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BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Oasis fail to surprise Glastonbury

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Last Updated: Saturday, 26 June, 2004, 15:46 GMT 16:46 UK
Oasis fail to surprise Glastonbury
By Tom Bishop
BBC News Online at the Glastonbury Festival

Blast from the past: Oasis performing on Friday night
Oasis were the first band to headline the main stage at this year's Glastonbury Festival, but a lacklustre and uneventful performance prompted a mixed reception from fans.

Having long cited The Beatles as a major influence, brothers Liam and Noel enlisted Ringo Starr's son Zak as their drummer for the night.

But while the band's Friday appearance was boosted by a light show colourful enough for one of the world's largest festivals, there were no fireworks onstage.

Their 70-minute set was a routine run-through of hits and fan favourites such as Live Forever, Champagne Supernova and Rock 'n' Roll Star.  

The fact that Noel dedicated Stop Crying Your Heart Out to England's defeated Euro 2004 football team was the only hint that the band had not been in hibernation for the past two years.

The sole musical surprise came as the band performed an energetic cover version of The Who's My Generation - although, as dedicated fans in the crowd knew, this has actually been a staple of their live set for some time.

Out of sync

Matt Fellows
You could have seen Liam's jacket from outer space
Pete Fellows
An unsettling delay showed Liam singing on giant screens beside the stage before we heard the words coming from his mouth.

Likewise Oasis seemed out of sync with the rest of the 21st Century music being performed elsewhere at Glastonbury.

Despite the lack of excitement, Oasis received a warm reception from some Glastonbury revellers.

"It was a good gig," said Matt Strong, 23, from Newport.

"Nothing unexpected happened but they are a good festivals band, with the whole crowd dancing, cheering and drinking."  

"Liam's white jacket was actually brighter than the stage lights," said Pete Fellows, 20, from Sussex.

"You could have seen it from outer space."

He added: "Zak Starr seemed like a better drummer than his dad."  

'Classic band'

Twenty-two-year-old Becky Davies, from Cardiff, said: "It was great to see Oasis because they were a classic band playing their greatest songs. It was good to witness them in action."  

Carey Ringwood and Becky Davies
Liam and Noel just did not seem that into it, they didn't seem that involved.
Carey Ringwood (left, with friend Becky Davies)
Her friend Carey Ringwood, 22, from Cardiff, added: "They were good but their set did not begin amazingly well. Liam and Noel just did not seem that into it, they didn't seem that involved. After a while things improved, though."  

The friends heard plenty of their favourite Oasis tunes but were left wanting renditions of She's Electric and The Masterplan.

Liam's status as a compelling frontman remains intact, however, even as he rewarded the audience with little onstage banter.

"He did look beautiful," said Berry White, 36, from Sussex.

"Near the end of the show he put his tambourine on his head and walked down to the front to meet everybody."  

Long-time Oasis fan Kiernan Murphy, 34, from Sussex, was not as impressed.

"I felt that they were just going through the motions," he said.

"It was a very nostalgic gig, played to fans who liked the band 10 years ago."


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