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Hi, I am doing a science project on how sight and smell affect the taste of food. I am testing 5 sugars and I have five questions.

1. Have there been experiments done like mine? If so what were the results?
2. What do you think my results will be?
3. Do you know the connection between smell and taste?
4. Have you tested the connection between the two senses often?
5. What do you do daily while working?
Question Date: 2012-11-25
Answer 1:

1. I'm sure there have been, but I don't know what exactly you are doing, so I can't look up any results. Could you provide some more details?

2. I think your results really depend on how you set up your experiment. How are you looking at the effect of the taste of food? Are you looking at the influence of sight and smell individually, together, or both? What will be the sights and smells that you will look at/smell? What are the 5 different sugars? Will each participant taste multiple sugars? If so, how will you eliminate taste between "tests"?

3. I'm not totally familiar with the connection, however I did look up some quick references. It looks like smell and taste are closely linked as your nose and mouth cavities are linked. For example, if you were to hold your nose and eat a jelly bean, you might not be able to recognize the flavor, but if you open your nose after chewing for a bit, you'd immediately recognize that it were apple, strawberry, etc.

4. I've never tested the connection between the two senses. It sounds fun though!

5. I look up references to experiments that have previously been completed that apply to my research so that I can better understand my research, and how to progress my field. I also work on activities through my school, and in the community. Some days I only do experiments, other days I only write up research.

I would only suggest having the subjects eating at least a half of a saltine cracker to get the taste out of their mouth, and then offer water if they would like. It sounds like a great experiment, and I can't wait to find out about the results!

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