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BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Spotted Dick back on council menu
Page last updated at 12:27 GMT, Wednesday, 23 September 2009 13:27 UK

Spotted Dick back on council menu

Spotted Dick
The council received abusive letters after renaming the pudding

Council chiefs have reversed a decision to rename the pudding Spotted Dick after receiving "abusive letters" and accusations of political correctness.

Canteen staff at Flintshire council had decided it would be referred to as "Spotted Richard" on their menu after "immature comments" by some customers.

The council now says the pudding will revert to its traditional name.

But it has warned any customers who act in a "childish way" to behave themselves or be refused food.

Spotted Dick is a steamed suet pudding containing dried fruit, and is thought to have originated in the middle of the 19th Century.

Flintshire County Council will observe proper tradition and refer to all dishes by their proper name
Colin Everett, council chief executive

The "spotted" part of the name refers to the currants, which resemble spots, and "Dick" is believed to derive from the word dough.

Two weeks ago, the council said the pudding had been renamed Spotted Richard or Sultana Sponge because of "several immature comments from a few customers" at its headquarters in Mold.

One Flintshire councillor, Klaus Armstrong-Braun, criticised the name change as "ludicrous" and said those responsible for the decision would soon be "frightened of their own shadow".

Now the council's chief executive, Colin Everett has said: "Although the majority have seen the humorous side of the story, the impression given in the media that the council might have been 'politically correct' has led to some derision and, sadly, to a number of abusive letters being sent in from across the country."

He said Flintshire was a "sensible" council and catering staff had used their initiative in ordering the name change following the "childish comments of one regular customer".

It's all the more ridiculous when we now learn that only one person was responsible for making smutty remarks which led them to get rid of something which has been a tradition for more than 150 years
Klaus Armstrong-Braun, Flintshire councillor

He added: "In full agreement with the catering management Flintshire County Council will observe proper tradition and refer to all dishes by their proper name.

"Spotted Dick will be back on the menu under its proper and proud name. In future, any customers who act in this childish way will be asked to behave properly or will be refused service.

"Let common tradition and common sense prevail."

Mr Armstrong-Braun, who was interviewed by radio stations as far away as Canada when he complained about the name change, said: "It's a great victory for Spotted Dick and for everyone who makes it.

"It's made Flintshire a laughing stock all over the world. I've had lots of letters criticising them.

"It's all the more ridiculous when we now learn that only one person was responsible for making smutty remarks which led them to get rid of something which has been a tradition for more than 150 years."

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Pudding renamed Spotted Richard
08 Sep 09 |  Wales


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