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banner Monday, 14 January, 2002, 13:29 GMT
UK railways compared with Europe
The state of the UK's railways has become a hot topic as the commuting public seems to have finally lost its patience with a service that is often delayed, dirty or expensive.

Labour minister Peter Hain added further fuel to the debate when he starkly said the UK's railways were the "worst in Europe".

It's a comparison Downing Street disagrees with, although Prime Minister Tony Blair has committed his government to renewing the industry.

Use the tables below to see for yourself how the UK fares when measured against a selection of its EU partners.

When compared with Germany, France and Spain the UK trails on speed, punctuality and investment.

Despite increases in rail use over recent years people in Britain use the railway less frequently than many other European nations.

See also:

10 Jan 02 | UK Politics
Row erupts over UK rail criticism
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