use with %%diagram nyy
Font definitions
annotationfont Define the font of the annotations yyy
capofont Define the font of the capo chords nyy
composerfont Define the font of C: yyy
cstabfont Define the font of the chord symbols in tablatures nyy
font Define some font attributes yyy
footerfont Define the font of the page footer yyy
gchordfont Define the font of the chord symbols yyy
gridfont Define the font of chord grids nyy
headerfont Define the font of the page header yyy
historyfont Define the font of the history yyy
infofont Define the font of the info line yyy
measurefont Define the font of the measure numbers yyy
musicfont Define the font of the music yyy
partsfont Define the font of P: yyy
repeatfont Define the font of the repeat sequences yyy
setfont(-n) Define the ancillary fonts yyy
subtitlefont Define the font of secondary T:'s yyy
tempofont Define the font of Q: yyy
textfont Define the font of texts yyy
titlefont Define the font of the main T: yyy
tupletfont Define the font of the tuplet numbers nyy
vocalfont Define the font of w: yyy
voicefont Define the font of the voice names yyy
wordsfont Define the font of W: yyy
Commands and parameters relative to texts
begintext Insert text yyy
center Insert a centered line of text yyy
lineskipfac Define the factor for spacing between lines of text yyy
parskipfac Define the factor for spacing between text paragraphs yyy
sep Insert a centered line yyy
text Insert a line of text yyy
textoption Define text options yyy
Insertion of foreign data/languages
beginml Insert a Markup Language sequence nyy
beginps Insert a PostScript sequence yyy
beginsvg Insert some SVG definitions yyy
EPS Insert an encapsulated PostScript file ynn
format Insert a format file ynn
bgcolor Define the background color yyy
deco Define decorations yyy
dynalign Align dynamic indications yyy
fgcolor Define the foreground color nyy
map Define the mapping of a note yyy
minfret Smallest usable frets for tablatures nyy
multicol Define columns in the page yyy
notespacingfactor Define the spacing between notes
according to their duration
ottava Shift the notes one or two octaves upper or lower yyy
partsbox Draw a box around parts yyy
pedline Piano pedal indications as lines nyy
pos Define the position of some music elements yyy
show_source Display the music source nyy
shiftunison Define the unison layout yyy
slurheight Define the slur height factor yyy
squarebreve Display the breve notes in square format yyy
strtab Output a voice as a string tablature nyy
tablature Add a tablature ynn
tieheight Define the tie height factor yyy
transpose Transpose the music yyy
tropt Optimize the notes after transposing atonal music nyy
tuplets Define the behaviour of tuplets yyy
writefields Define which information fields are displayed yyy
Page formatting
botmargin Define the page bottom margin yyy
dateformat Define the format of the date in header/footer yyy
footer Define a page footer yyy
gutter Define the width of the gutter yyy
header Define a page header yyy
landscape Display the page in landscape mode ynn
leftmargin Define the page left margin yyy
newpage Start a new page yyy
oneperpage Display one tune per page yyy
page-format Set/unset page formatting nyy
pageheight Define the page height yyy
pagescale Define the scale of all elements in the page yyy
pagewidth Define the page width yyy
printmargin Shift to the left the following elements nyn
rightmargin Define the page right margin yyy
scale Define the scale of all elements in the page yyy
splittune Allow a tune to be split on two pages yyy
topmargin Define the page top margin yyy
vskip Advance vertically in the page yyy
unsizedsvg Set no size to SVG images nyy
Program options
checkbars Check the measure bars nyy
decoerr Raise an error when a decoration is not defined yyy
fullsvg Insert the CSS and 'defs' in all SVG images yyy
glyph Set the PostScript name of a unicode glyph ynn
linewarn Raise a warning when there are
too few elements in a music line
pango Enable/disable 'pango' support ynn
pdfmark Add PDF marks in the PostScript output ynn
quiet Don't display the warning
or error messages
setdefl Add some information about the music elements
in the PostScript output
Play parameters
MIDI Define MIDI play parameters yyy
percmap Define a percussion map nyy
playbeats Play beats before playing a tune nyy
soundfont Define the soundfont used for playing nyy
temperament Define the play temperament nyy
temponame Change or add the name of a tempo nyy
Conditional generation
abc Define a ABC line in a pseudo-comment yyy
clip Select a subset of music in a tune yyy
select Select a subset of tunes yyy
ss-pref Change the StyleSheet (pseudo-comment) prefix(es) yyy
tune Define a set of parameters for a tune yyy
voice Define a set of parameters for a voice yyy
Special output notations
clairnote Clairnote SN nyy
gamelan Indonesian music number notation nyy
jianpu JiănPŭ (简谱) nyy
mdnn MDNN nyy