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196 questions in the Category: electronics.

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1: What is the difference between one of those lasers they use to scan food at the supermarket and a laser that can burn through metal?
2: We have built a "hoot tube" or a Rijke Tube, which resonates at 70Hzへるつ (measured by microphone) due to convection currents. We want to know what is the forcing function of this system. Does the forcing function have to match the resonant frequency of the tube? If so, what is it that's oscillating 70 times per second?
3: Exactly what is the speed of sound?
4: How does electricity work?
5: How do I get electricity started with just a wire, battery, and a light bulb. I need it for a project I have to do. I always thought wire doesn't have enough power to light a light bulb.
6: What do scientists use to measure thermal energy?
7: My brother and my mother both have guitars. My mother can just play hers but my brothers is an electric guitar and he has to plug it in. If he plays it without plugging it in you almost can't hear it at all. Whats the difference? Why can't you hear his as well? When he plugs it in, it is much louder than my mom's. Does it affect the way the guitar sounds?
8: Why do the solar flares interact with cell phones and other electronic devices?
9: Within the light spectrum there is a range visible to us. Electricity in the form of lightning is visible. Is there a visible form of gravity?
10: What is a reed switch? And how does it work?
11: What objects do solar flares damage?
12: What type of laser is in a Cd player, and what makes a laser?
13: Consider if it is possible to store information in a linear system?
14: Why is the anode connected with the negative charge on a battery? And the cathode with the positive end of the battery? Why are they related?
15: How do we use wind energy?
16: Does electronic mail use any electromagnetic waves eg. radio waves for tranmission of information, e.g. emailing overseas?
17: I have some questions about hearts:

1. I am confused about the hearts of insects. Are they just a smaller version of our hearts? Is their heart also mainly a pump?

2. I heard that there are artificial hearts. Are these more or less pumps that pump the blood through our body? How can they regulate the blood flow?

3. Also, what kinds of batteries are used - I am assuming that the pump needs energy somehow.

4. If the artificial heart is made of metal and plastic parts will it then be less susceptible to be rejected from the body in contrast to an organ transplant?

18: How do computers work?
19: How is electricity made?
20: If a man was hanging from a live cable on an electricity pylon without earthing himself he should suffer no harm. My question is in two parts. a: If the man simultaneously touched another cable of the same voltage and polarity, would he suffer an electric shock. b: If the man simultaneously touched another cable of a different voltage but the same polarity, would he suffer an electric shock. Thank you in advance, Regards, Chris Knox.
21: Why are all the electrical outlets in hospitals upside down?
22: How hot is electricity?
23: I know that in parallel circuits, the battery, or other power source is supposed to provide the necessary amount of voltage to each resistor in the circuit. I also know that unplugging or turning on or any other action done to one resistor in a parallel circuit will not affect the other resistors. That said, I was wondering why when I plug in my hairdryer, the light in my room dims. Isn't this a violation of the laws relating to parallel circuits?
24: How much does it cost to get solar power (not in your home, get it in a power plant or whatever)? How would you find a rate if yo were going to sell it to people?
25: How is solar power converted to electricity? It's just light right?
26: While studying magnetism in physics class this week we learned that when a connecting wire has current flowing through it it has a magnetic force field. We also learned that when two magnetic fields cross each others paths there will be a force which creates motion. I was wondering how a house could be wired without having attraction or repulsion between the electrical wiring.
27: I would like to demonstrate to my students the effect of electromagnetic shielding by a Faraday cage. I tried two arrangements of cages. One was an inverted metal utensil holder having holes about 1 cm in diameter, which I placed on top of aluminum foil to get metal on all sides. The other arrangement was simply an aluminum pie plate inverted on top of another plate. With both arrangements, I put a cell phone in the "cage" and called the number. I was surprised that the phone still received the signal. Can you please explain possible reasons why my arrangements did not effectively shield the cell phone from the signal? Thank you!
28: I need a device that will give me alternating current at ~24V, 1-5 Amps, and hertz in the thousands. What is this device called and where can I buy it, or how can I build it? Is there a version that the user can modulate the hertz? How/where can I build/buy it?
29: I am trying to find a device that will function essentially as a four pole switch that will toggle itself 8000 time a second, with throughput of about 5 amps and voltage of about 40 volts. Also if the frequency of the device can be changed, possibly by hooking it up to different oscillators, that would be a bonus. What is this device called and where could I get one or build one? Thank you.
30: How do wheather satellites work?
31: A group of students and I have designed, funded and built an alternative energy unit. This unit consists of a solar cell and a wind generator (PMG). We are attmpting to determine which method of alternative enregy production is best for our local area. We are trying to measure the voltage produced by each device, along with a voltage drop across a shunt resistor to calculated the amperage from by generators. With these two quantities we are able to calculate the power each produces. We are using Vernier Softwares LabPros and LoggerPro 3.4 on a laptop PC. Our problem is that when more than one voltage probe is connected, the readings that are recorded are bogus. When only one voltage detector is connected, the readings are spot-on. We have worked with Vernier and tried several different voltage probes. The same results. We believe the problem is the common connection through the LabPros. There is no one negative ground. How should we change our detection circuit to get good readings. Please see our website for pictures and details. URL: http://www.spring- lake.k12.mi.us/AltEnergy/AlternativeEnergyIndex.h tml. Thank you for your help.
32: Why does a transistor radio wrap in foil get quiet?
33: What are the definitions and functions of operational computers, diodes, transistors, transformer to an fm component?
34: What is a Satellite ?
35: We are studying electricity in Physics right now and I was wondering how a three-way light bulb works. Does it require more electricity for the birghter level of lighting? Are there more cells involved or is it just the way the bulb is made?
36: I am a Mechanical Engineering student and I want to know simulation process of robots. Could you help me with knowledge about the hardware connections?
37: Why do electrons flow so freely in water, is it possible to make wires/circuits with thin rubber tubes containing water, would those tube pass electrons faster?
38: If our body is al atoms that vibrate, would cellphones, laptops and other electronics change our natural vibrations?
39: I am doing a science fair project on ocean wave power and I would like to know: What are some of the things you can do to wires, motors, in order to be able to run electricity through them, so that I can put them in water without them getting damaged in any way. Please help me.
Thank you very much for any advice you can give me.

40: What effect can a microwave have on DNA? (The myth that sitting on a microwave can change your DNA.
41: I am doing a science fair project and my question is: "Do non-video game players have faster reactions than video game players? I was wondering if there is any way at all to improve your reaction time. If you have any information that you think will help me please answer to my question. Thank you!
42: What are your views on pesticide use? Do you think their use is dangerous to the environment? If so, what do you suggest we do to decrease pesticide use?
43: What is a Galvonometer?
44: How can information travel through copper and glass cables without any of the information being damaged, and still all end up at its destination as an exact replica of the original copy.
45: How does LCD work in television sets?
46: How do the stick on heating pads work if there is no source to heat it?
47: What chemicals make throwing away technology (i.e. batteries) in the regular trash so harmful for the environment? What do these chemicals do to the environment?
48: In Physics class we are talking about electricty and current, and I was wondering, when cell phone chargers are plugged in, even though they aren't in use, there is still electricty that is used from there. So where does all this energy go? Does it just disappear?
49: Hi, I went to visit the Hoover Dam and I realized that the energy cables were very noisy, like a bee sound. Is this sound caused by a magnetic field? Can you explain to me the reason of that noise?

In a voltaic pile with copper and zinc as the two metals and with aqueous sodium chloride (salt water) as the electrolyte, what happens to the electrons and ions and what reactions occur?

I understand that in a copper/zinc voltaic pile using sulfuric acid as the electrolyte, the zinc electrode decomposes into positive zinc ions (which dissolve into the electrolyte) and 2 electrons, which travel through the exterior wire to the copper electrode. At the copper electrode, the electrons are then accepted by positive hydrogen ions from the electrolyte solution which form hydrogen gas at the copper electrode.

The problem I see when this is adapted to a sodium chloride electrolyte is that the positive deposited ion would be pure sodium and it seems unlikely that sodium would form in its pure form both because zinc cannot reduce sodium (being lower in the reduction potential list) and because sodium is very hard to obtain in its pure form. Nonetheless, using a sodium chloride electrolyte for a voltaic pile seems to work frequently in many household experiments (according to my research),

So my question is: What is going on? Is there a new, different reaction? What happens to the ions and electrons?

51: Why is it that a lightbulb requires a filament, or a different process, (depending on the type of lightbulb) while a radio transmitter uses an antennae? They are both photons, no?
52: How does a TV send signals from the studio to my living room? Does it break down the picture into microscopic particles?
53: How does a car cell phone charger work (physics)?
54: Does temperature affect the amount of energy a solar panel receives?
55: How do non-rechargable batteries work?
56: What are the best batteries that have been made to date?

Hello my name is Jose and I would like some help from a professional and I belive I came to the right place. I was told by my teacher that I needed to ask five questions so here I go. My questions are:

Does temprature affect the life time of a battery?
Does temprature affect it a lot or is the change minimal? Thank You!

58: We want to know which is faster: electricity or light?
59: What is the difference between computer digital signals and T.V. analog signals?
60: My partner has a Nintendo 64 and I have a Playstation. So we decided to do our science project on memory-cards . We wanted to know how they are flawlessly working and how they can store so much memory if they are only about 3 inches in length .
61: I need to know if lightening strikes water (ex. oceans, lakes, etc.)? If it does, does the electrical current fry the fish?
62: I was wondering how ultrasound works. Ive seen it in T.V. and it looks really weird. When I saw it all I see is something moving, How can you guys tell where the arms and the legs are? Is there a better method for looking inside the stomach without hurting the baby?
63: Can you help me find information on my title: Can a Magnet Erase a Cassette Tape, Floppy Disk, and a Compact Disk, what kind of magnet is used to do so and, how does it erase?
64: Some questions about telephones:1. Do some telephones have capacitors and other telephones don't? 2. Do all phones work the same? 3. Why do you have to have a particular kind of portable phone to use in a car? 4. Can you call from an ordinary phone into space?
65: How does video tape make contact with the VCR?
66: How does a cellular phone work?
67: How do microwave ovens work?
68: Has the cure for cancer already been found? On the internet, I found referecnes to the cure for cancer (already detected in the years 1920-1930 by different scientists like George Lakhovsky, Nikkola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife?). Using a Multi Wave Oscillator they ware able to regenarate the human body cells. Are there any modern science investigations done to confirm or deny this? Is this just a myth?
69: How do magnets affect electricity? How does electricity affect magnetic energy? Can motors be improved with either one?
70: How do computers contain so much information in them? They are so small, but we are bigger and contain less information?
71: Why is electricity so powerful? Also, why does electricity like iron & metal?
72: Why is it that in high power electric wires, the current travels on the outside edge? I have heard that this phenomena is so strong that places like radio stations use copper pipes instead of solid wire.
73: How do we get electricty? How does it work?
74: How do CDs work?
75: Why does metal, like a fork or aluminum foil spark when placed in a microwave?
76: How does magnetism affect Earth?
77: How to make electricity?

1) How are microwaves transmitted, and where do the waves come from?

2)How does a microwave oven heat up food?

3)How severe is the radiation from a microwave oven and what is its capable damage?

4)Is it true that if you stand in front of a functioning microwave, then you will get brain cancer?

5)Is there any evidence that the radiation from a microwave oven effected a person\'s brain?

6)What is your current profession and what was your major in college?

79: I am doing a school project on electricity. Any ideas?
80: What part of a motor transforms electricity into movement? It is not like you sap an RC car and it starts moving.
81: Sientists, I have a question for you. I am going to ask how do our TV works inside?
82: How do you make a light bulb light up with a battery, a negative and a positive wire, and what kind of battery would you use?
83: How advanced is the world in the development of artificial intelligence?
84: So, my students have been working with DC power supplies testing different types of circuits. While doing this we noticed something unusual while connecting two light bulbs in series. Yes, the current is lower than it would be for a single bulb and yes the bulbs are dimmer but they are not equally bright. In fact, one (the first one electrons are passing through) is probably four times as bright. This happened with every single class and every single apparatus. What's up?
85: What happens to the charge when a spark jumps between two wires?
86: How do we decide the polarity of a solenoid carrying current?
87: Hi, I am a parent at Laguna Road Elementary School. I have been reading online about Wi Fi radiation (EMF or high radio frequency) and the health risk in children. I am concern about it and heard that in France they are pursuing "wired" technology in their schools. Our school plans to implement iPads (wireless) next year for each child as part on the 21st Century Technology Initiative. Do you have or know of any research that can help me understand this further? What are the risks since the technology is fairly new? I know that the FTC's guidelines are outdated since their standards are based on the 1950's or something a long time ago. I have looked at EMF portal's website and found things but I think we need someone (ie. Physicist or person who works in the field) who is more knowledgeable to put things in perspective. I think of UV radiation and smoking when I think of WiFi radiation. I would not like to find out years later of the harmful effect. I would rather have it tested out to be safe then use it, if possible. There will be many children affected by this. Please help us understand better.Thank you for your time. Lily
88: Hello, Can you please help with the following project : I want to add 2 electric currents one from source 1 and the other from source 2 and get the total current .What type of device should I use to get the total currents from 2 differently current sources ?Thanks so much for help.
89: How do satellite guided missiles, drones, and intercontinental ballistic missiles work? These are devices that are capable of autonomous flight. How is the technology of these devices related to that of the auto pilot on private and commercial aircrafts?
90: Can you explain to me how electric currents can produce magnetic effects, and how magnets can cause electric currents?
91: Who discovered electricity? It is super cool but I do not know who discovered it. Does the iPhone use electricity?
92: Do magnets affect electricity?
93: How does a talkie-walkie work? What kid of circuits are inside those devices?
94: Why does the central US have the most tornadoes in the US? What are the causes? Thanks

I have found myself stuck trying to understand parts of AC generation so I am writing to you to ask if you or anyone you know could possible answer my question.I am finding it hard to understand each magnet poles magnetic effect of the electrons in the coil, how do the electrons decide which way to go inside the coil? So as a guess I would say :- in an alternator before the coil even spins, the magnets lines of force polarizes the two ends of the coil, leaving one end of the coil positively charged and the other negatively charged, then as the coil is spun 180 degrees, the electrons rush to the other side of the coil which switches the polarity.

Does voltage exist between the two terminals?

That potential difference in the generator is between the two sides of the coil, but how is this established? My understanding of potential difference tells me that for there to be a difference in potential there has to be un-even amount of electrons between two points, where one point possesses too many, and the other possessing too little, thus there is a potential difference between the two, in which the electrons will desire to travel from the higher potential to the lower potential point.

I'd really appreciate if you could clear this up for me in the most basic language possible.

Thanks so much in advance.

96: If I were able to construct a 3d LCD cube would it be possible to 1. deflect a laser. 2.If I had the right lenses would it be possible to construct a camera that would be like a fly eyes? Multi-image through a single device?
97: Hello, I'm working on a project where there's a non-conductive pipe with wires carrying electricity running through it. I'm attempting to connect this pipe to another pipe, like a cross (x), and I was thinking of using magnetism to connect them. Will magnets affect the electric current inside the non-conductive pipe?
98: I would like to know how does it work the conductivity of electricity in metals and which are the units that scientists use in this process. I would also like to know the several ways for determining electrical conductivity of metals. Thank you.
99: I want to know what electrode would I use a mile in the ocean for creating an arc weld? This answer will create my carrier with I graduate.
100: Is there a metal which on conducting a small amount of electricity becomes a magnet?
101: How does magnetism work?
102: How can we locate earthquakes?
103: What evidence supported Wegener's theory of continental drift?
104: How can I get electricity started with just a battery, two wires, and a light bulb?
105: How do microwaves work?
106: How is magnetization measured? Is the Earth slowly losing its magnetization due to its composition, the heat of the sun, or both?
107: Thank you for your time. I live in Mexicali, Mexico. The temperature here goes from 30F to 70F in Winter, and from 80F to 124F in Summer. I want to install solar cells in my backyard, how does temperature affect the production of electricity?
108: What is the difference between the lasers used in supermarket scanners and those used in laser pens?
109: Why only silicon chip is used in computers? Does it have any special property?
110: Why is it necessary for an electric current to produce a magnetic field?
111: How does a TV remote control work?
112: What instrument did you use to gather information about stars?
113: Can you explain how lightning occurs in a simple way so that I can understand it?
114: In an electric circuit with an ammeter, a bulb and other necessary components, when current is passed, will the bulb glow as soon as it crosses the ammeter or will it glow only after the current completes flowing through the entire circuit?
115: Which one is faster electricity or air?
116: Is it correct that if a substance does not hold one of its electrons tightly, then it will conduct electricity because flowing electrons create electrical current?
117: What are the physical and chemical reactions of gold?
118: Why does green light slow down more than orange light does when passing through an object?
119: How do computer screens work?
120: Who and how discovered electricity?
121: Where does electricity start?
122: As a scene shown in interstellar movie, there are two different time dilation in two different planet having different gravity. Is that true? And if it is true, is its due to gravity or location and speed or orbiting of that planet? Thanks.
123: What is current electricity?
124: Is electricity matter? I have found many different websites that say it is, but others say that it isn't. Would you please clear this up?
125: How can we know that something is matter or not?
126: How do scientists know all about the earth?
127: How and why does conductive ink conduct? Is it possible that some day this conductive ink will replace copper, gold or silver on board circuits?
128: How and why does conductive ink conduct? Is it possible that someday this conductive ink will replace copper, gold or silver on board circuits?
129: How does a television remote send a signal to the receiver, and how does the receiver pick up the signal?
130: If we cant see atoms how do we know about them or how can we even see them?
131: How do pictures go from a camera to a piece of picture paper?
132: How do we know about atoms? How do we know they are there?
133: How do I Program Robots?
134: Why are semi metals (conductors) used in making photo electric cells ,transistors and microchips in computers?
135: I tested the electrical output of fruits and the kiwi put out the most, why?
136: What kind of energy is a conveyor belt transferring into a different kind of energy?
137: Why there is a need of potential difference for the flow of charges or electricity?
138: Why does lemon juice produce electricity?
139: What is a CPU made out of?
140: I was wondering, how do radios work?
141: Would different colors of light from a LED light give off different amounts of heat? (temperature wise)
142: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are forever drifting satellites that were sent into space in the 1970's. Even today, 43 years later, they still have the ability to transmit to Earth even though they travel around a million miles per day (so by now Voyager 1 would be around 15.7 billion miles away from Earth). How can they still transmit information to Earth today from such an incredulous amount of miles away? How did they create the technology to be able to have Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 still be able to transmit despite their far distance from Earth?
143: I am a grade six student at Sir William Osler elementary, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This school term I will be conducting a scientific experiment for my class science fair. The topic I have selected is regarding the productivity of solar panels under different so-called “filters” of light. Such filters are transparent plastic sheets colored red, yellow, and blue. In my current project, I will be testing the productivity of my solar cells under such circumstances. The experiment will be carried out in 10 to 15 trials in the next three weeks.

I am writing this letter of inquiry in hope that I may have the opportunity to ask you several questions pertaining to my project as I have found it is in your area of expertise.

Is it possible that different silicon compositions could make two-axes oriented arrays more efficient? Possibly any theoretical work yourself may have done?

144: I am a grade six student at Sir William Osler elementary, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This school term I will be conducting a scientific experiment for my class science fair. The topic I have selected is regarding the productivity of solar panels under different so-called “filters” of light. Such filters are transparent plastic sheets colored red, yellow, and blue. In my current project, I will be testing the productivity of my solar cells under such circumstances. The experiment will be carried out in 10 to 15 trials in the next three weeks.

I am writing this letter of inquiry in hope that I may have the opportunity to ask you several questions pertaining to my project as I have found it is in your area of expertise.

Do you see any possible advances being made in the near future regarding different spectrums of light being most effective toward solar panel efficiency? Have you possibly made any advances in the topic yourself?


I am a grade six student at Sir William Osler elementary, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This school term I will be conducting a scientific experiment for my class science fair. The topic I have selected is regarding the productivity of solar panels under different so-called “filters” of light. Such filters are transparent plastic sheets colored red, yellow, and blue. In my current project, I will be testing the productivity of my solar cells under such circumstances. The experiment will be carried out in 10 to 15 trials in the next three weeks.

I am writing this letter of inquiry in hope that I may have the opportunity to ask you several questions pertaining to my project as I have found it is in your area of expertise.

What is your personal opinion on solar panel technology becoming a mainstream power option? Would you suggest a junction or hybrid between renewable energy industries or is that just a fantasy?

146: Hello, we are learning about cell respiration and mitochondria and are wondering how scientists know enough about what is occurring within the mitochondria to make animations such as the one presented by Bioflix ( watch here ). We have learned about electron microscopes and have a basic understanding of how scientists see individual organelles, but we are skeptical as to how they actually know what the ATP synthase 'turbine' looks like. How on Earth do they know that H protons are what cause it to spin? We have tried Googling this but haven't come up with anything satisfying. Thank you!
147: Why does electricity have power?
148: What is static electricity?
149: Is it physically possible to make a relay that could, magnetically or electrically, or any other form really, slingshot a spacecraft from one point and stop a spacecraft at the next? If so, could it still be energy efficient? Is there some way to absorb the energy the spacecraft had when it was shot, and therefore be able to use that energy again to sling another craft?
150: How do headphones work?
151: How can robots walk?
152: How do trains move?
153: How are cars made?
154: What are the coolest things or most unbelievable things that our satellites catch during their orbiting around the earth?
155: In a circuit, if current is increased, heat will increase (heat is directly proportional to square of current) but if current increases ,resistance will decrease (resistance is inversely proportional to current) but if resistance decreases heat will decrease (heat is directly proportional to resistance)tell me whether heat is increased or decreased?
156: I have a very simple question, why does an induced coil always produce AC current in a generator regardless of the orientation of the magnets? I always thought the change in the direction of current was caused by the shift in the magnetic field caused by the rotation of the magnets North and South poles, but that is not the case; my question is why does the current reverse when the field change?
157: How does a cable work?
158: What is the difference between inputs and outputs?
159: Lemon Juice electricity.
160: Do solar winds or electromagnetic fields of our sun have any impact on extra solar particles (radioactive or otherwise) that might be harmful to life on Earth similar to how the earth's atmosphere and magnetic field helps to protect us from extra planetary dangers?
161: Does an electric current in a closed circuit flow in faster or slower while passing through 7 individual fluctuating magnetic fields?
162: Why do electrons and protons have to always be in equal numbers?
163: Dear someone who knows about electricity , My name is Adriana and I am a 4th grade student at Stratham Memorial School, in Stratham NH. My class has been researching all forms of energy trying the answer the question, What is energy, and how does it affect us?
I am focusing on electricity. I have learned a lot in my research, like electricity is in our bodies, it makes our heart beat, muscles move and flows through our nerves. Electricity starts with atoms, atoms have three smaller parts in them. One of them is called electrons. Electrons can move very fast from one to another. Moving electrons create energy. Moving electrons can carry electricity to different places. This is called a electric current. Benjamin Franklin was not the first person to discover electricity. Someone named William Gilbert and Sir Thomas Browne were the first scientists to use the term electricity. So they should get the credit for discovering electricity, not Benjamin Franklin. I have a few questions I hope you can answer,
1.Why does electricity conduct through metal?
2.What is electromagnetism and how does it affect us in our lives?
3.How are electronics still using energy even if they are plugged in but turned off?.
I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. You can reply in a email to my teacher, in a letter to my school, (39 Gifford Farm Rd. Stratham, NH 03885). Thank you! Sincerely, Adriana

164: How do door handles give out static electricity?
165: How can lights turn on and off when you flip a light switch?
166: How do you get electricity from acid? I would like to know more about electricity from an acidic fruit.
167: Can a large speaker magnet sitting on top of a generator damage it?
168: Hello, I have a question about whether any attempt has been made to boil sea water using parabolic mirrors and then use that steam to condense it to get water or use that steam to generate power (via turning a turbine)? Thank you for your help.
169: Do microwaves produce light energy?
170: I was read that we have magnets N45 to 50,000x more powerful than the earth. My question is if we have magnetic fields so powerful then why is there magnetic fields so small in comparison to the earth's field which is huge but not so strong? How strong is the magnetic force that holds atoms together 00.03645 Gauss? Also I would like to try to build a permanent magnet motor to power a generator, is it possible?
171: Can a solar panel on a barge in the Ocean create sufficient energy to convert filtered Sea water to the gas states of Oxygen and Hydrogen? If so, could the gases be transported via pipes to the desert and then converted back to water? California needs water and has an unlimited supply of Sea Water and sunlight. Is this feasible?
172: How do batteries affect the speed or energy an object has?
173: Hello , my name is Jim , I was wondering if you might have access to notes on early studies of harnessing electricity on trial and error and maybe you could email me some direction on what books or literature to look into. Thank you for your time, I just thought it would be some fun reading.
174: Could you explain to me in a simple way what the scientific base for quantum computers is? What is the difference between them and the computers we use nowadays? When will we be able to use quantum computers? Thank you for your time.
175: Is Indium a good conductor?
176: What is the future of biological batteries?
177: What is the primary way we use electromagnetic force?
178: What is a force? What do they do?
179: How are computers made?
180: What does a magnet have that electricity does not have?
181: What is the smallest thing you can see with a microscope?
182: A student mixes baking soda and vinegar in a glass. Do you think any new substances are being created in this mixture? If so, how do you know?
183: Can you explain in simple words how the quantum computer works?
184: Which are the types of light energy we cannot see and where can they be found?
185: What are sparks on a molecular level? And why do different substances have different ignition temperatures?
186: I have a pipe carrying electrical wiring from point a to point b. I was wondering if it is safe to have fairly heavy magnets attached to a pipe that houses electrical wiring? The magnets are N42 with a 28 lb. pull if that helps. Thank you!
187: Will cybernetic enhancements ever be more than just arm and legs and be like computer chips in your brain like science fiction movies?
188: Which are the recent useful materials that you scientists have discovered at UCSB?
189: Why are the wall plugs reversed in Hospitals?
190: What data type is being used for computer images? I know it will all ultimately be converted to bits. I want to know as a user, which data type should be used to store such information. Also, I want to know how the CPU works to change the given data into bits, and what data type will be good for the CPU to easily change the given data. Thanks!
191: How do organic solar cells work?
192: Does temperature affect the amount of electricity produced from a solar panel?
193: What is an insulator?
194: Why is it that early computers had green text?
195: Does electric charge always travel through a conductor? Why or why not?
196: How are imaginary numbers useful in the real world?
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