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2022ねん3がつ7にち (月)げつ 01:13時点じてんにおけるUrumanto (トーク | 投稿とうこう記録きろく)によるはん


公式こうしき Terraria Wiki
Desktop version history


ver 2022ねん3がつ1にち


  • Fixed numerous issues that caused the game to hang indefinitely when you quit it on Mac & Linux.
  • Fixed Steam overlay issues on Linux.
  • Updated FNA. (Mac/Linux related)

ver 2022ねん2がつ28にち


  • Fixed certain inputs failing, acting weird, when using frameskip off setting.
  • Fixed town NPCs not discussing their biome name properly.
  • Fixed Lunar Portal lasers disappearing from screen under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed enemies sliding through cracked bricks in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed Desert Chest optimization.

ver 2022ねん2がつ24にち


  • Fixed certain combinations of in-game gamepad and mouse inputs causing cursor-style flicker on Steam Deck.
  • Fixed certain gamepad UI actions not executing properly.

ver 2022ねん2がつ24にち


  • ミニオンやセントリーの攻撃こうげきCritterにダメージをあたえなくなった
  • Bundle of Balloonsのスプライトを変更へんこうし、より素材そざいもとづいたになった
  • Graveyard製作せいさく可能かのう自然しぜん生成せいせいされるものとおな背景はいけいかべ自然しぜん生成せいせいのものととなわせに設置せっちした場合ばあい、2つのあいだくなった
  • SkeletronLesser Healing PotionわりにHealing Potionとすようになった。Deerclops同様どうようだが、Queen BeeわらずBottled Honeyとす。
  • Flinx FurJourney Modeにおける調査ちょうさ必要ひつようすうった
  • すべてのFoodJourney Modeにおける調査ちょうさ必要ひつようすうった (AleSakeのぞく)
  • バイオーム固有こゆうCrateGolden Lock BoxObsidian Lock BoxJourney Modeにおける調査ちょうさ必要ひつようすうった
  • Black PearlPink PearlOysterからやすくなった。それにともな売却ばいきゃく価格かかくやすくなった
  • Obsidian採掘さいくつりょく55%以上いじょうPickaxeれるようになった
  • Wall of Flesh撃破げきはに、武器ぶきとエンブレムをかならひとつずつとすようになった
  • Heart StatueStar Statueのワールド作成さくせい生成せいせいりつが2ばいになった
  • Web Slingerのフックのながさが25%びた
  • Piranha Gun発射はっしゃぶつ速度そくどがった
  • Fairy Wings作成さくせい使つかPixie Dustかずが100から99になった (Pixie Dustの1スタックは99)
  • Stained Glass各種かくしゅ売却ばいきゃく価格かかく素材そざい宝石ほうせきよりもやすくなった
  • ワールド生成せいせいちゅうSandstone Chest配置はいちされると最適さいてきおこなわれるようになった
  • ゲームない仮想かそうキーボード(ゲームパッドを使つかうもの)がIPアドレスやパスワード、そのマルチプレイヤーちゅうのテキスト入力にゅうりょく使つかえるようになった
  • GuideがDeerclopsにうためのヒントをしゃべるようになった
  • DeerclopsのExpert/Masterにおける体力たいりょく変動へんどうのボスとおなじになった。ゆえにExpert/Masterでの体力たいりょくった
  • Deerclopsの体力たいりょくがマルチプレイヤーの参加さんか人数にんずうおうじてえていなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • DeerclopsがSnowまる時間じかんが3日間にちかんから1日間にちかんになった
  • Deerclopsからはなれすぎると体力たいりょくバーがえるようになった。またちかづくことでさい出現しゅつげんする。
  • Deerclopsの防御ぼうぎょりょくあやまって0になっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Deerclopsを一度いちどたおしたのち条件じょうけんふたたたしてからの出現しゅつげんりつが25%になった(以前いぜんは100%)
  • Deerclopsをたおすと、SkeletronおなじくHealing Potionとすようになった
  • PylonはNPCがちかくに2人ふたり以上いじょういないと販売はんばいしなくなった
  • Pylon販売はんばいするのに必要ひつよう幸福こうふく減少げんしょう
  • NPCがふくあいバイオーム(たとえばHallowed Desert)にいて、すくなくとも片方かたがたがNPCこのみの環境かんきょうであるとき、もう片方かたがたきらいなバイオームであっても幸福こうふくにプラスの補正ほせいがかかるようになった。ただし片方かたがたのバイオームがきでもきらいでもなく、もう片方かたがたのバイオームがきらいだとマイナス補正ほせいがかかる。また、大嫌だいきらいなバイオームであるCorruptionCrimsonDungeonおおきいマイナス補正ほせいすことはできない。
  • 混雑こんざつした環境かんきょう」と判定はんていされるのに必要ひつようなNPCのかずが1にんえた
  • Eyebrella装備そうびしてBedるとくも出現しゅつげん位置いちがおかしかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • ひかり遮断しゃだんするはずのブロックのかずひかり遮断しゃだんしていなかった問題もんだい修正しゅうせい
  • Honey BombDry BombWeapon Rackけなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Torch GodイベントでのCorrupt Torchからの発射はっしゃぶつゆき結晶けっしょうになっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Chesterのスマートカーソルの輪郭りんかく空中くうちゅう回転かいてんしない問題もんだい修正しゅうせいしました
  • あめってあるいているときGoldfishCorrupt GoldfishVicious Goldfishにならなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Journey Mode時間じかんめたりはやめた場合ばあいDesert Tigerてき突撃とつげきしたときまさしくねなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • 溶岩ようがん釣具つりぐあやまって時間じかん影響えいきょうあたえていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Obsidian ArmorRarityあやまってwhiteになっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Lucy the AxePalm TreeCactus伐採ばっさいしたときしゃべらなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Jungle ShrineLiving Mahogany Treeのバグをいくつか修正しゅうせいかさなって精製せいせいされるとChestが破壊はかいされる可能かのうせいがある。
  • Star Cloakけいのスターを生成せいせいするアクセサリーがマルチプレイヤーでスターを正常せいじょう生成せいせいしなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Plantera胞子ほうしがマルチプレイヤーで正常せいじょう同期どうきされていなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Electrifiedデバフの説明せつめいぶん適切てきせつなものに修正しゅうせい
  • Elf Melter弾薬だんやくじゅう消費しょうひされていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Chain Guillotinesくさりがとある角度かくど消滅しょうめつしていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • 言語げんごをPolish(ポーランド)に設定せっていしたとき一部いちぶUI関連かんれんのテキストがおかしくなっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • マルチプレイヤーでのテキストベースのクラッシュを修正しゅうせい
  • NPCがいち複数ふくすう生成せいせいされたときこるまれなクラッシュを修正しゅうせい

ver 2021ねん11月24にち



  • Fixed (again) Abigail's Flower growth not appearing on servers, requiring players to log in again to see it
  • Fixed Journey Mode's Enemy Spawn Rate settings being reset on leaving a server
  • Fixed an issue where Don't Starve darkness would cause unnatural black squares in the sky, and make certain biomes too bright at night
  • Fixed Resource Packs from Steam Workshop not always showing their workshop tag properly
  • Corrupt players will now list their origin instead of corrupt text, if they can
  • Corrupt worlds will no longer crash world selection
  • Changed corrupt entries to have a gray title, from a red title
  • Fixed rare crash related to favorited cloud entries
  • Fixed Bat Bat not healing on killing blows
  • Fixed slowdown when leaving the housing window up for a REALLY long time
  • Fixed an issue where changing Hunger status in The Constant worlds would delete certain buffs
  • Nurseがデバフ効果こうかだけでなくバフ効果こうかまでしてしまっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed certain cases that allowed users to able to upload resource packs they have downloaded from the workshop
  • Fixed an item duplication exploit
  • Fixed certain projectiles resetting NPCs' immunity for other projectiles wrongfully
  • Fixed serverconfig.txt generated worlds not setting special seed data properly
Abigail's Flower
  • 速度そくどが33%上昇じょうしょう (3->4)
  • Decrease speed growth per minion from 1.5 to 1.4 (ends at exactly the same value at 11-minion)
  • Improve base acceleration by 10%
  • Decrease acceleration growth from 2 to 1.75 (maxes out at the same minion count)
Lucy the Axe
  • 攻撃こうげき速度そくどが20から17になった
  • サイズが20%おおきくなった
  • おのパワーが125%から150%になった
Weather Pain
  • 竜巻たつまき持続じぞく時間じかんが50%延長えんちょう
  • てき貫通かんつうするかずが10から12になった
  • 竜巻たつまきのスピードが7から8になった
Pew-matic Horn
  • 攻撃こうげき速度そくどが19から20になった
  • 攻撃こうげき速度そくどが24から15になった
  • 速度そくどが11から14になった
Houndius Shootius
  • 光線こうせんのスピードが8.5から12.5になった
Bat Bat
  • 攻撃こうげき速度そくどが30から45になった
  • 攻撃こうげきりょくが18から31になった
  • サイズが15%おおきくなった
  • てるとかならずライフが1かいふくするようになった
Tentacle Spike
  • てきてるとトゲがさるようになった
  • 9びょうあたり3ダメージ
  • 最大さいだい5ほんまで
Ham Bat
  • てきたおすと自動じどう回復かいふくはやくなるようになった
  • 攻撃こうげきりょくが50から57になった
  • サイズが20%おおきくなった
Sauteed Frog Legs
Froggle Bunwich
  • Exquisitely StuffedわりにPlenty Satisfiedを8分間ふんかんるようになった

ver 2021ねん11月22にち


  • Fixed an issue where Abigail's Flower would not visually sync on servers when it grew (rendering it invisible until you rejoined)
  • Deerclops now properly drops money
  • Jungle Mimic由来ゆらいまれなクラッシュを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed an issue with Crystal Serpent being held unusually by the player
  • Fixed an issue where Plantero's Sombrero was poofing when turning Blood and Gore off
  • Garland意図いとしないレシピが存在そんざいしたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed a duplication exploit
  • Fixed an issue that caused some OGG files in Resource Packs not to loop properly
  • Fixed an issue where the player using a Daedalus Stormbow did not visually "fire upwards"
  • Attempted a fix for issues where slow-joining players could die to Darkness while joining servers
  • Fixed an issue where interacting Pylon from beneath had a different range than the actual teleportation-allowed range
  • Fixed cases of Pressure Plate & Sensor not properly being removed from the world when mined
  • Fixed Seasonal Bunnies not having the surface tag in Bestiary
  • Frozen ZombieWolfBestiaryうえSnow出現しゅつげんするとかれていなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • DeerclopsIce GolemBestiaryうえRain(Blizzard)のタグがついた
  • Fixed a certain exploit
  • Fixed a potential issue with the Deerclops insanity in multiplayer
  • ワールドをCorruptionでめようとしたときの不具合ふぐあい修正しゅうせい
Abigail's Flower
  • 生成せいせいりつが33%になった
  • Abigail can now only hit up to 3 enemies at once per "attack". This cap increases by 1 for every 2 extra minion slots expended on her (3 minions = 4, 5 minions = 5, etc).
  • DeerclopsにConfusedたいせいがついた
  • Deerclopsの接触せっしょくダメージとこおりけい攻撃こうげきのダメージをWarmth Potion軽減けいげんできるようになった
Truffle Worm
  • てきからダメージをけなくなった

ver 1.4.3 2021ねん11月18にち



  • ゲーム「Don't Starve」をモチーフにしたワールドシード、The Constant追加ついか
    • Don't Starveとおなじシェーダーを追加ついか
    • 完全かんぜん暗闇くらやみなかでは体力たいりょく危険きけんしょうじる。
    • さえぎるものがない場合ばあい、Torchなどのえる。
    • 食事しょくじらないと餓死がし危険きけんがある。
    • 地表ちひょうにMarble BlockとSpider Biomeが生成せいせいされる。
    • 「Don't Starve」関連かんれんのアイテムの出現しゅつげんりつがる。
    • Deerclopsが追加ついかされた。Hardmodeまえ中盤ちゅうばんほどで出現しゅつげん
    • Klei Entertainment提供ていきょうのDeerclopsせんのBGM追加ついか
    • Don't Starveモチーフの、背景はいけい特殊とくしゅくもかたち追加ついか
    • Don't Starveからあたらしいふきだしウィンドウ追加ついか
  • メインメニューにいくつかのウェブサイトへのリンク追加ついか
  • 特殊とくしゅシードのワールドではワールド選択せんたく画面がめんのアイコンがわるようになった
  • Added a config option for an older version of Smart Cursor Hold, labeled in the config file as "SmartCursorHoldCanReleaseMidUse". Changing this setting to true will make it so that Smart * Cursor: Hold will immediately deactivate when releasing the hold button, even if the player is mining.
  • Don't Starveの世界せかいからいくらかペットがた(Bernie, Pig Man, Chester, Tiny Deerclops).
  • Don't Starve世界せかい武器ぶき装備そうびがTerraria世界せかい追加ついか! 注目ちゅうもくすべきは、Ham BatAbigail's FlowerBat Bat、そしてTentacle Spike
  • WilsonとWillowの衣装いしょうセット追加ついか
  • あたま衣装いしょうとアクセサリー追加ついか(GarlandMagiluminescence).
  • Froggle BunwichとMonster Lasagna(Food)が追加ついか
  • Deerclops関連かんれん家具かぐ追加ついか
  • Don't Starveをテーマにした4つの絵画かいが追加ついか
  • Crimson Grass WallがCorrupted Grass Wallより汚染おせんおそかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed a (previously undetectable issue) where enemies with a higher NPC ID than Golden Slimes would have Golden Slime bonus money drops.
  • Fixed a rare worldgen softlock, where the game gets stuck trying to generate Hellforges.
  • Leather Whipの一部いちぶ途切とぎれていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Ice Bowが召喚しょうかん武器ぶきとして判定はんていされていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Flying Knifeに射程しゃてい制限せいげんかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Princessが「る」演出えんしゅつがAnglerとおなじように発生はっせいするようになった
  • Changed the SFX of a number of some newer summoning and magic weapons, so that they are a bit more representative of the attack itself.
  • Updated, added to, and pruned dozens of entries from an inaccurate and outdated list of homing projectiles that the Lunatic Cultist has damage resistance against.
  • まれにminionが特定とくてい条件じょうけんえることがあったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed some issues with certain sentry minions, which could result in desync for players joining after they had been summoned.
  • 重力じゅうりょく反転はんてん状態じょうたいでCelestial Starboardにっているとき星屑ほしくず正常せいじょう生成せいせいされないことがあったのを修正しゅうせい
  • 発射はっしゃされたRocketについての問題もんだいをいくつか修正しゅうせい。その結果けっかいくらかのクラッシュが発生はっせい
  • ホットバーの特定とくていのアイテムのいろがインベントリのいろことなっていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Frost armor装備そうびにBoulderとRolling Cactusが遠距離えんきょり武器ぶきとして判定はんていされていた(のでFrost Biteをあたえることができていた)のを修正しゅうせい
  • Smooth Marble BlockがDirt Block, Ash Block, Frozen Slime Blockと配置はいちにつながらなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • スマートカーソルがOnのときにあたらしく追加ついかされたCampfireにわくせん表示ひょうじされなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • Fixed an issue preventing Honey Pit microbiomes from spawning in the Jungle.
  • バフ「Thorn」の効果こうかがEmpress of Lightにたいして異常いじょうはやくヒットしていたのを修正しゅうせい
  • Dynasty Wallがマップじょう正常せいじょういろ表示ひょうじされていなかったのを修正しゅうせい
  • アップデートや修正しゅうせいのたびにオプション設定せってい一部いちぶがリセットされるのを修正しゅうせい(フルスクリーン解像度かいぞうどはまだ修正しゅうせい

ver 2021ねん5がつ16にち


  • Added the celebrationmk10 secret world seed.
  • Corrected the damage on Frost armor's set bonus debuff from 20 to 25 DPS.
  • Fixed Vulkan and Metal rendering issues that lead to crash, on FNA builds.
  • Fixed the Inner Tube + Jousting Lance exploit leading to absurd damage.
  • Fixed missing tooltip in Queen Slime's Treasure Bag.
  • Fixed every Plants#Vines type except normal/flower vines from passing on paint as they grow longer.
  • Fixed Spiked Slimes being able to pick up coins and despawn with them.

ver 2021ねん4がつ21にち


  • Projectile NPCs (enemy projectiles that can be hit and destroyed by the player) are now subject to the effects of that enemy's banner.
  • Chattering Teeth Bomb and Shadowflame Apparition are now also subject to their creator's banners (Clown and Goblin Summoner respectively.)
  • All town NPC first names can now be adjusted using Resource Packs.
  • Added /ale to the Emote Commands menu list.
  • Fixed a crash caused by having no valid/detected audio devices when launching Terraria.
  • Fixed an issue where certain tracks, most notably the Terraria intro track, would not loop correctly with some music Resource Packs.
  • Fixed an issue where renaming or importing worlds would change the time of day in that world to the time of the main menu at the moment they were renamed.
  • Fixed an issue where the SteelSeries RGB setting was using the Logitech setting in the config.json, not the SteelSeries setting.
  • Fixed an issue where certain MP3 files would play at dramatically lower speeds.
  • Fixed an issue where the Linux GOG dedicated server was not launching correctly under some conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where non-Journey players could sometimes be set to permanently have Journey powers activated.
  • Fixed a Multiplayer syncing issue relating to enemy heal effects.
  • Fixed an error that led to Dart Pistol and Dart Rifle's 1.4.1 balance change not being applied.
  • This content is transcluded from 1.4.1.
  • The balance changes made to the Dart Pistol and Dart Rifle in 1.4 are being reverted, damage decreased from 33 to 28 and 62 to 52 respectively. (This was not put into effect until
  • Fixed a missing apostrophe in Pillagin Me Pixels item name.
  • Fixed an issue where the completion meter in the Bestiary would show a comma after 100% when using any language other than English.
  • Fixed an issue where Lazure's Barrier Platform would be worn on your head when in reverse gravity.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where language and music Resource Packs would be prioritized in reverse order compared to texture changes. Packs at the top should be prioritized, but language changes were prioritizing packs at the bottom.
  • Fixed projectile knockback being inconsistent in Multiplayer.

ver 2021ねん3がつ31にち


  • Fixed an issue where MP3s used for replacing Music tracks would not loop
  • Fixed an issue where replaced Music tracks would be significantly louder than normal tracks
  • Fixed an issue where replacing Music tracks did not work on Mac (and possibly Linux as well, unconfirmed)
  • Fixed a text issue in the Workshop Publishing menu that showed debug text for the "Other" tag
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Title messages from being changed by Resource Packs.
  • Changed Striking Moment's Buff text to reflect that it actually adds 400% damage (500% total) rather than adding 500%
  • Fixed a loading issue with XNB assets in Resource Packs that prevented them from working properly
  • Fixed an issue where Bubble Blocks could not be used as the walls for player-spawn houses
  • Fixed a typo in Dune world generation in regards to their position with Snow biomes
  • Fixed some minor grammatical and capitalization issues
  • Changed the Worldgen Menu to properly indicate that you CAN rename your worlds (as this changed in 1.4.2)
  • Fixed an issue where Luminite Ore and Bricks made "Dirt" thud sounds when mined, instead of ore/metal sounds
  • Fixed an issue where Doors, Trap Doors, and Tall Gates could render a house invalid if they were open

ver 1.4.2 2021ねん3がつ29にち


  • Added Steam Workshop Integration to Terraria, allowing the downloading and sharing of World Files and Resource Packs
  • Expanded Resource Pack Functionality to include Language Replacement and Music Replacement
  • Added a button to the Research and Bestiary Menus that lets you delete all current search text
  • Enemy Banners now also give increased player protection against enemy projectiles (previously they only applied to contact damage)
  • Added an option to change the name of characters and worlds
  • Fixed a recurring issue with Rolling Cacti spawning on Demon Altars and causing crashes
  • Fixed an issue where seeds would not always generate identical worlds, depending on how many worlds had been generated in that play session
  • Fixed an issue where some falling tiles would fall through platforms instead of landing on them
  • Fixed an issue where Paper Airplanes did not drop in the quantities that the Bestiary said they should be dropping at
  • Fixed an issue where falling coins were no longer able to land on top of other coins
  • Fixed an issue where Trap Doors would not properly sync in multiplayer, allowing enemies to move through them
  • Fixed an issue where sitting players wearing the Gi outfit would be in a "jumping" pose
  • Fixed an issue where spreading Moss would not always use the proper frame when on servers
  • Fixed an issue where Smooth Marble Blocks would merge with Echo Blocks
  • Fixed an issue where Ale Tosser did not properly receive Frostburn effects from Frost Armor
  • Fixed an issue where Smoke Blocks did not stay hammered between gameplay sessions
  • Fixed an issue where some Ocean enemies could spawn even behind safe walls
  • Twinkle Popper's Twinkles no longer pick up money, as they would delete it forever during their explosion attack
  • Fixed an issue where Fossil Pickaxe, Tree Globe, and World Globe would fall through blocks forever when dropped
  • Fixed an issue where the Wall of Flesh can drop below the world's boundary
  • Fixed an issue where Sergeant United Shield was accidentally showing accessory dyes under some specific circumstances, even though it is a weapon
  • Fixed an issue where Resonance Scepter and Life Drain could only knockback enemies to the right
  • Fixed an issue where High Velocity Bullets could sometimes hit particularly large targets twice (does not apply to multi-segment enemies, this should still allow multiple hits)
  • Fixed an issue where Pupfish were sometimes spawning in the Ocean
  • Fixed an issue where Wand of Sparking's projectile was using Melee damage modifiers, not Magic
  • Fixed a rare issue where the game could freeze if it was literally impossible to spawn a meteorite
  • Fixed an issue where Wasp Gun had a tooltip that just said "Wasp Gun"
  • Fixed an issue where players who died, or Hardcore player ghosts, would interfere with Player Logic Sensors
  • Fixed an issue where Star Cannon's projectile could not land critical hits, and wouldn't always receive proper stat bonuses from player equipment
  • Fixed an issue where Star Cannon's projectile could not be fired through platforms
  • Fixed a certain duplication exploit
  • Fixed an issue where Spikes would not hurt the player from some angles at certain elevations
  • Fixed an issue where World Globe would skip some forest backgrounds
  • Fixed an issue where Amphibian Boots stacked with other Frog Leg variants, even though Frog Leg variants do not otherwise stack

ver 2020ねん11がつ10日とおか


  • Localization should now be updated to fully include 1.4.1 content. Special thanks to Criddle and Midnaait for additional contributions in regards to localization changes!
  • Reverted Town NPC House/Village check distance increase. This was doubled in 1.4.1, and has now been returned to 1.4 levels.
  • NPC Happiness now gives the "Space" bonus for 3-NPC towns. Previously, there was neither a bonus nor a penalty at 3 NPCs, but this was perceived as a penalty, so its been changed.
  • Skeletron Prime's bombs now explode on Planter Boxes (like they were changed to do on Platforms)
  • Capes now show when sitting or riding mounts. This was previously limited due to conflicts, but feedback indicated it was worth the potential awkwardness at times to have the option.
  • Queen Slime's minions can now drop Slime Staff at normal drop rates
  • Clicking anywhere on the creative/bestiary menu will pause searching. This should make the UI more intuitive and result in being accidentally "stuck" in the textbar less common.
  • Updated Timeless Traveler sprites, as the sprites being used were accidentally out of date versions
  • Spectre Goggles no longer override helmets entirely, as they are not full head accessories and were not meant to do so
  • Attempting a music-related fix for an issue where users cannot increase their music volume above 0%. This may also potentially fix some seemingly unrelated launch crashes which actually stem from the same root issue.
  • Fixed an issue with Happiness values that was causing them to round down heavily, negating minor differences and making it harder to reach certain thresholds.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crowded penalty for only 1 NPC was acting like there were 2 extra NPCs, making it start more severely than intended
  • Fixed a back-end issue that prevented the Chinese localization for 1.4 being added to the game correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the Ronin set would not show fireflies on a female character
  • Fixed an issue where player skin became much brighter under some circumstances, such as using some Light Pets
  • Fixed another syncing issue with Cracked Dungeon Bricks, which should resolve the teleporting enemies in Dungeons
  • Fixed an issue where increasing time rate in Journey mode would make the Credits run very fast on the main menu
  • Fixed an issue where certain parts of the credits roll did not support texture packs and could result in a crash
  • Fixed Life Drain not costing mana to use in PVP
  • Fixed a fault in the Prismatic Lacewing sprite file that caused severe issues for a small minority of Linux users
  • Fixed Princess discussing bosses/threats that hadn't been defeated yet
  • Fixed Princess's party hat not being on her head correctly
  • Fixed Video Visage's screen being offset when in reverse gravity
  • Fixed an issue where some Vanity ears would show the back-ear in the wrong position when sitting
  • Fixed an issue where Tail accessories did not adjust their height correctly when sitting
  • Fixed an issue where certain hairs would "draw double" when sitting
  • Fixed a wide variety of NPC Dialogue, Bestiary, and Item Flavor Text grammatical/spelling/punctuation issues.
  • Fixed an issue with Town NPCs not teleporting into very tall/thin homes at night, or houses where chairs did not have sufficient space
  • Fixed Tall Hats having visual issues when riding a mount
  • Fixed a visual framing issue with the Bamboo Lantern
  • Fixed an issue where Stardust Guardian was no longer transparent when dyed
  • Fixed an issue where some critters would super jump while underwater
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs and Cats would sit in the same seat at night
  • Fixed an issue where Vanity Rocket Boot trails were inconsistently prioritized and not always showing the correct trail
  • Fixed an issue where Bones were still flagged as Ammo
  • Fixed an issue where Lunar Drills/Chainsaws were getting prefixes they shouldn't
  • Fixed an issue where the game did not Autopause in the Achievements menu
  • Fixed a sell value inconsistency introduced by 1.4.1's crafting cost change for Adamantite/Titanium Ore bars
  • Fixed an issue where Gamepad Master Mode slot visibility toggle did not work properly
  • Jousting Lances can no longer receive melee speed prefixes. They already could not benefit from Melee speed, but this fixes some bugs caused by Melee speed modifiers that impacted them.
  • Fixed an unusual exploit allowing you to force-teleport other players
  • Fixed some stat inaccuracies where several OOA armor's stats did not match their tooltips. Also made a few text adjustments to clarify specific damage types.
  • Fixed an issue where Hero's Shield was not giving its aggro boost
  • Fixed a minor visual issue with Tinkerer's Workshop where some of its pixels were not visible
  • Fixed Sky Dragon's Fury not animating when thrown on the ground
  • Fixed Sky Dragon's Fury's secondary fire not inflicting Flask debuffs
  • Fixed an issue where Souls in a Bottle were missing animation frames
  • Fixed an issue where Hair 6 and Hair 94 had a conflict with capes
  • Fixed an issue where Credits would scroll when paused
  • Town NPCs will only fire on enemies if that enemy can be targetted (ideally, no more Plantera Hooks and the like)
  • Fixed some inefficiency in Minion targetting that had performance impacts
  • Fixed some exploits/oversight related to Bee Hives, Bunny Cannons, and Antlion Eggs
  • Fixed an issue with enemy Bees attacking invincible enemies, such as the Mysterious Tablet.
  • Fixed an issue where scrolling through Character Difficulty modes with Gamepad or WASD would follow a backwards order
  • Fixed a handful of item drop rates that were not properly affected by luck (mostly some OOA drops). Will not impact actual drop rates to much of a substantial degree.
  • Fixed an issue with a few leaf sprites that caused them to not correctly handle paint
  • Fixed an issue where most falling tile projectiles would fall through platforms, except for regular Sand. All of them now land on the platform, except hostile Sand ball projectiles.
  • Fixed an issue where some large texture items would scale down twice in chat
  • Fixed an issue where Reaper Hood's head texture had an offset frame
  • Fixed an issue where Robot Shirt worked with "hand" accessories, since its hands were incompatible with them. Robot Shirt and Pumpkin Shirt now do not work with Belt accessories either, for the same reason.
  • Fixed an issue where some texture sizes weren't updated in the code, which prevented texture packs of those sprites from working properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Paper Airplane projectile wasn't considered Ranged
  • Fixed an issue where Molotov Cocktail didn't gain Frost Armor's Frostburn debuff
  • Fixed an issue where Coin Gun would not prioritize Coin slots over Inventory slots
  • Fixed a crash stemming from using the Clinger Staff near the top of the world when in reverse gravity
  • Fixed an issue with some helmets drawing incorrectly on the minimap when in reverse gravity
  • Fixed an issue where Brain of Cthulhu would despawn if there wasn't enough room to teleport
  • Fixed an issue where Paper Airplanes weren't correctly dropping in stacks
Melee weapons

Brand of the Inferno

  • Use time decreased from 25 to 20 in light of recent buffs to similar tier weapons

Chlorophyte Claymore

  • Increased damage from 80 to 95 in light of recent buffs to similar tier weapons

Chlorophyte Saber

  • Increased damage from 48 to 57 in light of recent buffs to similar tier weapons

Christmas Tree Sword

  • Projectiles now deal 75% of the base damage instead of 50%
Ranged weapons

Super Star Shooter

  • Increased use time from 12 to 18.
  • Reduced damage from 70 to 60.
  • Note: Due to immune frame time, this will actually result in more consistent damage, and is actually a buff. The damage decrease was required to offset the significantly increased damage.
Magic weapons

Betsy's Wrath

  • Partially reverting damage buff from 1.4.1, reducing damage from 110 to 100
Summon weapons

Hornet Staff

  • Increased damage from 11 to 12 (building upon the initial increase in 1.4.1 from 9 to 11)

Vampire Frog Staff

  • Reverting damage buff from 1.4.1, reducing damage from 13 to 11. The AI/functionality changes from 1.4.1 have been more than sufficient on their own, and the extra damage was unneeded.

Imp Staff

  • Enemy immune frames caused by Imp attacks have been reduced from 10 to 6

Obsidian Armor

  • Reduced the Minion damage bonus on the helmet and legs from 9% to 8% each
  • Reduced the Minion damage increase on the set bonus from 25% to 15%
  • Reduced the Whip speed increase on the set bonus from 50% to 35%

Spider Staff

  • Summoning Spiders will now attempt to systematically summon the different types of spiders in order, rather than randomly. Due to immune frame schenanigans, this may result in more consistent damage, though it does not actually increase the maximum potential of the weapon.

Optic Staff

  • Enemy immune frames caused by Spazmamini and Retinamini attacks have been reduced from 16 to 12
  • Increased Spazmamini's movement speed while pursuing enemies

Deadly Sphere Staff

  • Enemy immune frames caused by Deadly Sphere attacks have been reduced from 10 to 8


  • Reduced explosion proc damage from 3x of minion base damage to 2.75x

Cool Whip

  • Cool Whip now inflicts Frostburn a short duration on hit
  • Increased the movement speed of the Snowflake minion by 50%

Desert Tiger

  • Now "bounces on" its current target if that target is in the air, staying more firmly latched on and dealing damage
  • Increased scaling damage per "minion slot" expended slightly (from 33% of base damage to 40% of base damage)

Rainbow Crystal Staff

  • Partially reverting the damage reduction in 1.4, increasing its damage from 80 to 130

Celestial Starboard

  • Made some adjustments to improve its handling, while still keeping the fix that made sure that Starboard got full dash distance

Star Cloak

  • Only creates stars now when taking damage from enemy sources

Black Spot

  • Slightly increased acceleration, to slightly offset for the loss of overall speed in 1.4.1
Crafting Recipes

Chlorophyte Bar

  • Reduced crafting recipe from 6 to 5 ore per bar

Chlorophyte Bullet

  • Reduced crafting efficiency from 70 bullets per bar to 60 bullets per bar (to roughly maintain parity with the Bar crafting cost change)

Snow Flinx

  • Removed its Poisoned immunity

Wall of Flesh

  • Removed its Poisoned immunity

Queen Bee

  • Added Poisoned immunity

Mourning Wood

  • Added Poisoned immunity

The Twins

  • Added Poisoned immunity

Martian Probe

  • Added Poisoned immunity

Granite Golem/Granite Elemental

  • Added On Fire! / Hellfire immunity


  • Added On Fire! / Hellfire immunity

Frozen Zombie

  • Added Frostburn Immunity


  • Added Cursed Inferno Immunity

Old One's Skeleton

  • Added Poisoned immunity
Unlisted changes
  • Renamed "Gypsy Robe" to "Mystic Robe".

ver 2020ねん10がつ14にち


  • Fixed a Mac only issue that caused a crash when attempting to host a server.
  • Fixed a bug causing it to be much harder than expected to achieve the happiness required for the Leading Landlord achievement.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Linux from taking screenshots correctly.
  • Fixed an oversight within the Game Credits.
  • Fixed an issue in Dungeon code that was causing the same seed to create different worlds each time.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Master mode players from accessing all accessory slots with Gamepad.
  • Fixed a crash related to housing menu interaction with Gamepad.
  • Daybreak spears embedded in Moon Lord eyes will instantly explode and deal their bonus damage immediately if the eye closes.
  • Fixed an issue causing a kanji key to automatically replace some keybindings.
  • Fixed an issue causing Jungle Armor, Ancient Cobalt, and Molten sets to not have the proper bonuses, while some other items (like Band of Regeneration) got them instead.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Hot Reels achievement to unlock when fishing in any liquid.
  • Fixed a bug causing Princess to not properly check for nearby NPCs, resulting in her being lonely even when surrounded by neighbors.
  • Players transformed into a Werewolf/Merman no longer have human faces when wearing certain accessories.
  • Fixed several grammatical/spelling issues in NPC dialogue.
  • Fixed a few minor item tooltip/flavor text issues.
  • Fixed a buggy dialogue line from Princess about Santa Claus.
  • Fixed a buggy dialogue line from Transformed Zoologist about the Princess.
  • Fixed Video Visage not applying dye to the screen when showing up on the Map.
  • Fixed an issue with the Witch Costume not properly showing legs underneath of it, even its own Witch Boots.
  • Fixed an issue when renaming chests that prevented the player from exiting their inventory easily.
  • Fixed an issue where Town NPCs would try to sit on Dynasty Chairs (they shouldn't be able to).
  • Fixed an issue where Bone Glove wouldn't equip by right clicking from the inventory, and had to be equipped manually.

ver 1.4.1 2020ねん10がつ13にち


  • Ultrabright Helmet now supports visible hair when worn
  • Armors and vanity items which draw on the back (backpacks, tails, wings, and capes) are now no longer mutually exclusive. This means that you can now have one of any of those four categories all displaying at the same time. Previously, only one of those could ever be visible at a time (for instance, if you had visible wings, you could not ever see a cape, backpack, or tail).
  • Combat Wrench now displays on the player regardless of what other backpacks are currently shown (it is its own category of back-draw)
  • Angel Halo now functions like Unicorn Horn, in that it will be visible regardless of any other head equipment or vanity that is equipped
  • Accessories which draw on the head have also been split into several subgroups, which will allow several of them to be worn simultaneously. For example, Blindfold/Spectre Goggles in the eye slot, Nature's Gift/Obsidian Rose in the "flower" slot and Ginger Beard.
  • Blindfold can now be visibly seen when wearing hats/helmets which show the face
  • Wearing Diving Helmet-series accessories set to visible will override your helmet, allowing them to be seen instead of your helmet
  • Obsidian Skull-series accessories that are set to visible are now compatible with hats/helmets that show the face, as it will replace your face with the skull. Due to the shape of the Skull not fitting standard "Terrarian face" shapes, on certain helmets, it will use a different sprite with a more standard layout. You can also wear virtually all physically compatible Head/Face accessories with the Obsidian Skull as well.
  • Ginger Beard has been resprited, and if set to visible, is now compatible with hats/helmets that show the face. It is also now compatible with most other Head/Face accessories.
  • Reworked Shield/Cape display so that Shields and Capes are now visually compatible with each other again. The Shield now draws "in front" of the Cape, instead of underneath of it, which led to many of the initial issues.
  • Shields which are set to not be visible can still be dyed, and will show that dye when actively used (such as Shield of Cthulhu dash or Brand of the Inferno Block). Previously, if they were set to invisible, their active use version would never have dye.
  • Long-player hair is now properly compatible with wings/backpacks, and will show the full length of the hair without being cut-off visually
  • The special trails left by various types of running boots (Sailfish Boots, Flurry Boots, Flower Boots, etc) are now also subject to vanity usage, and you can use the one you prefer either through re-ordering accessories or using the social slots
  • Bone Glove now has visual vanity for the hand slot
  • The Journey Mode duplication menu has been overhauled, with the addition of several new filters to break up some of the larger categories
  • Additionally, the Misc option in the duplication menu should more properly encompass items that do not fall under any other category
  • Made minor updates to Boss Mask item sprites to match the mask sprites
  • Sprite update for Orange/Amber Phasesaber
  • Torch God now plays an Otherworldly track when that setting is toggled
  • Bestiary now indicates if a drop is Wave-based/if it only drops after a certain wave in Frost Moon and Pumpkin Moon
  • Loading Tips now appear when connecting to a server
  • Thunder volume is now adjusted with the Ambient SFX settings rather than regular Sound settings (edited)
  • Plantero's Sombrero has made its triumphant return
  • Reorganized menu settings for resolution/fullscreen/windowed borderless to all use the same sub-menu, to reduce confusion
  • Updated FNA (Mac/Linux related)
  • Added RGB support for SteelSeries game peripherals
  • Adding updated localization for all languages up to 1.4 (some 1.4.1 content may still be untranslated, and these translations will come in an upcoming hotfix)





ver 2020ねん6がつ4にち


  • The Multiplayer server is now more strict about fake connection attempts.
  • Added some error handling for peripheral Chroma-related crashes.
  • Improved error handling to prevent some crashes related to "Spritebatch"
  • Improved error handling to prevent some sound related crashes when alt+tabbing out.
  • Chests and similar furniture placed on top of non-solid tiles should no longer cause crashes.
  • Fixed a file naming error that would cause a crash for Linux users.
  • Fixed a crash that can happen sometimes when changing screens.
  • Fixed a crash that happens when sitting/sleeping in relation to the Potion of Return.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by using a Magic Conch in a Sandstorm.
  • Fixed a crash caused by attempting to load worlds that were so corrupted, that even the corruption detection was corrupted.
  • Fixed a certain issue with worlds saving in host-and-play.
  • Fixed a certain world loading bug.
  • Fixed loading a bugged world in host-and-play leaving a stuck server process.
  • Added further protections against characters named "." and similar such names causing file deletion.
  • Error log entries for RGB/Peripheral support now properly indicate that they are normal messages, and not errors. They also include a message indicating that you can disable them.
  • Added a rolling world save backup system to improve reliability of world file backups in case of corrupted files. By default, there will be one additional backup save in addition to the previous saves, and this can be increased up to a *maximum of 9. You can change this value in the config.json or serverconfig.txt with the setting "WorldRollbacksToKeep".
  • The Torch God now haunts Terraria.
  • Added an item that gives you a new sidebar option setting that will auto-convert placed torches to the biome type.
  • Black Slimes and Blue Jellyfish now have a chance to spawn in Hardmode for Bestiary completion.
  • Dungeon fishing loot now takes priority in overlapping Dungeon biomes.
  • Fishing now prioritizes ammo slots when selecting bait to use.
  • Technically a fix, changed a very long running code typo that made Crate Potion have an entirely incorrect recipe. Now takes Amber, Moonglow, Shiverthorn, and Waterleaf.
  • The Truffle now likes living in the Mushroom biome (instead of being neutral).
  • Forest Pylon can now be used in the sky as well.
  • Flying Dutchman now unlocks its Bestiary entry in one kill.
  • Lihzahrd Mechanical Traps can no longer be broken with explosives before Golem has been defeated.
  • Pirate Invasions after the first one are now less common.
  • Explosive Trap deaths should handle mass item drops more efficiently now, and will attempt to preserve Mediumcore item drops.
  • Changed Empress' Emote quicktext to "eol" to match other boss emotes.
  • Changed a crafting inconsistency with Obsidian Toilet not matching other Obsidian furniture.
  • Changed a minor crafting inconsistency where Crimtane Brick was not as efficient as Demonite Brick.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not move properly on some computers.
  • Fixed a damage issue with Slap Hand.
  • Fixed an issue where PvP Jousting did not take momentum damage into consideration.
  • Fixed a noun/verb issue with a death message.
  • Fixed an issue where Soul Bottles didn't count as a valid light source.
  • Fixed an issue where Gravedigger's Shovel didn't dig the center block at the same speed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Toy Tank mount was too tall.
  • Fixed some item tooltips.
  • Fixed some punctuation issues with Town Happiness text.
  • Fixed an issue where Haemorrhaxe's item size was incorrectly allowing it to fall through the world.
  • Fixed an issue where most Demon Eye variants could not descend through platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where Finches sometimes could not descend through platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ocean Pylon was sold below ground where it wasn't usable.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed swapping out the Discount Card when shopping.
  • Fixed an issue that broke the ability for some enemies to have size variation.
  • Clay Pots no longer break instantly when placed over a bottom sloped block.
  • Fixed an offset issue with the menu fade-in.
  • Fixed a worldgen issue with the Temple's doors not being accessible.
  • Buff effects should now properly follow enemies affected by NPC Smoothing.
  • Chaos Elementals and Worms are no longer affected by NPC Smoothing.
  • Fixed some NPC Smoothing issues with King/Queen Slime, Golem, Wall of Flesh and teleporting casters.
  • Fixed an NPC Smoothing issue where Town NPCs in Portal Gun portals would float around oddly.
  • Improved some NPC Smoothing issues when spawning/teleporting.
  • Town NPCs should no longer smooth back to their home positions in multiplayer.
  • Default NPC Smoothing range is reduced from 1000 to 300.
  • Fixed trees not dropping acorns when grown on Golf Grass.
  • Fixed an issue where RNG would make fishing power display change wildly.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with mowed grass and biome spread.
  • Fixed an issue where Dungeon pits could generate at the surface.
  • Cleaned up some Christmas decoration grouping in the Duplication menu (Journey mode).
  • Organized some inconsistent Critter/Gold Critter orders in the Bestiary.
  • Mechanical Piranhas will now catch up more quickly so you can't outrun them.
  • NPCs should now drop Platinum Coins in stacks below 999, should they pick up more than 999 Platinum.
  • Fixed an issue where several new items in Fishing Crates (mostly pets) were not dropping in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where Sky Dragon's Fury and Tome of Infinite Wisdom did not auto-use their right click functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where Tome of Infinite Wisdom could consume mana and waste it when using its right click functionality.
  • Fixed the Bestiary background for Giant Flying Fox.
  • Fixed Light Lamia's Bestiary entry not showing them as being in the Hallow Desert.
  • Fixed an issue where the FPS counter would move with the UI Scale setting.
  • Duke Fishron and Dreadnautilus should now properly retarget another player if the current one dies/teleports away.
  • Fixed Coral and Seashells not matching their tile placement preview.
  • Flails no longer continue spinning when Cursed/Stoned/Frozen/etc.
  • Golf Grass should now convert to dirt when exposed to lava.
  • Tavernkeep will no longer sell Pylons when his unique shop is full.
  • Happy Grenades now properly explode and deal damage in Multiplayer when touching a player.
  • Fixed a visual issue with several very tall hats displaying pixels by the player's feet.
  • Fixed certain back accessories/outfits not drawing properly in the Character Selection menu.
  • Fixed Gem Trees and Vanity Trees not blocking the tiles beneath them from being hammered.
  • Fixed an issue where buff order was not re-calculated properly under certain circumstances, leaving empty spaces.
  • Fixed an issue where several flying critters were only counting towards Bestiary sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where fluid bombs could destroy tiles they should not.
  • Fixed an issue where sand traps would generate over furniture in worldgen.
  • Invasion warning messages should no longer spam the player when time is frozen (in Journey mode).
  • Fixed an issue where Snake Ropes would never vanish if the summoning player quits out of the server.
  • Fixed Dirt Bombs not producing dirt when exploding on half-slabs.
  • Fixed some falling blocks duplicating when dropping them on actuated half-slabs.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Guitars and Capes being held awkwardly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shield of Cthulhu's invulnerability time would actually reset pre-existing damage immunity, allowing you to get hit faster.
  • Fixed a minor pixel issue with the Gato Pet.
  • Fixed Santa Claus having a Traveling Merchant party quote instead of his own.
  • Fixed Encumbering Stone not letting you pick up Mana Cloak Stars.
  • Fixed a minor frame animation issue with the Large Volcano decorative item.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where hair did not light up when on fire, like the rest of the body.
  • Fixed an issue where there were two different Deadly prefixes that Ranged weapons could get.
  • Fixed an issue where Golf Cups would send a wire signal for every player on the server.
  • Fixed some sleeping/fishing related issues by preventing you from doing both at the same time.
  • Fixed some issues with Wet Bombs.
  • Fixed one of the Forest backgrounds having a pixel artifact.
  • New fences will now allow trees to grow.
  • Gem Trees will also now grow with natural cave backgrounds behind them.
  • Fixed some buff icons having whitespace on them instead of transparency.

ver 2020ねん5がつ23にち


  • Made some optimizations to help game performance
  • Fixed some memory management issues
  • Fixed lighting related crash with non-color mode
  • Added a serverconfig setting "slowliquids" that restores the maximum moving liquid/quick settle condition to's setting, off by default. Turning this on will decrease the amount of *liquid that can move at once, but may reduce lag.
  • Fixed a crash when loading certain worlds
  • Fixed Solar Pillar enemy's bestiary page crashing the game on Linux
  • Fixed Team Nameplates being in the wrong position
  • Fixed Team Nameplates no longer showing the healthbars of damaged teammates
  • Fixed an issue where multiplayer servers could run and allow players to join corrupted world files
  • Fixed an issue where Sticky Grenades, Bombs, and Dynamite didn't always stick
  • Fixed an issue where Blockswapped and replaced tiles might maintain their cracked nature
  • Fixed an issue where Mana Stars were dropping roughly 20% as much as they should
  • Petting a Town Pet will no longer let you pet them if slopes are interfering and would make you float
  • Fixed Collector's Edition Carrot overriding the Magic Mirror on a Journey Mode character
  • Fixed Traveling Merchant and Skeleton Merchant accidentally having NPC Happiness
  • Fixed an issue where Enchanted Sundial would cause heavy FPS drops
  • Fixed NPCs sitting incorrectly in Dynasty Chairs
  • Fixed an issue where a lot of non-gore objects were hidden by Blood/Gore settings
  • Fixed some Hardmode Dungeon enemies drawing into the floor slightly in their animation
  • Fixed an issue where Digging Molecart would dig through tiles that should not be destroyed
  • Fixed player map borders not adjusting the border color properly
  • Fixed an issue where Cultist Devotee Banner and Red Potion did not have research values
  • Fixed Explosives counting as PVP damage, resulting in it not dropping coins when you were killed by them
  • Fixed a couple of tooltip typos
  • Fixed some consistency issues with Ninja Gear tooltips
  • Updated Invisibility Potion's tooltip
  • Fixed a sprite issue with Bowl of Soup
  • Fixed an issue where if the entire top of your world was covered with platforms, it would prevent meteors from spawning
  • Fixed certain cases of text getting random newlines

ver 2020ねん5がつ20日はつか


  • torchのうんステータス低下ていか要素ようそ撤廃てっぱい
  • Increased Prismatic Lacewing spawn rate significantly
  • Angry Dandelions now have a chance to drop Daybloom
  • Betsy now only takes one kill to "max" Bestiary progress like other main bosses
  • Zenithの作成さくせいにBee Keeperがさら必要ひつようになりました
  • Shiverthorn is now somewhat slower to grow, but twice as fast to bloom
  • Waterleaf grows faster in the rain, Blinkroot grows faster underground, Fireblossom in the Underworld
  • More Blinkroots appear during worldgen, and all herbs can potentially "grow" during worldgen as well
  • Owls now hoot less
  • Added a large quantity of art asset revisions, mostly minor touch ups, but several with substantial changes, most notably, the Molten weapons and tools, Clentaminator, and S.D.M.G.
  • Tombstones now display with Dangersense Potion
  • Dungeon Guardian and Old Man will also be unlocked if you have Skeletron unlocked now, in addition to the previously existing methods to ensure you could unlock them
  • Added a config.json setting called "DisableIntenseVisualEffects" that you can use to disable flashing during thunderstorms. Can be expanded to include other mechanics upon feedback.
  • Fixed an issue that caused serious worldgen problems and some crashes for users with Turkish-language PCs (and possibly some other languages as well)
  • Users with file permissions crashes should now get an updated error message giving more instructions on the matter (File permissions issues stem from Terraria not being allowed by the PC to make and modify save files, usually causing crashes when saving or making characters/worlds)
  • Fixed not getting a proper sound initialization not actually disabling sound, this should fix some sound initialization crashes
  • Added some optimization to Mannequins and Hat Racks to decrease their performance toll
  • Added some protection against crashing while taking very large Camera mode snapshots
  • Reduced liquid movement restrictions in Multiplayer, which should translate to more liquid being allowed to move in servers at once
  • Improved how multiplayer servers handle liquid syncing
  • Added new multiplayer NPC smoothing code, adjustable by a config.json setting called "MultiplayerNPCSmoothingRange" , npcs who move less than this range (default 1000 pixels) would be smoothed into their next position (can be disabled by setting it to 0)
  • Team name plates no longer show health when at full health to improve MP performance
  • Added a config.json setting called "TeamNameplateDistance" that lets you reduce the distance at which team names are drawn, with the default being 2000. Reducing the number of Team Nameplates on screen in MP can improve performance, so this can be used as needed.
  • Fixed an issue where the World Menu seed button was still hidden
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players would get an extremely long death timer. The maximum should now be limited to 30 seconds. This should retroactively fix characters with an extremely high death timer.
  • Fixed certain users not having left-click assigned to their mouse in the main menu when loading 1.4
  • Fixed an issue where Minions would be summoned at an inverted position when in reverse gravity
  • Fixed an issue where the summon lock-on icon would at an inverted position in reverse gravity
  • Fixed an issue where Hallow Trees on mowed Hallow grass would drop normal wood
  • Fixed an issue where coin sparkles weren't appearing
  • Fixed an issue where Gold Seahorses were caught as "Seahorse Cages"
  • Fixed an issue where some Goblins would get stuck in doors and sink into the floor
  • Fixed an outline issue on Jungle Pants
  • Fixed flail chains drawing incorrectly while on some mounts
  • Fixed an issue where wearing Moon Lord Legs and Frog Legs at the same time would give you no legs at all
  • Fixed an issue where you could use the Step Stool while grappled
  • Fixed an issue where Stylist-only hairs were inadvertently available by randomizing your character
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs were affected by disliking their neighbors more than hating their neighbors
  • Fixed an issue where you could summon multiple Queen Slimes
  • Fixed an issue where Texture Packs would not work for tiles without a game restart
  • Fixed some visual effects acting unusually when time is sped up with Journey mode/sleeping/Sundials
  • Titanium armor's set bonus no longer triggers off of Target Dummies
  • Fixed a crash when a server tries to generate certain seeds via serverconfig.txt
  • Fixed an issue where having pickup text off and using a Sonar Potion would delete the item you get
  • Fixed Obsidian Sinks using only Obsidian instead of Hellstone
  • Fixed server config.txt world path option being ignored during auto create
  • Fixed Hooks and Mounts being usable after Mediumcore death
  • Fixed Trident movement impacting minecarts
  • Fixed Angler Quest fishing icon disappearing when a player dies
  • Fixed an issue where Key of Light/Key of Night spawned mimics left behind phantom ghost chest tiles
  • Fixed Betsy's loot having half the intended drop chance
  • Fixed Depth Meter displaying incorrect height biome when using camera-moving items
  • Cool Whip's Snowflake should no longer attack critters, target dummies
  • Fixed Cool Whip's Snowflake not despawning when a player dies or quits
  • Fixed Exquisitely Stuffed buff not giving Ranged damage
  • Fixed Ocean critters spawning in deep caves below the Ocean
  • Fixed Lava Lamps being unable to be placed on tables
  • Fixed Mini Minotaur not animating properly while flying
  • Fixed some item spelling concerns and grammatical issues with NPC Happiness text

ver 2020ねん5がつ17にち


  • 専用せんようサーバーのコマンドラインオプションにマスターとジャーニーを追加ついかしました。
  • Ghosts are more likely to despawn, and the conditions which allow them to spawn has been reduced as well as the maximum number of them
  • Error logging no longer creates large DMP data files when the game crashes, as they were unused
  • Meteorites now no longer fall until after Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu have been defeated
  • Killing Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu again will boost the drop rate of subsequent Meteors for the following night (instead of breaking more Orbs/Hearts)
  • Meteorites can no longer be destroyed with explosives
  • Pirate Captain now spawns a ghost pirate when he is killed
  • Dunerider Boots can now be tinkered with Rocket Boots to make Spectre Boots
  • Added some protection to ensure world gen works for users using different language PCs.
  • Fixed a number of issues where Terraria tries to make or modify folders, but User Side PC permissions prevented it from doing so, leading to crashes/errors.
  • Fixed a crash relating sound initialization.
  • Fixed a few autostart errors for the server.
  • Fixed an issue with kicking players not actually being fully removed, preventing players from rejoining.
  • Demon Altars can no longer spawn on rare configurations of adjacent cacti, which would crash the world if they were hit.
  • Coins no longer have a sell value.
  • Fixed an issue where Map Scale was impossibly low, resulting in some map related issues.

ver 2020ねん5がつ17にち


Journey's End


スポンサード リンク
