
How does consciousness work? A radical theory has mind-blowing answers

A type of brainwave may help clean your brain while you sleep

Europe’s first home brain-zap device for depression launched in UK



Newly discovered brain cells help us recall where we last saw objects

cat and mouse

Gut microbes help mice overcome their fears by changing brain activity

Infections might alter brain development while in the womb

Bacterial infections in pregnancy may make schizophrenia more likely

Worried about the future? The science behind coping with uncertainty

Worried about the future? The science behind coping with uncertainty

Quiz: How well do you cope with uncertainty?

Quiz: How well do you cope with uncertainty?

X-rays of human and chimp

Humans evolved to think faster by slowing down brain development


Gelong Thubten

Buddhist monk Gelong Thubten on the science of mindfulness

Deliver us from evil: How biology, not religion, made humans moral

Deliver us from evil: How biology, not religion, made humans moral

Screen time: How smartphones really affect our bodies and brains

Screen time: How smartphones really affect our bodies and brains

head artwork

True nature of consciousness: Solving the biggest mystery of your mind

Dean Burnett on why disruptive teens might have saved the human race

Dean Burnett on why disruptive teens might have saved the human race

game handset

Am I addicted? The truth behind being hooked on gaming, sex or porn