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Office of Inspector General

In accordance with the Inspector General Act, we conduct objective oversight of NASA programs and operations and independently report to the Administrator, Congress, and the public to further the Agency’s accomplishment of its mission.

International Space Station NASA OIG Home
Oversight Artemis command module loaded in VAB
Audit of NASA’s Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act for Fiscal Year 2022 - Click below to view PDF
Whistleblower in front of US Capitol

NASA’s Oversight Authority

With institutional and historical knowledge about the challenges facing federal agencies, inspectors general are a valuable source of information.

By the Numbers…Our Work
(from 2009-2023)
Number of Audits Issued: 441
Funds put to better use: over $741 Million
Recommendations: over 1,700 to NASA
Indictments: 414
Convictions: 309
Suspensions and Debarments: 290
Receivables and recoveries returned to NASA: over $414 Million

Read More about NASA’s Oversight Authority

Inspector General

George A. Scott (Acting)

executive leadership

Kimberly Benoit, OA
Michael Graham (A), OI
Robert Steinau (A), OM
Terri Thompson (A), OC
(A) – Denotes Acting

Did you know?

We employ auditors, investigators, data analysts, attorneys, and support staff at Headquarters and nine NASA Centers throughout the country.


Counsel to the IG
Data Analytics

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Audit of the Mars Sample Return Program

February 28, 2024 The Mars Sample Return Program is one of the most complex, demanding, and ambitious robotic science missions…

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SLS Wire Fraud Investigation

Port Charlotte Man Pleads Guilty To Wire Fraud Related to NASA’s Space Launch System.

Learn More about SLS Wire Fraud Investigation

Our Work. Our Impact.

Stay in the know regarding our latest audits and investigations.

Behind the Scenes of a NASA ‘Moonwalk’ in the Arizona Desert

NASA astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas recently performed four moonwalk simulations to help NASA prepare for its Artemis III…

Semiannual Report to Congress Spring 2024

May 31, 2024 The NASA Office of Inspector General issues its Semiannual Report to Congress summarizing the OIG’s activities and…

NASA’s Readiness for the Artemis II Crewed Mission to Lunar Orbit

May 01, 2024 With the Artemis campaign, NASA intends to return humans to the Moon and build a sustainable lunar…

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NASA OIG Testifies Before Congress

March 21, 2024 Acting NASA Inspector General George Scott testifies before Congress regarding challenges NASA faces in managing its science…

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