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BBC NEWS | In Pictures | In pictures: Xbox 360 unveiled

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BBC News
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Last Updated: Friday, 13 May, 2005, 10:08 GMT 11:08 UK
In pictures: Xbox 360 unveiled
The 360 was unveiled on MTV
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Microsoft chose to unveil its Xbox 360 on the MTV music channel in a show packed with celebrities.
Xbox 360
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The 360 marks a shift away from the black, boxy look of the original Xbox towards a sleeker design.
360 controller
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The wireless controller runs on two AA batteries and has a middle button designed to provide quick access to Xbox media functions.
Xbox 360 marketplace screenshot
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Microsoft's online service will offer a one-stop shop for people to download demos, trailers, new game levels and other content to the hard drive.
Screenshot of 350 media screen
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The 360 can be used as a digital entertainment centre, with gamers able to store music, video or photos on it.
Screenshot of Ghost Recon 3
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Ghost Recon is among the games lined up for when the console goes on sale worldwide by the end of the year.


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