(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
History of the Civil War, 1861–1865 Archives - Collection at Bartleby.com
History of the Civil War, 1861–1865
I hold that the union of these States is perpetual.… Physically speaking we cannot separate.… The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy and possess the property and places belonging to the Government.
First Inaugural Address.

History of the Civil War, 1861–1865

James Ford Rhodes

Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in History in 1918, Rhodes’s chronicle of the War Between the States both provides the general reader with a clearly written description of the events of four bloody years as well as reveals the self-educated author’s belief in the war’s cause as the evil of slavery.

Bibliographic Record


Preface    Abbreviations of Titles of Authorities    Subject Index

Chapter I
The Great Factor in Destruction of Slavery;   Theory of South Carolina;   Crittenden Compromise;   Southern Confederacy;   Lincoln’s Inaugural Address;   Anderson and Fort Sumter;   Seward’s Foreign Policy;   Bread for Anderson;   Bombardment of Fort Sumter;   Rising of the North;   Baltimore Riot;   The Blockade;   Supposed Danger to Washington;   The Border States;   The Civil War;   Unpreparedness;   Jefferson Davis;   Lincoln;   “On to Richmond”;   Battle of Bull Run;   The President’s Courage
Chapter II
Congress;   Slavery the Cause of the War;   Frémont;   McClellan;   Great Britain’s Action;   English Sentiment;   Mason and Slidell;   English Precedents;   Lincoln and Seward;   Surrender of Mason and Slidell
Chapter III
Simon Cameron;   Edwin M. Stanton;   Fort Donelson;   Surrender of Donelson;   Ulysses S. Grant;   McClellan’s Dalliance;   Grant and Halleck;   Grant and Sherman Surprised at Shiloh;   Battle of Shiloh;   Lincoln and Grant;   The Blockade;   The Merrimac;   The Monitor;   Farragut — Fox;   Farragut’s Capture of New Orleans;   McClellan’s Peninsular Campaign;   Stonewall Jackson’s Campaign;   “The Great Scare”;   Battle of Fair Oaks;   Robert E. Lee;   Battle of Gaines’s Mill;   McClellan’s Demoralization;   Lee and McClellan;   Lee and Jackson;   Seven Days’ Battles
Chapter IV
Legal-Tender Act;   Lincoln’s Attitude to Slavery;   Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation;   Lincoln and Greeley;   “Three Hundred Thousand More”;   Pope and Halleck;   Pope’s Defeat;   McClellan Again in Command;   Lee’s Invasion of Maryland;   Battle of Antietam;   Proclamation of Emancipation
Chapter V
Fall Elections of 1862;   Alarm in Cincinnati;   Buell and Morton;   McClellan’s Removal;   Unfortunate Choice of Burnside;   Battle of Fredericksburg;   The Cabinet Crisis;   Lincoln’s Sagacity;   Lincoln — Chase;   Lincoln — Seward;   Battle of Stone’s River;   Action of Congress;   Popular Feeling and Action;   Hooker in Command;   Battle of Chancellorsville;   Effect of Chancellorsville
Chapter VI
Lee’s Invasion of Pennsylvania;   Meade Succeeds Hooker;   Battle of Gettysburg;   Pickett’s Charge;   Lee — Meade;   Lincoln — Meade;   Grant’s Expedition Against Vicksburg;   Vicksburg Campaign;   Grant;   Surrender of Vicksburg
Chapter VII
English Sentiment;   The Alabama;   English Mediation Proposed;   Gladstone;   Charles Francis Adams;   Earl Russell;   The Emperor of the French;   Anti-Slavery Sentiment;   The Times — Saturday Review;   Grote — Carlyle;   Dickens — Trollope — Tennyson;   Iron-Clad Rams;   England and France
Chapter VIII
New York Draft Riot;   Meade;   Battle of Chickamauga;   Grant in Command;   Thomas — Grant;   Battle of Chattanooga;   Recruits Wanted;   Grant — Sherman — Thomas — Sheridan
Chapter IX
Grant;   Grant’s Wilderness Campaign;   Battle of Cold Harbor;   Chattanooga — Atlanta Campaign;   Sherman — Thomas;   Lincoln — Chase;   Grant’s Campaign;   Lincoln Renominated
Chapter X
Lincoln — Grant;   Washington in Danger;   Disappointment in Grant;   Men Wanted;   Johnston — Hood;   Yearning for Peace;   Dissatisfaction with Lincoln;   Battle of Mobile Bay;   Capture of Atlanta;   Sheridan;   Lincoln Reëlected
Chapter XI
Life at the North;   Privations of the War;   Postage Stamps Currency;   Fractional Currency;   Gloom — Despair;   Business Activity;   Arbitrary Arrests;   Copperheads;   Seymour — Vallandigham;   The Democrats;   Arbitrary Arrests;   Sanitary Fairs;   Trade with the South;   Grave Financial Position;   The Northern Governors;   Stanton — Lincoln
Chapter XII
Discomfort at the South;   Lack of Tea and Coffee;   Lack of Bread and Meat;   Difficulty of Transportation;   The Age of Iron;   Munitions of War;   Blockade Running;   The Negro Slaves;   Conscription at the South;   Carnival of Fiat Money;   High Prices in the Confederacy;   Impressment Imperative;   The Southern Women;   Distress and Privations;   Religious Feeling South;   Comparison Between South and North;   North — A Dictatorship;   South — A Socialized State;   Davis — Lincoln
Chapter XIII
Sherman — Thomas;   Sherman’s March to the Sea;   Living on the Country;   Destruction;   The Negroes;   Savannah Taken;   Grant — Thomas;   Battle of Nashville;   Thirteenth Amendment;   Distress in the Confederacy;   Lee — Jefferson Davis;   Hampton Roads Conference;   Lincoln’s Magnanimity
Chapter XIV
Sherman’s March Northward;   South Carolina;   Sherman’s Army;   Lincoln — Grant — Sherman;   Grant — Lee;   Evacuation of Richmond;   General Lee’s Surrender;   Assassination of Lincoln;   The End of the War