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Song artist 38 - Beyonce

Song artist 38 - Beyonce

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Beyonce Region Profile

Beyonce Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Beyonce.A list of the hit albums by Beyonce is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Beyonce Crazy in Love 2003 UK 1 - Jul 2003 (15 weeks), US Billboard 1 - May 2003 (27 weeks), ARC 1 of 2003 (peak 1 22 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jun 2003 (16 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Jul 2003, Europe 1 for 4 weeks - Jul 2003, Spain 1 for 1 week - Aug 2003, POP 1 of 2003, Holland 2 - Jul 2003 (17 weeks), Acclaim Year 2 of 2003, Grammy in 2003 (Nominated), Switzerland 3 - Jul 2003 (16 weeks), nuTsie 3 of 2000s, US BB 4 of 2003, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 2004), Norway 5 - Jul 2003 (12 weeks), Belgium 5 - Jul 2003 (16 weeks), Germany 6 - Jul 2003 (2 months), ODK Germany 6 - Jul 2003 (15 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Japan (Osaku) 8 of 2003 (peak 1 26 weeks), Sweden 9 - Aug 2003 (2 weeks), Austria 9 - Jul 2003 (4 months), Switzerland 11 of 2003, US Radio 13 of 2003 (peak 1 18 weeks), Italy 26 of 2003, Australia 31 of 2003, Poland 37 - Jul 2003 (11 weeks), Brazil 39 of 2003, Acclaimed 112 (2003), Germany 283 of the 2000s (peak 6 8 weeks), RYM 32 of 2003, Guardian Hip-Hop/ RnB 87, Chart2000.com song 4 of 2003, Party 50 of 2007
2 Beyonce Irreplaceable 2006 US Billboard 1 - Nov 2006 (30 weeks), US BB 1 of 2007, Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 2006, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Dec 2006, Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Dec 2006, Top Song of 2007 of the Billboard 50th list, US 3 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 2007), Grammy in 2007 (Nominated), MTV Video of the year 2007 (Nominated), Holland 3 - Nov 2006 (14 weeks), POP 3 of 2007, UK 4 - Oct 2006 (28 weeks), US Mediabase 4 of 2007, ARC 5 of 2007 (peak 1 24 weeks), Brazil 8 of 2007, Norway 8 - Nov 2006 (12 weeks), Belgium 8 - Nov 2006 (8 weeks), Switzerland 9 - Nov 2006 (29 weeks), Austria 11 - Dec 2006 (4 months), ODK Germany 11 - Dec 2006 (21 weeks), US Radio 13 of 2006 (peak 1 20 weeks), Sweden 17 - Nov 2006 (1 week), Germany 19 - Nov 2006 (2 months), Japan (Tokyo) 23 - Sep 2006 (10 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 23 of 2006, Acclaim Year 34 of 2006, nuTsie 42 of 2000s, Italy 53 of 2007, Europe 60 of the 2000s (2006), RYM 157 of 2006, Chart2000.com song 16 of 2007
3 Beyonce Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) 2009 US Billboard 1 - Nov 2008 (27 weeks), MTV Video of the year 2009, ASCAP song of 2010, US (Sup) 4 x Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 2010), Canada 2 X Platinum (certified by CRIA in Jul 2009), UK 7 - Nov 2008 (77 weeks), US BB 8 of 2009, Holland 8 - Dec 2008 (14 weeks), Brazil 11 of 2009, Australia (ARIA) 14 of 2009, nuTsie 14 of 2000s, Acclaim Year 18 of 2008, US Mediabase 19 of 2009, Norway 19 - Mar 2009 (1 week), ARC 27 of 2009 (peak 1 20 weeks), US Radio 32 of 2009 (peak 1 14 weeks), Sweden 40 - Dec 2009 (1 week), Switzerland 40 - Jan 2009 (21 weeks), POP 41 of 2008, Italy 92 of 2009, Guardian Hip-Hop/ RnB 96, Chart2000.com song 19 of 2009
4 Beyonce If I Were a Boy 2008 UK 1 - Nov 2008 (36 weeks), Holland 1 - Nov 2008 (15 weeks), Sweden 1 - Oct 2008 (22 weeks), Norway 1 - Nov 2008 (27 weeks), Euro Digital (Billboard) 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 2008, Spain 1 for 1 week - Jan 2009, US (Sup) 2 x Platinum (certified by RIAA in Oct 2009), Canada 2 X Platinum (certified by CRIA in Jul 2009), US Billboard 3 - Oct 2008 (20 weeks), Austria 3 - Nov 2008 (5 months), Switzerland 3 - Nov 2008 (36 weeks), ODK Germany 3 - Nov 2008 (26 weeks) (9 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 3 - Nov 2008 (12 weeks), Belgium 4 - Nov 2008 (7 weeks), Italy 16 of 2008, Europe 21 of the 2000s (2008), Switzerland 27 of 2009, Australia (ARIA) 44 of 2008, Brazil 45 of 2009, US Radio 47 of 2008 (peak 9 10 weeks), US BB 48 of 2009, US Mediabase 69 of 2009, Chart2000.com song 45 of 2008
5 Beyonce Halo 2009 Norway 1 - Feb 2009 (30 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Aug 2009, US (Sup) 2 x Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2010), Brazil 2 of 2009, Grammy in 2009 (Nominated), Canada Platinum (certified by CRIA in Jul 2009), UK 4 - Feb 2009 (43 weeks), Switzerland 4 - Apr 2009 (36 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Feb 2009 (31 weeks), ODK Germany 5 - Apr 2009 (46 weeks) (8 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 5 - Apr 2009 (16 weeks), Austria 6 - Apr 2009 (5 months), Australia (ARIA) 7 of 2009, Sweden 8 - Feb 2009 (45 weeks), Holland 9 - Mar 2009 (11 weeks), ARC 11 of 2009 (peak 2 27 weeks), Switzerland 18 of 2009, US Mediabase 20 of 2009, US Radio 22 of 2009 (peak 2 19 weeks), US BB 24 of 2009, Europe 27 of the 2000s (2009), Italy 31 of 2009, Chart2000.com song 10 of 2009
6 Beyonce Check On It 2006 US Billboard 1 - Nov 2005 (28 weeks), New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Mar 2006, Norway 2 - Jan 2006 (11 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 2006), UK 3 - Jan 2006 (12 weeks), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 2009), US Radio 5 of 2006 (peak 1 22 weeks), Holland 5 - Feb 2006 (11 weeks), ARC 6 of 2006 (peak 1 27 weeks), Switzerland 7 - Mar 2006 (26 weeks), US BB 10 of 2006, Sweden 11 - Feb 2006 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 11 - Mar 2006 (16 weeks), Austria 12 - Mar 2006 (3 months), Germany 14 - Mar 2006 (3 months), Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Jan 2006 (15 weeks), Belgium 16 - Feb 2006 (14 weeks), POP 24 of 2006, Brazil 47 of 2006, RYM 85 of 2006, Chart2000.com song 15 of 2006
7 Beyonce Baby Boy 2003 US Billboard 1 - Aug 2003 (29 weeks), UK 2 - Oct 2003 (11 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jun 2006), ARC 4 of 2003 (peak 1 22 weeks), ODK Germany 4 - Oct 2003 (15 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Switzerland 5 - Oct 2003 (18 weeks), POP 6 of 2003, Holland 8 - Oct 2003 (20 weeks), Germany 8 - Oct 2003 (3 months), Norway 10 - Nov 2003 (6 weeks), US BB 12 of 2003, Australia 13 of 2003, US Radio 15 of 2003 (peak 1 18 weeks), Sweden 19 - Oct 2003 (1 week), Austria 19 - Nov 2003 (3 months), Japan (Tokyo) 29 - Aug 2003 (13 weeks), Switzerland 29 of 2003, Italy 42 of 2003, Germany 348 of the 2000s (peak 4 7 weeks), Chart2000.com song 10 of 2003
8 Beyonce Sweet Dreams 2009 New Zealand 1 for 3 weeks - Aug 2009, US (Sup) Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jan 2010), UK 5 - Jul 2009 (26 weeks), Norway 6 - Sep 2009 (14 weeks), ODK Germany 8 - Aug 2009 (23 weeks) (4 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 8 - Aug 2009 (6 weeks), US Billboard 10 - Aug 2009 (29 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Aug 2009 (18 weeks), Sweden 17 - Sep 2009 (16 weeks), ARC 19 of 2009 (peak 4 26 weeks), Austria 19 - Sep 2009 (4 months), Australia (ARIA) 23 of 2009, Holland 26 - Jun 2009 (6 weeks), US Radio 27 of 2009 (peak 5 17 weeks), US Mediabase 45 of 2010, US BB 66 of 2009, Brazil 92 of 2009, Italy 93 of 2009, Chart2000.com song 32 of 2009
9 Beyonce Naughty Girl 2004 US Billboard 3 - Mar 2004 (22 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 2004), UK 10 - Apr 2004 (8 weeks), Holland 10 - May 2004 (11 weeks), Belgium 13 - May 2004 (9 weeks), Norway 14 - May 2004 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - May 2004 (10 weeks), US BB 18 of 2004, US Radio 18 of 2004 (peak 2 16 weeks), Switzerland 18 - May 2004 (8 weeks), ARC 23 of 2004 (peak 1 19 weeks), POP 24 of 2004, Germany 25 - May 2004 (1 month), Austria 29 - May 2004 (1 month), Japan (Tokyo) 40 - Mar 2004 (7 weeks), Italy 57 of 2004, Chart2000.com song 22 of 2004
10 Beyonce Listen 2007 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jan 2007 (17 weeks), Oscar in 2006 (film 'Dreamgirls') (Nominated), Golden Globe in 2006 (film 'Dreamgirls') (Nominated), UK 8 - Feb 2007 (22 weeks), Switzerland 10 - Feb 2007 (20 weeks), ODK Germany 18 - Feb 2007 (14 weeks), Belgium 19 - Jan 2007 (5 weeks), Austria 32 - Feb 2007 (2 months), US Billboard 61 - Jan 2007 (12 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 65 of 2007 (peak 6 17 weeks), Italy 80 of 2007
11 Beyonce Me, Myself & I 2004 Spain 1 for 1 week - Apr 2004, US Billboard 4 - Nov 2003 (24 weeks), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 2009), UK 11 - Jan 2004 (7 weeks), Holland 14 - Jan 2004 (6 weeks), US BB 26 of 2004, Japan (Tokyo) 33 - Jan 2004 (9 weeks), ODK Germany 35 - Jan 2004 (9 weeks), ARC 46 of 2004 (peak 5 17 weeks), US Radio 73 of 2004 (peak 18 4 weeks), Chart2000.com song 51 of 2004
12 Beyonce Best Thing I Never Had 2011 UK 3 - Jul 2011 (22 weeks), US Billboard 16 - Jun 2011 (20 weeks), ODK Germany 29 - Aug 2011 (14 weeks), UK 34 of 2011, US Radio 66 of 2011 (peak 17 4 weeks), US BB 86 of 2011, Australia (ARIA) 90 of 2011, Chart2000.com song 61 of 2011
13 Beyonce Ego 2009 US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 2009), Sweden 29 - Jun 2009 (1 week), US Billboard 39 - Jun 2009 (17 weeks), UK 60 - Apr 2010 (3 weeks), Brazil 73 of 2009
14 Beyonce Run The World (Girls) 2011 UK 11 - Apr 2011 (17 weeks), US Billboard 29 - May 2011 (13 weeks), Australia (ARIA) 93 of 2011, Chart2000.com song 90 of 2011
15 Beyonce Ring the Alarm 2006 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Dec 2006), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 2009), US Billboard 11 - Sep 2006 (14 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 54 - Aug 2006 (8 weeks), RYM 195 of 2006
16 Beyonce Work it Out 2002 Norway 3 - Aug 2002 (11 weeks), UK 7 - Jul 2002 (11 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 16 - Jun 2002 (14 weeks), Holland 30 - Jul 2002 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 75 - Aug 2002 (3 weeks)
17 Beyonce Diva 2009 US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Mar 2009), US Billboard 19 - Jan 2009 (20 weeks), UK 72 - May 2009 (4 weeks), US BB 82 of 2009
18 Beyonce Love On Top 2011 US Billboard 20 - Sep 2011 (20 weeks), UK 22 - Sep 2011 (7 weeks), Italy 74 of 2011, Australia (ARIA) 98 of 2011
19 Beyonce 7-11 2015 MTV Video of the year 2015 (Nominated), US BB 61 of 2015, ODK Germany 78 - Dec 2014 (7 weeks), Chart2000.com song 79 of 2015
20 Beyonce Formation 2016 MTV Video of the year 2016, Acclaim Year 1 of 2016, Grammy in 2016 (Nominated), ODK Germany 74 - May 2016 (2 weeks), POP 83 of 2016
21 Beyonce Sorry 2016 Acclaim Year 41 of 2016, US BB 71 of 2016, POP 87 of 2016, Chart2000.com song 92 of 2016
22 Beyonce Broken-Hearted Girl 2009 ODK Germany 14 - Dec 2009 (12 weeks), Germany 2000s 14 - Dec 2009 (1 week), UK 27 - Oct 2009 (12 weeks), Switzerland 79 - Dec 2009 (2 weeks)
23 Beyonce Countdown 2011 Acclaim Year 16 of 2011, UK 35 - Oct 2011 (9 weeks), US Billboard 71 - Oct 2011 (15 weeks)
24 Beyonce Break My Soul 2022 Grammy in 2022 (Nominated), US BB 38 of 2022, UK 38 of 2022, Chart2000.com song 33 of 2022
25 Beyonce Dangerously In Love 2004 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 2006), US Billboard 57 - Sep 2004 (20 weeks)
26 Beyonce Video Phone 2009 UK 58 - Dec 2009 (6 weeks), US Billboard 65 - Dec 2009 (5 weeks)
27 Beyonce Cuff It 2022 UK 89 of 2022, Chart2000.com song 40 of 2023
28 Beyonce 1+1 2011 US Billboard 57 - Jun 2011 (2 weeks), UK 71 - Jul 2011 (4 weeks)
29 Beyonce Green Light 2007 UK 12 - Jul 2007 (9 weeks), Holland 18 - Sep 2007 (6 weeks)
30 Beyonce Get Me Bodied 2007 POP 30 of 2007, US Billboard 46 - Nov 2013 (1 week)
31 Beyonce Once in a Lifetime 2008 Golden Globe in 2008 (film 'Cadillac Records') (Nominated)
32 Beyonce Summertime 2003 Japan (Tokyo) 51 - Sep 2003 (3 weeks)
33 Beyonce In Da Club 2003 Japan (Tokyo) 70 - Apr 2003 (5 weeks)
34 Beyonce What's It Gonna Be Boy 2004 Japan (Tokyo) 91 - Jan 2004 (1 week)
35 Beyonce Why Don't You Love Me 2010 UK 51 - Sep 2010 (3 weeks)
36 Beyonce At Last 2009 US Billboard 67 - Feb 2009 (1 week)
37 Beyonce Party 2011 US Billboard 50 - Oct 2011 (18 weeks)
38 Beyonce XO 2014 ODK Germany 68 - Jan 2014 (7 weeks), US Radio 76 of 2014 (peak 19 3 weeks)
39 Beyonce Upgrade U 2006 US Billboard 59 - Nov 2006 (18 weeks)
40 Beyonce End Of Time 2011 UK 62 - Jul 2011 (1 week)
41 Beyonce Partition 2014 POP 24 of 2014, US BB 95 of 2014
42 Beyonce Radio 2009 Holland 14 - Sep 2009 (6 weeks)
43 Beyonce Dance For You 2012 US Billboard 78 - Sep 2012 (15 weeks)
44 Beyonce Irreemplazable 2007 Italy 89 of 2007
45 Beyonce Black Parade 2020 Grammy in 2020 (Nominated)
46 Beyonce Be Alive 2021 Oscar in 2021 (film 'King Richard') (Nominated)
47 Beyonce Pretty Hurts 2014 ODK Germany 83 - Jan 2014 (1 week)
48 Beyonce Hold Up 2016 Acclaim Year 25 of 2016
49 Beyonce All Night 2016 Acclaim Year 56 of 2016
50 Beyonce Daddy Lessons 2016 Acclaim Year 98 of 2016

In addition to the above listed songs Beyonce also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Beyonce & Shakira Beautiful Liar 2007 UK 1 - Apr 2007 (25 weeks), Holland 1 - Mar 2007 (19 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Apr 2007 (28 weeks), ODK Germany 1 - May 2007 (17 weeks) (1 week at number 1) (7 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 1 - May 2007 (9 weeks), Eire 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 2007, New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Apr 2007, Europe 1 for 5 weeks - May 2007, Germany 1 for 1 week - May 2007, Austria 2 - May 2007 (5 months), Norway 2 - Apr 2007 (16 weeks), US Billboard 3 - Mar 2007 (18 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 3 - Apr 2007 (6 weeks), Belgium 3 - Apr 2007 (21 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 2007), US (Sup) Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 2009), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 2008), Sweden 6 - Mar 2007 (14 weeks), Italy 9 of 2007, Switzerland 11 of 2007, Brazil 12 of 2007, Australia (ARIA) 51 of 2007, Europe 56 of the 2000s (2007), US BB 62 of 2007, US Radio 67 of 2007 (peak 17 4 weeks), US Mediabase 86 of 2007, France (InfoDisc) 277 of the 2000s (peak 2, 25 weeks, 500k sales estimated, 2007), UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jul 2007), Chart2000.com song 20 of 2007
2 Lady GaGa & Beyonce Telephone 2010 UK 1 - Dec 2009 (52 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - Mar 2010, Euro Digital (Billboard) 1 for 4 weeks - Apr 2010, MTV Video of the year 2010 (Nominated), US Billboard 3 - Dec 2009 (33 weeks), ODK Germany 3 - Apr 2010 (22 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), Germany 2000s 3 - Apr 2010 (6 weeks), ARC 6 of 2010 (peak 1 26 weeks), US Mediabase 8 of 2010, US Radio 11 of 2010 (peak 1 21 weeks), US BB 16 of 2010, Italy 18 of 2010, Australia (ARIA) 20 of 2010, Acclaim Year 24 of 2009, Sweden 33 - Dec 2009 (1 week), POP 51 of 2010, Chart2000.com song 6 of 2010
3 Beyonce & Jay-Z Deja Vu 2006 UK 1 - Aug 2006 (16 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Jun 2006 (21 weeks), Switzerland 3 - Sep 2006 (23 weeks), Norway 3 - Aug 2006 (8 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jul 2006 (17 weeks), ODK Germany 9 - Sep 2006 (12 weeks) (1 week in top 10), Sweden 11 - Aug 2006 (5 weeks), Germany 14 - Aug 2006 (2 months), Austria 15 - Sep 2006 (3 months), Holland 17 - Aug 2006 (9 weeks), Brazil 18 of 2006, Belgium 18 - Sep 2006 (8 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 36 of 2006 (peak 10 21 weeks), POP 39 of 2006, Italy 52 of 2006, Scrobulate 62 of rnb, US Radio 63 of 2006 (peak 14 4 weeks), US BB 75 of 2006, Australia (ARIA) 98 of 2006, RYM 135 of 2006, Chart2000.com song 51 of 2006
4 Beyonce & Jay-Z Ballad of Bonnie & Clyde 2003 Switzerland 1 - Jan 2003 (13 weeks), UK 2 - Feb 2003 (12 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Oct 2002 (23 weeks), Norway 6 - Jan 2003 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 6 - Jan 2003 (10 weeks) (5 weeks in top 10), Germany 8 - Jan 2003 (2 months), Holland 9 - Jan 2003 (9 weeks), Australia 22 of 2003, Austria 28 - Mar 2003 (1 month), US BB 37 of 2003, ARC 41 of 2003 (peak 4 19 weeks), Poland 45 - Mar 2003 (3 weeks), US Radio 46 of 2003 (peak 6 9 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 49 - Nov 2002 (8 weeks), Italy 70 of 2003, Germany 364 of the 2000s (peak 6 6 weeks), Chart2000.com song 41 of 2003
5 Beyonce & Jay-Z Drunk in Love 2014 MTV Video of the year 2014 (Nominated), US BB 35 of 2014, UK 57 of 2014, US Radio 63 of 2014 (peak 13 5 weeks), ODK Germany 70 - Jan 2014 (12 weeks), Chart2000.com song 38 of 2014
6 Beyonce, Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott & MC Lyte Fighting Temptation 2004 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Sep 2003 (12 weeks), Holland 9 - Jan 2004 (20 weeks), Belgium 25 - Mar 2004 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 54 - Jul 2004 (7 weeks)
7 J Balvin & Willy William & Beyonce Mi gente 2017 US BB 50 of 2017, POP 77 of 2017, Australia (ARIA) 85 of 2016, Chart2000.com song 72 of 2017
8 Ed Sheeran & Beyonce Perfect 2017 Canada Billboard 1 for 4 weeks - Jan 2018, New Zealand 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 2017
9 Beyonce & Luther Vandross The Closer I Get To You 2003 Japan (Tokyo) 70 - Jul 2003 (1 week)
10 Beyonce & Stevie Wonder So Amazing 2005 Japan (Tokyo) 88 - Nov 2005 (3 weeks)
11 Beyonce & Jay-Z Part II (On The Run) 2013 POP 58 of 2014, US Billboard 81 - Jul 2013 (1 week)
12 Jay-Z & Kanye West & Beyonce Lift Off 2011 UK 48 - Aug 2011 (1 week)
13 Naughty Boy & Beyonce & Arrow Benjamin Runnin' (Lose It All) 2015 UK 59 of 2015, ODK Germany 85 - Sep 2015 (9 weeks)
14 Beyonce & Kendrick Lamar Freedom 2016 Acclaim Year 91 of 2016
15 Beyonce & The Weeknd 6 Inch 2016 ODK Germany 71 - May 2016 (1 week)
16 Megan Thee Stallion & Beyonce Savage 2020 US BB 15 of 2020

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Previous Comments (newest first)

26 May 2018

Edit (9) Songs

The following Song Titles on this page all have Duplicate 'Australian Chart Entries': #2,3,4,5,7,12,14,16 & (under Duets) #1.

By mistake the Australian year end charts were double counted (in version 2.8.16). That's now fixed, thanks

10 Dec 2017

(2) Double Listings

#8 & #11 (under Duets w/Sean Paul - Baby Boy) are the same. Also #6 & #12 (under Duets w/Slim Thug - Check On It).

Data fixed, thanks

29 May 2017

(3) Double Listings

#1 & #11 (under Duets w/Jay-Z - Crazy In Love) are the same. #4 & #12 are the same (both under Duets w/Jay-Z - Ballad of Bonnie & Clyde). And finally #6 & #13 (under Duets w/Slim Thug - Check On It) are also the same.

Data fixed, thanks

7 Nov 2015

Double Listing - Drunk In Love

#32 & #6 (under duets w/Jay-Z) are the same.

Data fixed, thanks