(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
General Bibliography – Volume XV – Dictionary of Canadian Biography

General Bibliography – Volume XV

AC    Archives Civiles   

AM    Archives of Manitoba   

AMLJH    Archive of Manitoba Legal-Judicial History   

ANQ    Archives Nationales du Québec   

AO    Archives of Ontario   

AVQ    Archives de la Ville de Québec   

BCA    British Columbia Archives   

BCF    Biographies canadiennes-françaises   

BCM-G    Bibliothèque Centrale de Montréal, Salle Gagnon   

BRH    Le Bulletin des recherches historiques   

CCHA Canadian Catholic Historical Association   

CEF    Canadian Expeditionary Force   

CHA    Canadian Historical Association   

CHR    Canadian Historical Review   

CIHM  Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions   

CPG    Canadian parliamentary guide   

DAB    Dictionary of American biography   

DALFAN    Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord   

DBC    Dictionnaire biographique du Canada   

DBECC    Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada   

DCB    Dictionary of Canadian biography   

DHB    Dictionary of Hamilton biography   

DNB    Dictionary of national biography   

DNLB  Dictionary of Newfoundland and Labrador biography   

DOLQ Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec   

DPQ    Dictionnaire des parlementaires du Québec   

GA    Glenbow Archives   

GPQ    Guide parlementaire québécois   

GRO    General Register Office   

HBCA Hudson’s Bay Company Archives   

LAC    Library and Archives Canada   

MCQ-DSQ    Musée de la Civilisation (Québec), Dépôt du Séminaire de Québec   

MCQ-FSQ    Musée de la Civilisation (Québec), Fonds du Séminaire de Québec   

MUA    McGill University Archives   

NSARM    Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management   

OH    Ontario History   

PAA    Provincial Archives of Alberta   

PANB  Provincial Archives of New Brunswick   

PANL  Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador   

PARO  Public Archives and Records Office (Prince Edward Island)   

QUA    Queen’s University Archives   

RBMB Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials   

RBMS Registre des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures   

RHAF  Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française   

RPQ    Répertoire des parlementaires québécois   

RSC    Royal Society of Canada   

TRL    Toronto Reference Library   

UCC    United Church of Canada   

UTA    University of Toronto Archives   

VM-DGDA    Ville de Montréal, Division de la Gestion de Documents et des Archives   

General Bibliography   

The General Bibliography is based on the manuscript, printed, and computerized sources which are most frequently cited, usually in abbreviated form, in the individual bibliographies of volume XV. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive listing of background materials for the history of Canada in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.   

    Section A describes the principal archival and manuscript collections and is arranged by country. Section B provides a listing of the Canadian newspapers most frequently cited by contributors to the volume. Section C lists various types of published materials: primary printed sources, including publications of the federal and the various provincial governments; reference works, including dictionaries, bibliographies, indexes, and directories; secondary works of the 20th century, including a number of general histories; and the principal journals and the publications of various societies consulted.    




Archives Civiles. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice   

Archives de la Ville de Québec. The public service and archives division has prepared several research tools in the form of publications, typescript works, manuscript lists, and databases. In addition to inventories and published catalogues, two other useful sources of information are État général des Archives de la ville de Québec (Québec, 1988), written by Renaud Arcand, and État général des fonds et collections d’archives privées (Québec, 1997), prepared by Marie-Josée Courchesne.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

M: Organismes municipaux   

    1: Villes, villages et municipalités annexés   

    1: Village de Saint-Sauveur   

    2: Commission de l’Exposition provinciale   

P: Individus et organismes privés   

    51: Compagnie limité Dominion Corset   

Q: Archives de la ville de Québec   

QA: Archives administratives   

    5: Ressources financières   

QD: Services de développement   

    4: Réseau routier et infrastructure   

QP: Archives politiques   

    1: Conseil de ville   

Archives du Séminaire de Québec. See Musée de la Civilisation   

Archives Judiciaires. See Québec, Ministère de la Justice   

Archives Nationales du Québec. The Pistard (Programme informatisé servant au traitement des archives et à la recherche documentaire) database can be consulted on the website of the Archives Nationales du Québec at www.anq.gouv.qc/cq/conservation/bd.htm. This database provides descriptions of the fonds and collections in the nine regional centres of the ANQ; the website also has useful online finding aids. Inventories, catalogues, guides, conversion tables, and finding aids on microfiche are available in all of the regional centres.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

Centre Régional de la Côte-Nord (ANQ-CN), Sept-Îles   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    901: Baie-Comeau–Mingan   

    S3: Saint-Pierre (Havre-Saint-Pierre)   

    S6: Notre-Dame (Natashquan)

    S9: Saint-Patrice-de-la-Rivière-Pentecôte (Rivière-Pentecôte) 

    S10: Saint-François-d’Assise (Longue-Pointe) 

P: Fonds et collections privés   

    1: Bélanger, René   

    19: Société historique de Havre-Saint-Pierre Inc.   

    48: Vigneau, Placide   

    53: Jomphe, Roland   

Centre Régional de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec (ANQ-MBF), Trois-Rivières   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    401: Trois-Rivières   

    S9: Saint-Édouard-de-Gentilly (Bécancour)   

    S12: Saint-Barthélemy 

    S15: Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue (Louiseville)   

    S21: Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade (La  Pérade)   

    S48: L’Immaculée-Conception (Trois-Rivières)

    402: Arthabaska   

    S2: Saint-Christophe-d’Arthabaska (Victoriaville)   

    S72: Saint-Norbert (Victoriaville)   

    S74: Drummondville Protestant Episcopal Congregation   

    403: Drummondville   

    S11: Saint-Guillaume   

    S15: Saint-Pierre-de-Durham (L’Avenir)   

    S22: Durham Wesleyan Methodist Church   

    CN: Notaires   

    401: Trois-Rivières   

    S106: Rivard, T.-T.   

    TP: Tribunaux provinciaux   

    11: Cour supérieure   

    S3: Trois-Rivières   

    SS2: Matières civiles en général   

    SS20: Raisons sociales   

Centre Régional de l’Estrie (ANQ-E), Sherbrooke   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    501: Sherbrooke   

    S86: Stanstead Plain Methodist Church

    S93: Shipton Presbyterian Church   

    502: Bedford   

    S42: Shefford Anglican Church

    S75: Clarenceville Methodist Church   

Centre Régional de l’Outaouais (ANQ-O), Hull   

P: Fonds et collections privés   

    111: De  Celles, Alfred-Duclos   

ZQ: Copies   

    127: Collection paroisses de l’Outaouais   

    25: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Buckingham)   

    28: Clarendon Methodist Church   

Centre Régional de Montréal (ANQ-M)   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    601: Montréal   

    S1: Saint-Jacques, cathédrale de Montréal   

    S3: Notre-Dame-de-la-Prairie-de-la-Madeleine (La  Prairie)   

    S4: La Visitation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie (Montréal)

    S6: Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (Montréal)

    S7: Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus (Montréal)   

    S10: Sainte-Anne (Varennes)   

    S15: Sainte-Brigide (Montréal)

    S18: Saint-Constant   

    S19: Sainte-Cunégonde (Montréal)   

    S22: Sainte-Famille (Boucherville)   

    S29: Saint-Henri (Montréal)   

    S33: Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur (Montréal)   

    S35: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Montréal)   

    S44: Saint-Laurent   

    S46: Saint-Marc-de-Cournoyer (Saint-Marc)   

    S48: Saint-Martin (Laval)   

    S49: Saint-Mathieu (Belœil)   

    S50: Saint-Michel (Vaudreuil)   

    S51: Notre-Dame de Montréal

    S60: Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (Montréal)

    S63: Christ Church Anglican Cathedral (Montreal)   

    S68: St George’s Anglican Church (Montreal)   

    S77: St Matthias’ Anglican Church (Westmount)   

    S85: First Baptist Church (Montreal)   

    S95: Zion Congregational Church (Montreal)   

    S97: Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue (Montreal)   

    S105: Mountain Street Methodist Church (Montreal)   

    S109: St James Street Methodist Church (Montreal)   

    S115: American Presbyterian Church (Montreal)   

    S120: Crescent Presbyterian Church (Montreal)   

    S126: St Gabriel’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)   

    S130: St Paul’s Presbyterian Church (Montreal)   

    S132: Messiah Unitarian Church (Montreal)   

    S150: Wesley Congregational Church (Montreal)   

    602: Saint-Hyacinthe   

    S3: La  Présentation-de-la-Sainte-Vierge (Saint-Hyacinthe)   

    S14: Saint-Éphrem (Upton)   

    S16: Saint-Hilaire (Mont-Saint-Hilaire)

    S21: Sainte-Marie-de-Monnoir (Marieville)   

    S25: Sainte-Rosalie   

    603: Sorel   

    S6: Immaculée-Conception (Saint-Ours)   

    S7: Saint-Pierre (Sorel)

    604: Saint-Jean   

    S10: Saint-Jean-l’Évangéliste (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)   

    S14: Saint-Rémi   

    S32: St John’s Methodist Church (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)   

    605: Joliette   

    S12: Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan 

    S14: L’Assomption   

    S19: Saint-Cuthbert   

    S31: Saint-Jacques-de-l’Achigan (Saint-Jacques)   

    S33: Saint-Paul-l’Ermite (Le  Gardeur) 

    S36: Saint-Liguori   

    606: Saint-Jérôme   

    S7: Saint-André-d’Argenteuil   

    S9: Saint-Benoît (Mirabel)   

    S11: Saint-Eustache   

    S16: Saint-Placide   

    S22: Sainte-Scholastique (Mirabel)   

    S24: Saint-Louis (Terrebonne) 

    S25: Sainte-Thérèse-de-Blainville (Sainte-Thérèse)   

    607: Beauharnois   

    S6: Saint-Jean-Chrysostome (Saint-Chrysostome)   

    S7: Saint-Joachim (Châteauguay)   

    S20: Saint-Urbain-Premier   

    S35: Huntingdon St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church   

    S44: Hudson Methodist Church   

    S72: Valleyfield Presbyterian Church   

    CN: Notaires   

    601: Montréal   

    S480: Lighthall, W.  F.   

P: Fonds et collections privées   

    23: Vallée, C.-A.   

    64: Brodeur, L.-P.   

    76: Lacoste, famille   

    82: Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal   

    120: Fédération nationale Saint-Jean-Baptiste   

    124: Ordre des architectes du Québec   

    133: Fréchette, L.-H.   

    207: Berthiaume, Trefflé   

    565: Germain, Nicole   

TP: Tribunaux provinciaux   

    11: Cour supérieure   

    S2: Montréal   

    SS2: Matières civiles en général   

    SS20: Raisons sociales   

Centre Régional de Québec (ANQ-Q), Québec   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    301: Québec   

    S1: Notre-Dame de Québec   

    S4: Saint-Étienne (Beaumont)   

    S6: La  Visitation-de-Notre-Dame (Château-Richer)   

    S7: Saint-Charles-Borromée (Charlesbourg)   

    S9: Saint-Charles-des-Grondines (Grondines)   

    S12: Saint-Pierre (île d’Orléans)   

    S17: Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures   

    S19: Saint-Joseph-de-la-Pointe-Lévy (Lévis)   

    S22: Saint-Roch (Québec)   

    S25: Saint-Joseph (Deschambault)   

    S27: Sainte-Brigitte (Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval)   

    S53: Saint-Raymond   

    S61: Quebec Anglican Cathedral Church   

    S62: Holy Trinity Cathedral (Quebec)   

    S66: St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)   

    S67: St John’s Presbyterian Church (Quebec)   

    S96: Saint-Sauveur (Québec)   

    S97: Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Québec)   

    S98: St Patrick (Quebec)   

    S100: Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire (Lévis)   

    S103: Hôtel-Dieu du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus (Québec)   

    302: Montmagny   

    S2: Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption (Berthier-sur-Mer) 

    S17: Saint-Gervais   

    S20: Sainte-Louise-des-Aulnaies (Sainte-Louise)   

    S25: Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies 

    303: Kamouraska   

    S30: Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (Trois-Pistoles) 

    304: Charlevoix   

    S3: Saint-Étienne (La  Malbaie)

    306: Beauce   

    S6: Sainte-Claire   

    S24: Sainte-Marie   

    CN: Notaires   

    301: Québec   

    S292: Angers, É.-J.   

    S305: Giroux, E.-L.-J. 

    S336: Auger, Jacques   

    S337: Bélanger, P.-E.   

    S351: Labrèque, Cyprien   

    S357: Leclerc, Louis   

    S369: Plamondon, J.-É.   

    S377: Allaire, Joseph   

    S381: Sirois, L.-P.   

    CT: Testaments   

    301: Québec, testaments olographes et licitations   

    S1: Dossiers   

E: Pouvoir exécutif   

    6: Culture et communication   

    9: Agriculture   

    17: Justice   

    51: Commission de toponymie du Québec   

    53: Archives nationales du Québec   

    104: Commission royale d’enquête sur les asiles d’aliénés   

P: Fonds et collections privés   

    152: Le  Vasseur, Nazaire, et Arthur Évanturel   

    174: Marchand, F.-G.   

    198: Parent, S.-N.   

    265: Fortier, René   

    293: Caron, Ivanhoë   

    326: Vézina, Joseph   

    350: Taschereau, L.-A.   

    372: Chênevert, Raoul   

    379: Académie de musique de Québec   

    406: Langlais, J.-A.   

    412: Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec, 1842–1966   

    433: Nor Mount Realty Company   

    487: La  Vergne, Armand   

    519: Orchestre symphonique de Québec   

    541: Staveley, famille   

    569: Papineau, D.-B.   

    596: Fortier, De  La  Broquerie   

    678: Compagnie F.-X. Drolet   

    734: Flynn, E.  J.   

P1000: Petits fonds   

    D2348: Gouin, Sir Lomer   

    D2396: Duquet, Cyrille   

TP: Tribunaux provinciaux   

    9: Cour d’appel   

    S1: Québec   

    SS5: Appels en général

    11: Cour supérieure   

    S1: Québec   

    SS2: Matières civiles en général   

    SS10: Index des causes   

    SS20: Raisons sociales

    12: Cour des sessions de la paix   

    S1: Québec   

ZQ: Copies   

    6: Registres paroissiaux du Québec   

    S315: Notre-Dame-de-Betsiamites   

    137: Gravel, famille   

Centre Régional du Bas-Saint-Laurent et de la Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (ANQ-BSLGIM), Rimouski   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    102: Gaspé   

    S19: Saint-Michel-de-Percé   

    104: Kamouraska   

    S1: Notre-Dame-de-Liesse (Rivière-Ouelle)   

    S12: Sainte-Anne (La  Pocatière)   

    S15: Saint-Denis (Kamouraska)   

ZQ: Copies   

    1: Collection registres d’état civil   

    S321: Sainte-Madeleine (Havre-aux-Maisons) 

P: Fonds et collections privés   

    11: Hubert, Paul   

Centre Régional du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (ANQ-SLSJ), Chicoutimi   

C: Pouvoir judiciaire, archives civiles   

    CE: État civil   

    201: Chicoutimi   

    S2: Saint-François-Xavier (Chicoutimi)

    202: Roberval   

    S5: Saint-Louis-de-Métabetchouan (Chambord)   

CN: Notaires   

    201: Chicoutimi   

    S4: Cloutier, T.-Z.   

    S5: Gagné, Jean   

    S9: Belleau, Raymond   

    S10: Saint-Pierre, G.-A.   

P: Fonds et collections privés   

    2: Société historique du Saguenay   

    18: Larouche, J.-C.   

    22: Naud, A.-G.   

    161: Guay, J.-D.   

    165: Gosselin, F.-X.   

    666: Compagnie Price Brothers   

Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

ATG: Attorney General   

    25: Winnipeg Surrogate Court   

AVF: Archives Vertical Files   

    A.-H. de Trémaudan   

    C: Oral history tapes   

    C  2374: Gordon Campbell interview   

    C  2376: J.  T. Thorsen interview   

    C  2377–78: Lynne Flett and E. Reeser interviews   

G: Government records   

    G  393: Surrogate Court, Eastern Judicial District, Winnipeg estate file   

    G  549: Surrogate Court, Eastern Judicial District, grants of probate   

    G  1418: Manitoba Hydro General Counsel and Corporate Secretary   

    G  1662: Executive Council, premier’s office files, Thomas Greenway administration   

    G  8017–18: Public Works  –  Minister’s Office   

MG  3: Red River disturbance, North-West rebellion, and related papers   

    B: Individuals re Red River disturbance, North-West rebellion, and related papers   

    18 Nault, André   

    19: Lépine, A.-D.   

    D: Louis Riel   

MG  10: Associations and institutions   

    B: Public service and education   

    11: Winnipeg General Hospital   

    D: Sports   

    17: Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, Manitoba section   

    26: Shamrock Football Club   

MG  11: Industry and commerce   

    A: Transportation   

    20: Bayne, G.  A.   

    34: Canadian Airways Limited   

MG  12: Lieutenant governors   

    E: Schultz, J.  C.   

    J: Burrows, T.  A.   

MG  13: Premiers   

    G: Roblin, R.  P.   

MG  14: Public life   

    B: Political and judicial figures   

    36: Manning, R.  A.  C.   

    41: Sifton, Sir Clifford   

    44: Winkler, H.  W.   

    C: Individuals   

    52: Ruttan, H.  N.   

    74: Harris, J.  W.   

    85: Nanton, A.  M.   

NR  0157: Department of Natural Resources  –  Land surveyor’s fieldbooks   

P: Private sector records   

    192: Political Equality League   

    474–77, 485–88: Aikins, Sir J.  A.  M.   

    483: Manitoba Cartage and Warehousing Company Limited   

    2131: Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg   

    2187–92: Armstrong, J.  A. and family   

    3361: Paterson, Edith   

    3586–607: Council of Women of Winnipeg   

    4895, file 2: Lépine, Émile   

    5609, 5612–13, 5616–17: Walker, J.  S.   

Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. All records of the Hudson’s Bay Company prior to 1870, with the exception of maps, are available on microfilm; microfilming of records for the period 1871–1904, and of the map collection, is in progress. A copy of the microfilm series is available in LAC, MG 20, and a description of its contents is provided in the Public Archives of Canada’s Main entry catalogue and general inventory (Ottawa, 1987), published on microfiche. The microfilm series is also available through an interlibrary loan program administered by the HBCA; copies of the series list have been deposited in a number of repositories across Canada. The HBCA website (www.gov.mb.ca/chc/archives/hbca) contains a brief catalogue of documents available on microfilm as well as online finding aids, in particular, a detailed finding aid for the HBC’s trading post records: www.gov.mb.ca.chc/archives/hbca/resource/post_rec/index.html/.   

Section A: London office records   

    A.1/: London minute books   

Section B: Post records   

    B.290/: Hazelton   

    B.324/: Pas Post   

Section D: Governor’s papers and commissioner’s office documents   

    D.13–D.18/: Commissioner’s outward correspondence   

    D.19–D.20/: Commissioner’s inward correspondence   

    D.21–D.22/: Registers, synopses and indexes of commissioner’s inward and outward correspondence   

    D.24/: Secretary’s files   

    D.25–D.26/: Reports and miscellaneous papers   

    D.38/: Staff records   

    D.44/: Canadian sub-committee records, minutes, draft minutes and working papers   

Section E: Private records   

    E.6/2: Land register book   

    E.218: McLean, W.  J.   

Archive of Manitoba Legal-Judicial History. In 1996 the Archive of Manitoba Legal History and the Law Society of Manitoba permanently transferred to the Provincial Archives of Manitoba their collections of documents on the understanding that these would form the section Archive of Manitoba Legal-Judicial History within the provincial archives. Materials cited in volume XV form part of series A, which contains files of the members of the Law Society of Manitoba, numbered P1201 to P1354, and series B (Archive of Manitoba Legal History), which is arranged in boxes P1355 to P1513. Microfilm copies (M) are available where the original documents are still in the possession of the Law Society of Manitoba.   

Archives of Ontario, Toronto. Current collection information and searchable databases are available on the Internet at www.archives.gov.on.ca.   

    Materials cited in volume XV include:   

C: Special collections   

    C  88: McLaughlin family fonds   

D: Diffusion material   

    D 46: Sault Ste Marie fonds   

    D 217: Township of Kincardine diffusion material   

F: Private papers   

    F  2: Edward Blake family fonds   

    F  5: James Whitney fonds   

    F  6: William H. Hearst fonds   

    F  8: Howard Ferguson fonds   

    F  68: Edmund Bristol fonds   

    F  102: J.  Castell Hopkins fonds   

    F  137: Madawaska Improvement Company fonds   

    F  149: William M. Gray fonds   

    F  179: Caleb R. Mallory fonds   

    F  229: T.  Eaton Co. fonds   

    F  277: Genealogies collection   

    MU 1127: McLean–MacLean   

    F  332: William Perkins Bull fonds   

    F  373: Tweedsmuir histories collection   

    F  719: Laura Elizabeth McCully family fonds   

    F  749: Peter C. Larkin scrapbook   

    F  775: Miscellaneous collection   

    F  834: John Linton fonds   

    F  885: Canadian Woman’s Christian Temperance Union fonds   

    F  975: Edward F. Wilson fonds   

    F  977: Ontario Genealogical Society’s cemetery recordings collection   

    F  978: Church records collection   

    F  1009: George  T. Denison fonds   

    F  1023: Duncan Fraser Macdonald fonds   

    F  1027: A.  E. Irving fonds   

    F  1075: M.  O. Hammond fonds   

    F  1076: William Kirby fonds   

    F 1083: John Willison fonds   

    F 1090: Fort York fonds   

    F  1104: M. Bourchier Sanford fonds   

    F  1138: Niagara Historical Society fonds   

    F  1139: Ontario Historical Society fonds   

    F  1140: Ontario Society of Artists fonds   

    F  1180-11: Women’s Canadian Historical Society of Toronto general files   

    F  1193: John W. Fisher fonds   

    F  1195: Ontario Library Association fonds   

    F  1374: L. Bruce Robertson fonds   

    F  1941: United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry fonds   

RG: Record Groups – Government records   

RG    1: Office of the Commissioner of Crown Lands   

    57: Assignments of land grants and sales registered with the commissioner of crown lands   

    ser.1: Registers of assignments of land grants and sales   

RG    2: Department of Education   

    ser.29: Correspondence files of the minister of the Department of Education   

    ser.43: Department of Education central registry files   

    ser.128: Toronto Normal School student records   

    ser.146: Public libraries branch files   

    ser.226: Applications for admission to the Ontario Library School   

    ser.227: Examination marks of Ontario Library School students   

    ser.228: Public Libraries Act working papers   

    ser.232: Public libraries financial reports   

    ser.301: Registers of first and second class teachers’ certificates   

    ser.368: Ottawa Normal School student records   

    ser.373: Librarianship and library service certificates register, Department of Education   

RG    3: Office of the Premier   

    ser.4: Premier E.  C. Drury correspondence   

    ser.5: Premier E.  C. Drury office records   

RG    4: Office of the Attorney General   

    ser.32: Central registry criminal and civil files   

RG    8: Department of the Provincial Secretary   

    ser.1: Correspondence of the Department of the Provincial Secretary   

    ser.5: Correspondence of the provincial secretary   

    ser.54: Correspondence of the secretary of the Ontario Board of Parole   

RG  10: Ministry of Health   

    ser.20: Psychiatric hospitals branch records   

RG  22: Court records   

    Surrogate courts   

    Belleville (Hastings)   

    ser.340: Estate files   

    Brampton (Peel)   

    ser.359: Estate files   

    Brockville (Leeds and Grenville)   

    ser.179: Estate files   

    Chatham (Kent)   

    ser.397: Estate files   

    Cobourg (Northumberland and Durham)   

    ser.191: Estate files   

    Guelph (Wellington)   

    ser.318: Estate files   

    Hamilton (Wentworth)   

    ser.205: Estate files   

    Kingston (Frontenac)   

    ser.159: Estate files   

    Kitchener (Waterloo)   

    ser.214: Estate files   

    Lindsay (Victoria)   

    ser.357: Estate files   

    London (Middlesex)   

    ser.321: Estate files   

    Oshawa (Ontario)   

    ser.264: Estate files   

    Ottawa (Carleton)   

    ser.354: Estate files   

    St Catharines (Lincoln)   

    ser.235: Estate files   

    St Thomas (Elgin)   

    ser.322: Estate files   

    Sarnia (Lambton)   

    ser.273: Estate files   

    Stratford (Perth)   

    ser.267: Estate files   

    Toronto (York)   

    ser.305: Estate files   

    Windsor (Essex)   

    ser.311: Estate files   

    Supreme Court of Ontario   

    ser.392: Criminal assize clerk, criminal indictment files   

    ser.5800: Supreme Court central office, action files   

    ser.5822: Supreme Court at Toronto, bankruptcy case files   

    ser.5871: York County Court of General Sessions of the Peace, indictment case files   

RG  24: Lieutenant Governor’s Office   

    ser.10: Records of Lieutenant Governor John Morison Gibson   

    ser.12: Records of Lieutenant Governor Lionel Herbert Clarke   

RG 35: Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario   

RG  55: Companies Division, Consumer and Commercial Relations   

    ser.1: Company charter-books   

    ser.17: Expired partnership and sole proprietorship registrations, pre-1975   

    div.33: Middlesex County   

    div.57: Waterloo County   

    div.60: City of Toronto   

RG  61: Land records   

    ser.3: Bruce County Land Registry Office   

    div.1: Instruments and deeds   

RG  63: Office of the Inspector of Asylums, Prisons and Public Charities   

RG  80: Office of the Registrar General   

    ser.2: Registrations of births and stillbirths   

    ser.3: Delayed registrations of births and stillbirths   

    ser.5: Registrations of marriages   

    ser.8: Registrations of deaths   

    ser.24: Original index books to marriage registrations   

    ser.27-2: County marriage registers   

Bibliothèque Centrale de Montréal, Salle Gagnon, Montréal. The Salle Gagnon holds microfilms acquired by the City of Montreal from the Drouin Institute of Genealogy. These contain information about baptisms, marriages, and burials of Catholics and non-Catholics from the Montreal area, as well as some from Ontario and the United States, between 1900 and 1940; they are listed in volume XV with the abbreviation RBMS. Also available is an index of baptisms, marriages and burials of Catholics and non-Catholics which covers a good part of the 20th century and mainly the judicial districts of Montreal and Quebec.   

British Columbia Archives, Victoria. Government records are searchable for the most part on the BCA website at www.bcarchives.gov.bc.ca. Educational records are detailed in The school record: a guide to government archives relating to public education in British Columbia, 1852–1946, comp. P.  A. Dunae (Victoria, [1992]).   

    Collections cited in volume XV include:   

GR: Government records   

    0216: Cariboo government agency records, 1860–1938   

    0429: Attorney general, correspondence, 1872–1937   

    0441: Premiers’ records, 1883–1933   

    0584: Cariboo court records, 1862–1910   

    0766: Department of Lands and Works, pre-emption records for west coast land, 1861–86   

    1052: Victoria Supreme Court, central will registry, probated wills, 1861–1939   

    1197: Premier John Herbert Turner records, 1893–97   

    1304: Victoria Supreme Court, probate/estate files, 1859–1941   

    1323: Attorney general, correspondence, 1902–37   

    1372: Colonial correspondence, 1857–72. An artificial series created from the letters inward to departments of the colonial governments of British Columbia and Vancouver Island from both individuals and other government departments. The letters are filed under the names of the senders.   

    1415: Vancouver Supreme Court, probate/estate files, 1893–1941   

    1422: New Westminster Supreme Court, probate/estate files, 1881–1943   

    1438: Registrar of companies files   

    1440: Lands branch, correspondence files with regard to crown lands, 1872–1918   

    1676: Government agent, Richfield, 1892–94   

    1952: Ashcroft Supreme Court, probate/estate files, 1907–90   

    2025: Matthew Baillie Begbie bench books, 1859–73   

    2880: Mental health services, patient case files, 1872–1942   

    2951: Vital Statistics Agency, death registrations, 1872–1984   

    2962: Vital Statistics Agency, marriage registrations, 1872–1929   

    3049: Lytton government agency account books, 1858–1900   

ms: Manuscripts   

    0016: Victoria Sealing Company   

    0054: Crease, Henry Pering Pellew, legal papers, 1853–95   

    0055: Crease family, private and official correspondence, 1753–1965   

    0056: Crease family, photocopies of correspondence and miscellaneous papers, 1836–1924   

    0215: Young Women’s Christian Association, 1910–51   

    0254: Johns, Mrs T.  H., “History of Metropolitan Church, Victoria, B.C.” (typescript, n.d.)   

    0303: Tate family, 1852–1933   

    0471: Premier John Herbert Turner, political correspondence, 1890–1914   

    0676: LeBourdais, Louis, papers, 1917–45   

    0699: Bowser, William John, personal and official papers, 1907–49   

    0700: Laing, F.  W., “Colonial farm settlers on the mainland of British Columbia, 1858–1871, with a historical sketch” (typescript, 1939)   

    1077: Newcombe family, 1870–1955   

    1130: Turner, John Herbert, correspondence and papers, 1889–92, 1900–1   

    1320: Nichol, Walter Cameron, scrapbook   

    1961: Provincial Council of Women records, 1894–1970   

    2018: E. T. Dodge and Company, New Westminster, freight merchants   

    2227: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of British Columbia, minute-book, 1880–86   

    2367: Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone, 1905–33   

    2561: South Fork Hydraulic and Mining Company records, 1889–1912   

    2700: Nichol, Quita Josephine [March Moore], papers, 1920–46   

    2818: Local Council of Women of Victoria records, 1907–81   

    2879: Crease family collection, 1810–1960    

Old Classification   

Class A: Early exploration: fur trade   

    A/E/G41/T56: Todd family   

    A/E/R54: Robert James Roberts fonds   

Class E: Private papers   

    E/C/B81.3: Brown, James, notes of conversation with Robert Hartley re Cariboo, 1930 (typescript)   

    E/C/B172.2: Baker, Mrs August, reminiscences, 1929 (typescript)   

    E/C/Se5: “Old manuscripts,” 1879–90, 1896–1904   

    E/D/L58: Lew, David C., fonds   

    E/D/M362: Agreement between J. Martin, J. M. Kellie, and Thomas Kidd, 19 Feb. 1900   

    E/D/T56: Todd, A. E., papers   

    E/E/C61: Cline, Sperry, “Cataline” (typescript, 1959)   

    E/E/H85: Hoy, David, reminiscences, 1929 (typescript)   

    E/E/M311: Manson, William, reminiscences, 1929 (typescript)   

    E/E/M963: Murray, Alexander, reminiscences (typescript)   

Class S: Literature and journalism   

    S/F/L95: Lowery, R.  T., fonds   

Other Classifications   

Cartographic Records: Plans produced by Samuel Maclure   

    CM-B308: “Sketch plan for a bungalow for F.  S. Hussey, esq. n.d.”   

    CM-B944, sh.1–sh.4: “House for Thos. R. Cusack, esq., cor. Cook and Collinson Sts.”   

    CM-B1641, sh.1–sh.2: “Cary Castle, Belcher St. Victoria, BC” (in collaboration with F.  M. Rattenbury)   

Vertical Files   

    VF36, frames 0941–43: Autobiographical letter by William Henry Curran   

    VF42, frames 1197–99: Obituary of Mrs Alice M. Earley   

    VF87, frames 0389–578: Maclure family   

    VF90, frames 0006–84: Martin, Joseph   

    VF130, frames 0641–65: Shakespeare, Noah   

    VF155, frames 3013–29: Wade, F.  C.   

Visual Records Unit   

    PDP153–55, PDP161–66, PDP1844, PDP3218, PDP3629, PDP3630, PDP3773: paintings by Samuel Maclure in the British Columbia Archives art collection   

    Tarasoff photo collection on Doukhobor history with an annotated user guide   

Glenbow Archives, Calgary. Descriptions of the archives’ holdings are included on the Glenbow website at www.glenbow.org/lasearch/searmenu.htm. The online Main Catalogue features links to more detailed finding aids, and, increasingly, scanned documents which can be viewed online.   

    Materials cited in volume XV:   

M: Manuscript collections   

    M 131, M 132: Robert George Brett fonds   

    M 289: A. E. Cross family fonds   

    M 311, M 313, M 3933, M 6017: Richard Burton Deane fonds   

    M 320: Edgar Dewdney fonds   

    M 353, M 354, M 355, M 356, M 2623, M 3826, M 3943: Bob Edwards fonds   

    M 495: Frederick W.  G. Haultain fonds   

    M 517: John D. Higinbotham fonds   

    M 559: Ella Inderwick fonds   

    M 651, M 652: George and Elizabeth Lane fonds   

    M 722: Scrolls of judicial appointments of David Lynch Scott   

    M 927, M 928: Wesley  F. Orr fonds   

    M 1462: Dixon Brothers fonds   

    M 1469, M 1470, M 1471: Great West Saddlery fonds   

    M 1749: United Farmers of Alberta fonds   

    M 1925: Calgary Bar Association fonds   

    M 1931: Law Society of the North West Territories fonds   

    M 2286: North-West rebellion fonds   

    M 2431, M 2533, M 3748, M 3749, M 3750, M 7899, M 8532: Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company fonds   

    M 3983: Alberta Law Society oral history project fonds   

    M 4421: Robert Nathaniel Wilson fonds   

    M 4843, files 13–14: James Lougheed family fonds   

    M 6242: Emilio Picariello fonds   

    M 6552: William Edward Cochrane fonds   

    M 6840: J. McKinley Cameron fonds   

    M 8688: New Walrond Ranche Company Ltd. fonds   

Microfilm collections   

    Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company   

    United Farmers of Alberta   

NA: Photographs   

Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa (formerly National Archives of Canada). The collections can be searched on the Internet at www.collectionscanada.ca. ArchiviaNet is the online database that provides access to archival holdings from governmental and private sources.   

    The LAC’s published general guides to the services it offers and to its collections are no longer being updated and researchers are encouraged to use ArchiviaNet. The holdings of the LAC, along with those of over 800 archival repositories in Canada, are now described online at Archives Canada: Canadian Archival Information Network (www.archivescanada.ca).   

    Collections cited in the preparation of volume XV include:   

Manuscript Division   

MG    9: Provincial, local and territorial records   

    D: Ontario   

    7: Church records    

MG    17: Ecclesiastical archives   

    B: Church of England (Anglican Church)   

    2: Church Missionary Society (mfm.)   

MG    19: Fur trade and Indians   

    F: Indians   

    26: Newhouse, Seth (Da-yo-de-ka-ne) (1842–1921)   

MG    23: Late eighteenth-century papers   

    D: New Brunswick   

    1: Chipman, Ward (senior and junior)   

MG    24: Nineteenth-century pre-confederation papers   

    B: North American political figures and events   

    40: Brown, George   

    D: Industry, commerce, and finance   

    16: Buchanan, Isaac, and family   

MG    25: Genealogy   

    G: Genealogy   

    175: Meredith family fonds   

MG    26: Papers of the prime ministers   

    A: Macdonald, Sir John Alexander   

    D: Thompson, Sir John Sparrow David   

    E: Bowell, Sir Mackenzie   

    F: Tupper, Sir Charles   

    G: Laurier, Sir Wilfrid   

    H: Borden, Sir Robert Laird   

    I: Meighen, Arthur   

    J: King, William Lyon Mackenzie   

    K: Bennett, Richard Bedford   

MG    27: Political figures, 1867–1950   

    I: 1867–96   

    B: Governors general   

    5: Aberdeen, John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, 7th Earl of   

    6: Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of   

    C: Lieutenant governors   

    2: Campbell, Sir Alexander   

    4: Dewdney, Edgar   

    D: Cabinet ministers   

    4: Cartier, Sir George Étienne   

    8: Galt, Sir Alexander Tilloch   

    E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate   

    8: McLennan, John   

    F: Provincial political figures   

    7: Gibson, Sir John Morison   

    I: Correspondents of political figures   

    15: Macdonell, John Alexander   

    42: Lavergne, Mme Joseph   

    II: 1896–1921   

    B: Governors general   

    1: Minto, Sir Gilbert John Elliot, 4th Earl of (copies)   

    C: Lieutenant governors   

    1: Fitzpatrick, Sir Charles   

    4: Brodeur, Louis-Philippe   

    D: Cabinet ministers   

    7: Foster, Sir George Eulas   

    9: Kemp, Sir Edward   

    10: Lemieux, Rodolphe   

    15: Sifton, Sir Clifford   

    18: White, Sir William Thomas   

    19: Sifton, Arthur Lewis   

    25: Fisher, Sydney   

    E: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate   

    1: Bourassa, Henri   

    12: La Vergne, Armand   

    F: Provincial Political Figures   

    1: Dewart, Herbert Hartley   

    6: Ryerson, George Sterling   

    8: Flynn, Edmund James   

    III: 1921–50   

    B: Cabinet ministers   

    3: Dandurand, Raoul   

    4: Gouin, Sir Lomer   

    8: Murphy, Charles   

    10: Lapointe, Ernest   

    C: Members of the House of Commons and the Senate   

    1: Good, William Charles   

    9: MacLean, William Findlay   

    E: Consuls and diplomatic representatives   

    1: Larkin, Peter Charles   

MG  28: Records of post-confederation corporate bodies   

    I: Societies and associations   

    8: Canadian South Africa Memorial Association, 1901–1911   

    17: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire   

    32:Ottawa Local Council of Women   

    37: Protestant Orphans’ Home (Ottawa)   

    75: Canadian Lung Association   

    95: Young Men’s Christian Association   

    126: Royal Academy of Arts   

    169: Canadian Bar Association   

    230: Canadian Manufacturers’ Association   

    232: Media Club of Canada   

    239: Royal Architectural Institute of Canada   

    327: Moral and Social Reform Council of Canada   

    III: Business establishments   

    20: Canadian Pacific Railway   

    26: Bronson Company   

    82: Winnipeg Commodity Exchange   

    126: Confederation Life Insurance Company   

MG    29: Nineteenth-century post-confederation manuscripts   

    A: Economic   

    28: Angus, Richard Bladworth   

    B: Scientific   

    1: Fleming, Sir Sandford   

    C: Social   

    16: Mavor, James   

    34: Dougall, John, and family   

    101: Montizambert, Edward Louis, and family   

    117: Berthiaume, Trefflé   

    D: Cultural   

    27: Lusignan, Alphonse   

    35: Hopkins, John Castell   

    36: Pacaud, Ernest   

    38: Grant, George Monro   

    40: Fréchette, L.-H.   

    46: Carman, Bliss   

    61: Morgan, Henry James   

    65: Maclean, John   

    E: Professional and public life   

    18: Lowe, John   

    29: Denison, George Taylor, iii   

    40: Strange, Thomas Bland   

    48: Deane, Richard Burton   

    106: Reed, Hayter   

    114: Burgess, A. M.   

MG    30: Manuscripts of the first half of the twentieth century   

    A: Economic   

    16: Flavelle, Joseph Wesley   

    94: Cohen, Jacob Lawrence   

    B: Scientific   

    13: Klotz, Otto Julius   

    21: Le Vasseur, Nazaire   

    78: Bell, Alexander Graham   

    C: Social   

    20: Gaudet, Placide   

    27: Scott, William Louis   

    62: Scott, William Duncan   

    D: Cultural   

    15: Harriss, Charles Albert Edwin   

    29: Willison, Sir John Stephen   

    44: Parkin, George Robert   

    45: Dafoe, J.  W.   

    56: Leymarie, A.-L.   

    59: Grant, William Lawson and Maude   

    71: Hughes, Katherine   

    77: Parkin, George Raleigh   

    135: Bessette, Arsène   

    150: Macphail, Sir Andrew   

    178: Bourdon, Louis-Honoré   

    187: Sise, Charles Fleetwood   

    207: Fischer, Sarah   

    216: Crestohl, H. M.   

    271: De Celles, Alfred Duclos   

    E: Professional and public life   

    41: Lessard, François Louis   

    48: Hodgins, William Egerton   

    69: Watson, Sir David   

    70: Johnston, Alexander   

    82: Magrath, Charles Alexander   

    86: Pope, Joseph   

    149: Adamson, Agar Stewart Allan Masterton   

    242: Otter, William Dillon   

    299: Magill, Robert   

    312: Brodeur, Victor-Gabriel   

    339: Hilder, Albert E.   

    428: Boyle, Joseph Whiteside   

MG    31: Manuscripts of the second half of the twentieth century   

    E: Law, judiciary, and political life   

    5: Sellar, Robert Watson   

MG    32: Political figures, 1950–   

    A: Governors general   

    1: Massey family fonds   

Government Archives Division   

RG    1: Executive Council, 1764–1867   

    L: Land Records   

    3: Upper Canada and Canada; Land Committee, petitions   

RG    2: Privy Council Office   

RG    3: Post Office Department   

RG    6: Department of the Secretary of State   

    D: State ceremonial branch   

    E: Chief press censor   

RG    7: Governor General’s Office   

RG    9: Militia and Defence   

    II: Post-confederation records   

    A: Deputy minister’s office   

    2: Milita Council   

    5: Medals   

    B: Adjutant general’s office and headquarters   

    4: Registers and lists of officers   

    III: Records of the overseas military forces of Canada and the Canadian Expeditionary Force   

    C: Units   

    15: Canadian Chaplain Service, 1914–1920   

RG  10: Indian Affairs   

RG    11: Public Works   

    B: Department of Public Works   

    1: Registry records, 1826–80   

    (d): Railway branch   

    2: Registry records, 1867–1921   

    D: Chief architect’s office   

RG    12: Department of Transport   

RG    13: Department of Justice   

    A: Central registry records   

    2: Central registry files   

RG    14: Parliament   

RG    15: Department of the Interior   

    D: Dominion lands administration   

    II: Dominion lands branch   

    III: Lands patent branch   

RG    17: Agriculture Canada   

    A: Department of Agriculture    

    I: Records of the minister, deputy minister, and secretary   

    B: Deputy minister   

    II: Correspondence   

RG    18: Royal Canadian Mounted Police   

RG    19: Department of Finance   

RG    24: Department of National Defence   

RG    25: Department of External Affairs   

RG    27: Department of Labour   

RG    29: Department of National Health and Welfare   

RG    31: Statistics Canada   

    C: Census field   

    1: Census returns   

RG    32: Public Service Commission   

RG    33: Royal commissions   

    88: Royal commission on customs and excise   

RG    36: Boards, offices, and commissions   

RG    37: National Archives   

RG    38: Department of Veterans’ Affairs   

RG    39: Canadian Forestry Service   

RG    45: Geological Survey of Canada   

RG    46: Canadian Transport Commission   

RG    48: Dominion Observatories   

RG    51: International Joint Commission   

RG    76: Immigration branch   

    C: Records of entry   

    1(a): Quebec   

RG    85: Northern Affairs Program   

RG    95: Corporations branch   

RG  110: Bureau of Competition Policy   

RG  117: Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property   

RG 125: Supreme Court of Canada   

RG  139: Canadian Hydrographic Service   

RG  150: Ministry of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada   

    Accession 1992–93/166: Canadian Expeditionary Force personnel files   

Documentary Art and Photography Division   

    120-080260-8: Edmond-Joseph Massicotte collection   

    03391: photograph of Edmond-Joseph Massicotte   

    PA-27800, 43037, 12295, C-131090: photographs of Otto Julius Klotz   

Literary Manuscript Collection   

    LMS-0009: Marie-Claire Daveluy   

Music Division   

    Music Archives   

    MUS 10: Emma Albani   

    MUS 11: Charles A.  E. Harriss   

Post offices and postmasters (ArchiviaNet online database)   

R639-0-5 (formerly Accession 1936-270): Topley Studio fonds   

McGill University Archives, Montreal. An inventory of the various collections of documents held at McGill University has been published as Guide to archival resources at McGill University, comp. Marcel Caya et al. (3v., Montreal, 1985). It is also available on the Internet along with an update which describes the private fonds acquired between 1985 and 1995: www.archives.mcgill.ca/resources/res_guides.htm.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

Private archives   

    MG 1049: Lochhead, William.   

    MG 1062: Nicholls, R.  V.  V.   

    MG 3021: Harriss, C.  A.  E.   

    MG 3022: Ruttan, R.  F.   

    MG 3083: Murray, J.  C.   

    MG 3099: Livingston, G.  E.   

Archival records of McGill University   

    RG  2: Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor   

    RG 30: Faculty of education   

    RG 38: Faculty of medicine   

    RG 39: Faculty of music   

    RG 43: Macdonald College   

    RG 46: Athletics and physical education   

    RG 49: Public Relations Office   

    RG 64: School of Nursing   

    RG 96: Montreal General Hospital   

Musée de la Civilisation, Québec. In 1995 the Archives du Séminaire de Québec, one of the components of the Musée de l’Amérique Française, was attached to the Musée de la Civilisation. In accordance with the agreement, the archives of the seminary were regrouped into two large sections: Dépôt du Séminaire de Québec, for private archives, and Fonds du Séminaire de Québec, for institutional archives. A general inventory prepared by Marie-Josée Courchesne and Chantal Michaud has been published as Plus de trois siècles d’histoire à découvrir; les archives du séminaire de Québec (Québec, 1998); it is also available on the website of the Musée de la Civilisation: www.mcq.org/objets/fonds_archives/.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

Dépôt du séminaire de Québec   

    P7: Roy, P.-E.   

    P10: Roy, Camille   

Fonds du séminaire de Québec   


SME: Le séminaire de Québec   

    1: La fondation du séminaire de Québec et ses œuvres   

2: L’administration au séminaire de Québec   

    9: L’enseignement supérieur à l’université Laval   

    10: Les cérémonies officielles   

    13: La collection de manuscrits   

National Archives of Canada. See Library and Archives Canada   

Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, Halifax. Collections can be searched on BosaNova, NSARM’s online database at www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm. The database includes both archival records of the Government of Nova Scotia and private sector archival records of provincial scope or significance. BosaNova is not yet a complete inventory of NSARM holdings. It is updated regularly. Also useful is the Nova Scotia genealogical sources, county guide series being published by NSARM (8v. to date, Halifax, 1988–    ), which when completed will contain listings of both published and archival materials of genealogical interest in the archives for each of the province’s 18 counties and for the city of Halifax.   

    Materials used in the preparation of volume XV:   

Manuscript Groups   

MG    1: Personal and family papers   

    150c: Samuel M. Brookfield miscellaneous ledger and indexed notebook   

    1450: W.  A. Murray family   

    1731: James Crosskill Mackintosh fonds   

MG    2: Papers of politicians/Records of political parties   

    63–223: F. W. Borden fonds   

    422–541, 784–90(B): W. S. Fielding fonds   

    707–17: James C. Tory fonds   

MG    20: Records of corporate bodies (societies, organizations, etc.)   

    160: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire fonds   

    183, 567: Halifax Ladies’ Musical Club fonds   

    204: Local Council of Women of Halifax fonds, scrapbook   

    321: Canadian Red Cross Society, Nova Scotia Division fonds   

    357–60: Nova Scotia Women’s Christian Temperance Union fonds   

    535: Local Council of Women of Halifax fonds, minute-books   

MG  100: Miscellaneous manuscripts collection   

Government Records   

RG    14: Provincial Education Association   

RG    21: Department of Mines   

RG    32: Vital statistics   

    M: Marriage licences   

    WB: Registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials   

RG    39: Supreme Court   

    CO: Colchester County   

    M: Miscellaneous   

    HX: Halifax County   

    M: Miscellaneous   


Christina Simmons collection, Helen M. West interviews   

Pictou (town) Board of School Commissioners, microfilm reference collection, mfm.13278   

1990-215/014: Halifax Industries Limited fonds   

Provincial Archives of Manitoba. See Archives of Manitoba   

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Information on the manuscript holdings is provided in A guide to the manuscript collections in the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, comp. A.  C. Rigby (Fredericton, 1977), although a new classification system has been adopted since its publication and the holdings have significantly increased over the last three decades. Some government records, private records, and cemetery information are indexed or digitized and are available on the Internet at archives.gnb.ca/Archives.   

    The following materials were cited in the preparation of volume XV:   

MC: Manuscript collections   

    80: Family histories database   

    218: Wood family papers   

    290: Bathurst Roman Catholic Church: parish registers, [1846–84]   

    1156: Graves New Brunswick political biography collection   

    1246: George Burchill and Sons papers   

    2495: Cap Pelé Roman Catholic Church: index, [1813–1916]   

RS: Record Series   

    RS6: Executive Council: minutes and orders-in-council   

    RS8: Executive Council: New Brunswick series   

    RS68: Northumberland County Probate Court records   

    RS71: Saint John County Probate Court records   

    RS74: Westmorland County Probate Court records   

    RS117: Teachers College records   

    RS140: Centracare Saint John Inc. records   

    RS141: New Brunswick vital statistics   

    RS260: Workplace health, safety, and compensation commission records   

    RS655: Teachers’ petitions and licences   

    RS657: Grammar, parish, and private school returns   

Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, St John’s. Information on the government holdings of the PANL is provided in A guide to the government records of Newfoundland, comp. Margaret Chang ([St John’s], 1983), and its supplement, Inventory of the government records collection of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador, comp. Shelley Smith ([St John’s], 1988). A finding aid for the parish records collection is located at www.gov.nf.ca/panl/par_index.html. In June 2005 the Provincial Archives moved to a new facility (The Rooms), along with the Provincial Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Provincial Archives will still maintain its original website located at www.gov.nl.ca/panl but information about the Provincial Archives may also be accessed via The Rooms website: www.therooms.ca.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

GN: Government records of Newfoundland   

GN    1: Governor’s Office   

    3/A: Local and miscellaneous correspondence   

GN    2: Colonial secretary   

    5: Special subject files   

    39/A: Miscellaneous census materials, 1675–1884   

GN    5: Court records   

    2: Supreme Court   

GN    8: Office of the Prime Minister   

    2: Sir Richard Squires papers   

GN    9: Executive Council   

    1: Minute-books   

GN  30: Registrar general/Registry of Vital Statistics   

MG: Manuscript Groups   

MG    17: Reid Newfoundland Company papers   

MG    73: Newfoundland Board of Trade correspondence   

MG  299: Edward Michael Jackman   

MG  592: Great War Veterans’ Association, St John’s   

MG  632: Patriotic Association of Newfoundland   

Parish records collection   

    Methodist/United Church   

    Roman Catholic Church   

Provincial Archives of Nova Scotia. See Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management   

Public Archives and Records Office, Charlottetown. The PARO holds government records and private papers and records deemed to be of lasting historical value. Its website is at www.edu.pe.ca/paro.   

    Collections cited in volume XV include:   

Acc.  2320: Charlottetown Camera Club collection   

Acc.  2323: George Leard files   

Acc.  2594/A:   

    items 31–42: Annual reports of the Prince Edward Island Hospital, 1892–1910   

Acc.  2947: Donald Alexander MacKinnon fonds   

Acc.  3043: Matheson fonds   

Acc.  3295: Trinity United Church (formerly First Methodist Church), Charlottetown   

Acc. 3466: Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation collection   

    series 73.100: Prowse family file   

Acc.  4327: Prowse Brothers Ltd., day-book    

Montague United Church (Montague), Register of baptisms   

Parish of Saint-Augustin de Rustico, 1890 census   

Prince Edward Island Genealogical Society collection (formerly the Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation’s genealogical division files; transferred to the PARO in 1992)   

    Family files   

St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church (Indian River), Register of baptisms   

RG    6: Courts   

    1: Supreme Court fonds   

    series 3: Trial dockets   

    subseries 1: Trial docket books   

    series 19: Legal profession records   

    subseries 2: Bar admittances   

RG  19: Vital statistics   

    series 3: marriage records   

    subseries 1: licence cash-books   

RG  20: City of Charlottetown records   

    1–16: city council minutes   

RG  25: Premiers   

    series 25: John Howatt Bell papers   

Québec, Ministère de la Justice, Québec. The Archives Civiles and the Archives Judiciaires of Quebec constitute two separate repositories.   

Archives Civiles. Following the reform of the Quebec Civil Code, which went into effect in January 1994, the Archives Civiles from the end of the 19th century to the present were transferred to the Direction de l’État Civil, a central repository in Quebec City under the authority of the Ministère de la Justice. This repository holds civil registers, that is to say, certificates of baptism, marriage, and death. Materials are generally moved to the ANQ when the 100-year rule comes into effect.   

Archives Judiciaires. These archives, which are the responsibility of the courts but are in the keeping of the Ministère de la Justice, consist of the records of the various courts as well as documents deposited with them under various laws, such as notarial registers. Generally speaking, documents still current, those of the last five years, remain at the courthouses; semi-active material from the preceding 25 years is located in one of the 12 pre-archival centres organized by the Ministère de la Justice; documents more than 30 years old and those of historical value are placed in the regional centres of the ANQ.   

    A list of the judicial districts can be found in Relevé alphabétique des toponymes populaires du Québec, Commission de toponymie du Québec, compil. (Québec, 1989).   

Queen’s University Archives, Kingston, Ont. Information on the manuscript collections is provided on the Queen’s University Archives website, archives.queensu.ca.   

    Materials from the following collections were consulted in the preparation of volume XV:   

Bliss Carman fonds   

Thomas Alexander Crerar fonds   

Merrill Denison fonds   

Department of Alumni Affairs fonds   

Department of Biology fonds   

Joseph Flavelle fonds   

Alex MacLennan Gordon fonds   

Daniel Miner Gordon fonds   

Wilhelmina Gordon fonds   

Charles Mair fonds   

George William McLaughlin fonds   

McLaughlin Carriage Works fonds   

Lorne and Edith Pierce collection   

    Bliss Carman   

Isabel Eccleston MacPherson MacKay   

Thomas O’Hagan   

Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall   

Alice Rothwell collection   

Queen’s historical collection   

Registrar’s Office fonds   

Office of the University Secretariat fonds   

James Williamson fonds   

Toronto Reference Library [tplwpac.tpl.toronto.on.ca]. Information on the library’s manuscript holdings appears in Guide to the manuscript collection in the Toronto Public Libraries (Toronto, 1954).   

    Materials from various collections were consulted for volume XV:   

Biographical files   

Biographical scrapbooks   

Black history file   

Civic Guild of Toronto papers   

Denison family papers   

Special Collections Centre   

United Church of Canada Archives [www.united-church.ca/archives/home.shtm]. The archives of the United Church includes 19th- and 20th-century archival records of various Canadian Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Evangelical United Brethren denominations which came together to form the United Church of Canada in 1925. The Central Archives of the United Church is housed at Victoria University, Toronto, along with the university’s archives and the records of most conferences, presbyteries, and congregations in Ontario. Records of other Canadian conferences, presbyteries, and congregations are found in the seven regional conference archives of the United Church archives network.   

United Church of Canada Archives/Victoria University Archives, Toronto. Information on the collections is provided in A record of service: a guide to holdings of the Central Archives of the United Church of Canada, comp. Ruth Dyck Wilson with P.  D. James (Toronto, 1992). An index to local church records is available at archeion-aao.fis.utoronto.ca/asearch.html.   

    The following United Church fonds were used in the preparation of volume XV:   

    Fonds 5: Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada   

    Fonds 14: Methodist Church (Canada), Missionary Society   

    Fonds 15: Methodist Church (Canada), Woman’s Missionary Society   

    Fonds 53: British Methodist Episcopal Church of Canada   

    Fonds 122: Presbyterian Church in Canada, Board of Foreign Missions   

    Fonds 127: Presbyterian Church in Canada, Women’s Missionary Society Western Division   

    Fonds 513: United Church of Canada Board of Publication collection   

Biographical files   

Conference files   

Local church records   

    Fonds 1470: Zion United Church (Brantford, Ont.) fonds   

    Fonds 1777: Bloor Street United Church (Toronto) fonds   

Personal papers   

    Fonds 3170: Francis Huston Wallace   

    Fonds 3260: Hugh Matheson   

    Fonds 3270: John MacLean   

    Fonds 3431: Young family   


University of Toronto Archives. The Accessions Database, a searchable database containing accession records of all university and private records held in the University of Toronto Archives, can be found at www.library.utoronto.ca/utarms.   

    Materials used in volume XV:   

A: Corporate record accessions   

A1967-0007: University of Toronto, office of the president   

A1970-0024: University of Toronto, board of governors   

A1972-0018: University of Toronto, faculty of forestry, miscellaneous records   

A1972-0025: University of Toronto, faculty of forestry, records of the deans   

A1973-0026: University of Toronto, department of graduate records. A collection of biographical files on students, graduates, faculty, and staff members.   

A1974-0018: Upper Canada College   

A1976-0006: University of Toronto, faculty of forestry, text of speeches (including offprints) given by Bernhard Eduard Fernow and Gordon Gunn Cosens   

A1976-0025: University of Toronto, department of political economy   

A1979-0015: University of Toronto, faculty of forestry, lecture notes of Dr Bernhard Eduard Fernow   

B: Private records accessions   

B1965-0014: Langton (John) family   

B1975-0013: Dale, William   

Graduate theses   

T1979-0077: University of Toronto, masters theses   

Ville de Montréal, Division de la Gestion de Documents et des Archives. All of the archival fonds that have been generated by the administration of the City of Montreal are described in Guide des archives, ville de Montréal published in Montreal in 1994. A second edition, revised and updated, was published 1997, and a third in 2002; the latter is accessible on the Internet site of the Archives de Montréal, www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/archives/archives.htm. Four hundred fonds have been provided with descriptions that the researcher can follow up in the Réseau de Diffusion des Archives du Québec. Some of them have also been given detailed published descriptions, in the form of file lists.   

    Series cited in volume XV:   

BM2: Collection de la Bibliothèque de Montréal   

    S10: Manuscrits catalogués par ordre chronologique   

    P: Fonds d’archives privés   

    12: Ville de Cartierville

    23: Cité de Saint-Henri

    39: Commission royale d’enquête sur l’administration des affaires de la cité de Montréal

VM: Fonds d’archives institutionnelles   

    1: Conseil de ville de Montréal

    6: Service du greffe

    47: Commission de l’aqueduc   

    50: Commission des incendies et de l’éclairage   


General Register Office, Southport, England. The GRO forms part of the Office for National Statistics, an independent government agency. The GRO also has a presence in central London at the Family Records Centre, which is jointly run by the National Archives. GRO records available at the Family Records Centre include: indexes of births, marriages, and deaths in England and Wales since 1837 up to 18 months ago; indexes of legal adoptions in England and Wales since 1927; and indexes of births, marriages, and deaths of some British citizens abroad since the late 18th century. These indexes are not available on the Internet, but the website www.gro.gov.uk provides instructions for obtaining copies of certificates.   

National Archives, London, England. The National Archives was formed in April 2003 by joining the Public Record Office and the Historical Manuscripts Commission. The catalogue (formerly PROCAT) is searchable at www.catalogue.nationalarchives.gov.uk.   

    Series consulted in the preparation of volume XV:   

Admiralty Office   

    Royal Marines records   

Board of Trade   

    Companies Registration Office   

    BT 31: Files of dissolved companies   

Colonial Office [See Records of the Colonial Office, Dominions Office, Commonwealth Relations Office and Commonwealth Office, ed. Anne Thurston (London, 1995), a revised and expanded version of R.  B. Pugh, The records of the Colonial and Dominions offices (1964).]   

    British Columbia   

    CO  60: Original correspondence   


    CO  194: Original correspondence   

Home Office   

    Census returns   

    HO 107: 1841–51   

War Office   


    WO  76: Records of officers’ services   


    WO  211: Private collections: Lieutenant-General Henry George Hart   


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Family History Library was founded in 1894 to gather genealogical records and assist church members with their family history and genealogical research. The International Genealogical Index (IGI) is a computer file that lists vital information for several hundred million deceased persons from around the world. The IGI, and other of the society’s family history databases, can be searched on the Internet at www.familysearch.org.   


The following Canadian newspapers were particularly useful in the preparation of volume XV. Further details, including additional title variants and locations of copies, are provided in numerous reference sources: for all areas of the country, the National Library of Canada’s Union list of Canadian newspapers on microfiche (microfiche ed., [Ottawa], 1993) and “Canadian newspapers on microform held by the National Library of Canada,” a finding aid available on the LAC’s website at www.collectionscanada.ca/8/18/index-e.html; and for the following provinces and territories: Alberta newspapers, 1880–1982; an historical directory, comp. G.  M. Strathern (Edmonton, 1988); Union catalogue of British Columbia newspapers, comp. Hana Komorous and Kenneth Field (microfiche ed., Vancouver, 1987); Manitoba Library Assoc., Manitoba newspaper checklist with library holdings, 1859–1986 ([Winnipeg], 1986); New Brunswick newspaper directory, 1783–1988, comp. H.  [C.] Craig (Fredericton, 1989); Historical directory of Newfoundland and Labrador newspapers, 1807–1987, comp. Suzanne Ellison (St John’s, 1988); Nova Scotia newspapers: a directory and union list, 1752–1988, comp. Lynn Murphy et al. (2v., Halifax, 1990); Inventory of Ontario newspapers, 1793–1986, comp. J.  B. Gilchrist (Toronto, 1987) and Dict. of Toronto printers (Hulse) [see section C]; PARO, “Checklist and historical directory of Prince Edward Island newspapers, 1787–1986,” comp. Heather Boylan (photocopied typescript, Charlottetown, 1987); J.  Hamelin et al., La presse québécoise [see section C]; Historical directory of Saskatchewan newspapers, 1878–1983, comp. Christine MacDonald (Regina and Saskatoon, 1984); and Yukon Arch., “Checklist of Yukon newspapers, 1898–1905,” comp. Amanda Wearmouth (photocopied typescript, [Whitehorse], 1987).   

Calgary Herald. 2 July 1885 to the present, under various titles; this one in effect from 13 Feb. 1939.   

Christian Guardian. Toronto. 21 Nov. 1829–3 June 1925.   

Daily Colonist. Victoria. 31 July 1860–31 Aug. 1980, under various titles.   

Daily Mail and Empire. Toronto. 7 Feb. 1895–21 Nov. 1936. Title varies: Mail and Empire (from September 1929). See also Globe.   

Daily News. St John’s. 15 Feb. 1894–4 June 1984.   

Le Devoir. Montréal. 10 Jan. 1910 to the present.   

L’Événement. Québec. 13 May 1867–3 March 1967.   

Evening Telegram. St John’s. 3 April 1879 to the present.   

Evening Telegram. Toronto. 18 April 1876–30 Oct. 1971, under various titles; this one in effect to 19 Feb. 1949.   

Gazette. Montreal. 25 Aug. 1785 to the present. Title varies: Montreal Gazette (to 1 June 1867).   

Globe. Toronto. 5 March 1844–21 Nov. 1936. On 23 Nov. 1936 it merged with the Mail and Empire [see Daily Mail and Empire] to form the Globe and Mail, which continues to the present.   

Halifax Herald. 2 Jan. 1892–31 Dec. 1948. Continues the Morning Herald (14 Jan. 1875–31 Dec. 1891).   

Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ont. 15 July 1846 to the present, under various titles.   

Manitoba Free Press. Winnipeg. 6 July 1874 to the present, under various titles, including Manitoba Morning Free Press (5 June 1893–26 Jan. 1915) and Winnipeg Free Press (2 Dec. 1931 to date).   

La Minerve. Montréal. 9 Nov. 1826–27 May 1899.   

Montreal Daily Star. 16 Jan. 1869–25 Sept. 1979, under various titles; this one in effect 1877–18 Oct. 1957.   

Montreal Gazette. See Gazette.   

Morning Chronicle. Halifax. 24 Jan. 1844–21 Jan. 1927.   

Morning Herald. Halifax. See Halifax Herald.   

Ottawa Citizen. 22 Feb. 1851 to the present, under various titles.   

Ottawa Evening Journal. 10 Dec. 1885–27 Aug. 1980. Title varies: Ottawa Journal (from July 1949).   

La Patrie. Montréal. 24 Feb. 1879–9 Jan. 1978.   

Patriot. Charlottetown. 6 July 1865 to the present, under various titles,  including Patriot (to 6 April 1881) and Daily Patriot (7 April 1881–14    Nov. 1910); issues are available only from 4 July 1867.   

La Presse. Montréal. 20 Oct. 1884 to the present.   

Saint John Globe. 26 Sept. 1866–15 Jan. 1927.   

Le Soleil. Québec. 28 Dec. 1896 to the present.   

Toronto Daily Star. 3 Nov. 1892 to the present. Title varies: Evening Star (to 24 Jan. 1900); Toronto Daily Star (25 Jan. 1900–5 Nov. 1971); subsequently Toronto Star.   

Vancouver Daily Province. 26 March 1898 to the present, under various titles; this one in effect 20 Jan. 1900–16 Feb. 1952.   

Victoria Daily Times. 9 June 1884–30 Aug. 1980.   

Winnipeg Free Press. See Manitoba Free Press.   

Winnipeg Telegram. 3 Feb. 1894–16 Oct. 1920, under various titles; this one in effect from 22 Aug. 1907. Absorbed by the Winnipeg Tribune 18 Oct.    1920   

Winnipeg Tribune. 28 Jan. 1890–27 Aug. 1980, under various titles, including Winnipeg Daily Tribune (28 Jan. 1890–27 June 1903) and Winnipeg Tribune (29 June 1903–6 Jan. 1915 and 30 May 1930–27 Aug. 1980).   

World. Toronto. 19 Aug. 1880–9 April 1921.   



Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region/Revue de l’histoire de la région atlantique. Fredericton. 1 (1971–72)–    .   

Alberta: index to registrations of births, marriages and deaths  .  .  .  . Published by the Edmonton branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society. 1 vol. [1870 to 1905] to date. Edmonton, 1995–    .   

American national biography. Edited by John A[rthur] Garraty et al. 24 vols. [to 1995]. New York, 1999. One supplement to date [to 2001]. Edited by Paul Betz et al. New York, 2002.   

Beaver. Winnipeg. 1 (1920–21)–    . Subtitle varies.   

Bibliography of Newfoundland. Compiled by Agnes C[ecilia] O’Dea. Edited by Anne Alexander. 2 vols. Toronto, 1986.   

A bibliography of the prairie provinces to 1953, with biographical index. Compiled by Bruce Braden Peel. 2nd edition. Toronto and Buffalo, N.Y., 1973. Revised and enlarged edition. Edited by [Ernest] Boyce Ingles et al. Toronto, 2003.   

Biographies canadiennes-françaises. Ottawa, 1920; Montréal, 1922–84/85. Various editors. Published from 1972/73 with a parallel title, Who’s who in Quebec.   

British Columbia. Information concerning official publications is available in M.  C. Holmes, Publications of the government of British Columbia, 1871–1947  .  .  . (Victoria, [1950]).   

    legislative assembly   

    Journals. Victoria, 1872–    .   

    Sessional papers. Victoria, 1872–    . The sessional papers for 1872–75 are included in the Journals.   

    Statutes of the province of British Columbia. Victoria, 1872–    .   

British Columbia Executive Council appointments, 1871–1986. Compiled by Judith Antonik Bennett and Frederike Verspoor. [Victoria], 1989.   

Le Bulletin des recherches historiques. Published usually in Lévis, Qué. 1 (1895)–70 (1968).   

Les Cahiers des Dix. Montréal. No.1 (1936)–    . Published at Québec from no.36 (1971)–    .   

Canada. For details concerning the publications of the government of Canada, see O.  B. Bishop, Canadian official publications (Oxford, 1981), and Marion Villiers Higgins, Canadian government publications: a manual for librarians (Chicago, 1935). Information on royal commissions is provided in Federal royal commissions in Canada, 1867–1966: a checklist, comp. G.  F. Henderson (Toronto, 1967).   

    Canada Gazette. Ottawa, 1 July 1867–    . Bilingual from 1939: Canada Gazette/La Gazette du Canada.   

    house of commons/chambre des communes   

    Debates/Débats. Ottawa, 1867/68–    ; official publication begins in 1875. Unofficial reports of the pre-1871 debates are available in scrapbooks at the Library of Parliament (“Scrapbook debates”); these have been microfilmed by the Canadian Library Association (“Parliamentary debates”).   

    Journals/Journaux. Ottawa, 1867/68–    .   


    Sessional papers/Documents de la session. Ottawa, 1867/68–1925.   


    Debates/Débats. Ottawa, 1867/68–    ; official publication in English begins in 1871 and in French in 1896. For unofficial reports of the pre-1871 debates, see “Parliamentary debates,” supra.   

    Statutes/Statuts. Ottawa, 1867/68–    . Title varies: Acts/Actes, 1873–1951.   

Canada, an encyclopædia of the country: the Canadian dominion considered in its historic relations, its natural resources, its material progress, and its national development. Edited by J[ohn] Castell Hopkins. 6 vols. and index. Toronto, 1898–1900.   

Le Canada ecclésiastique, almanach annuaire du clergé canadien. Montréal, 1887–  . Annual publication with variations in the subtitle. Since 1967 it has appeared with a bilingual title: Le Canada ecclésiastique/Catholic directory of Canada.   

The Canadian album: men of Canada; or, success by example. .  .  . Edited by W[illia]m Cochrane and J[ohn] Castell Hopkins. 5 vols. Brantford, Ont., and Toronto, 1891–96. Vols.1–4 were prepared by Cochrane, vol.5 by Hopkins.   

The Canadian annual review of public affairs. Toronto. 35 vols. 1901–37/38. Edited by J[ohn] Castell Hopkins, 1901–22. The volume for 1901 was originally published in 1902 as Morang’s annual register of Canadian affairs and reissued around 1904 as The Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1901.   

Canadian Catholic Historical Association/Société Canadienne d’Histoire de l’Église Catholique, Ottawa. Publishes simultaneously a Report in English and a Rapport in French, the contents of which are entirely different. 1 (1933–34)–    . Titles vary. English report: Study sessions, 33 (1966)–50 (1983); Canadian Catholic historical studies, 51 (1984)–56 (1989); Historical studies, 57 (1990)–    . French report: Sessions d’étude, 33 (1966)–56 (1989); Études d’histoire religieuse, 57 (1990)–    .   

The Canadian directory of parliament, 1867–1967. Edited by J[ames] K[eith] Johnson. Ottawa, 1968.   

The Canadian encyclopedia. Edited by James H[arley] Marsh et al. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Edmonton, 1988. Also available online at www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com.   

Canadian Historical Association/Société Historique du Canada, Ottawa. Report of the annual meeting. .  .  . 1922–    . Title varies: Annual report, 1922–24; Report of the annual meeting .  .  . /Rapport de l’assemblée annuelle .  .  . , 1951–65; Historical papers .  .  . /Communications historiques .  .  . , 1966–89; Journal/Revue, new ser., 1 (1990)–    .   

Canadian Historical Review. Toronto. 1 (1920)–    .   

Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions/Institut Canadien de Microreproductions Historiques, Ottawa. Canada: the printed record: a bibliographic register with indexes to the microfiche series/Catalogue d’imprimés canadiens: répertoire bibliographique avec index de la collection de microfiches. Microfiche edition. Ottawa, 1981–    . The microfiche collection of Canadiana before 1900, created between 1978 and 2000, contains more than 90,000 titles. In 1997 CIHM began digitizing this collection. Over 8,500 titles are available online at www.canadiana.org/cihm.   

Canadian Magazine. Toronto. 1 (March–October 1893)–91 (January–April 1939). Title varies: Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature to 63 (May 1924–January 1925); Canadian, 88 (July–December 1937)–91.   

The Canadian men and women of the time: a hand-book of Canadian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. Toronto, 1898. 2nd edition. 1912.   

The Canadian parliamentary guide. Quebec, 1862–63; Montreal, 1864–74; Ottawa, 1875–1988; Toronto, 1989–    . Editor varies. Title varies: The Canadian parliamentary companion to 1897. Bilingual from 1982/83: Canadian parliamentary guide/Guide parlementaire canadien.   

The Canadian who’s who. London and Toronto; Toronto. 1910–    . No additional/new volume was published until that for 1936/37.   

A cyclopædia of Canadian biography.  .  .  . Edited by Geo[rge] Maclean Rose and Hector [Willoughby] Charlesworth. 3 vols. Toronto, 1886–1919. Vols.1–2 were edited by Rose, vol.3 by Charlesworth.   

Desjardins, Joseph. Guide parlementaire historique de la province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec, 1902.   

Dictionary of American biography. Edited by Allen Johnson et al. 20 vols., index, and 2 supps. [to 1940]. New York, 1928–58; reprinted, 22 vols. in 11 and index, [1946?]–58. 10 additional supps. to date [to 1980]. Edited by Edward T[opping] James et al. 1973–    . Comprehensive index; complete through supplement ten. 1996.   

Dictionary of Hamilton biography. Edited by Thomas Melville Bailey et al. 4 vols. to date [to 1970]. Hamilton, Ont., 1981–    .   

Dictionary of national biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. 63 vols., 3 supps., and index and epitome [to 1900]. London, 1885–1903; reissued without index, 22 vols., 1908–9. 10 additional supps. to date [to 1990]. Edited by Sidney Lee et al. London; Oxford, 1912–    . Missing persons [additional biographies from the beginning to 1985]. Edited by C[hristine] S[tephanie] Nicholls. Oxford and New York, 1993. New edition. Oxford dictionary of national biography. Edited by H[enry] C[olin] G[ray] Matthew et al. 60 vols. and index. Oxford and Toronto, 2004. This is available to subscribers online at www.oup.com/oxforddnb/info/.   

Dictionary of Newfoundland and Labrador biography. Edited by Robert H. Cuff et al. St John’s, 1990.   

A dictionary of Toronto printers, publishers, booksellers, and the allied trades, 1798–1900. Compiled by Elizabeth Hulse. Toronto, 1982.   

Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec. Sous la direction de Maurice Lemire et al. 7 vols. Montréal, 1978–2003. 2e édition des vols.1–2, 1980–87.   

Dictionnaire des parlementaires du Québec, 1792–1992. Gaston Deschênes et al., compilateurs. Sainte-Foy, Qué., 1993. See also Répertoire des parlementaires québécois, infra   

Directories. Issued initially as single works, Canadian directories often became regular, usually annual, publications during the 19th century. Because titles within series vary greatly, and editors or compilers frequently change, the directories used in the preparation of volume XV have been cited under the general entry Directory and identified by region. Individual titles and publication information are detailed in Checklist of Canadian directories, 1790–1950, comp. D.  E. Ryder (Ottawa, 1979), and Canadian directories, 1790–1987: a bibliography and place-name index, comp. M.  E. Bond (3v., Ottawa, 1989).   

The dominion annual register and review.  .  .  . [1878–86]. Edited by Henry J[ames] Morgan et al. 8 vols. Montreal, etc., 1879–87.   

Elections in New Brunswick, 1784–1984/Les élections au Nouveau-Brunswick, 1784–1984. Fredericton, 1984.   

Electoral history of British Columbia, 1871–1986. [Victoria, 1988].   

An encyclopaedia of Canadian biography: containing brief sketches and steel engravings of Canada’s prominent men. 3 vols. Montreal and Toronto, 1904–7.   

Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Edited by Helmut Kallmann et al. 2nd edition. Toronto, 1992. Also available online at www.collectionscanada.ca/4/17/.   

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Edited by Joseph R[oberts] Smallwood et al. 5 vols. St John’s, 1981–94.   

Guide parlementaire québécois. Québec, 1989.   

Guide to Canadian ministries since confederation, July 1, 1867–February 1, 1982. [Ottawa], 1982. Supplement, March 3, 1980–January 15, 1993. Compiled by Henri Chassé. [Ottawa, 1993.] Also available online at www.pco-bcp.gc.ca.   

Hamel, Réginald, et al. Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord. Montréal, 1989.   

Hamelin, Jean, et al. La presse québécoise, des origines à nos jours. 10 vols. [1764–1975]. Québec, 1973–90. Vols.1–2 [1764–1879] were prepared by André Beaulieu and Jean Hamelin. Index cumulatifs (tomes I à VII) (1764–1944), 1987.   

Karel, David. Dictionnaire des artistes de langue française en Amérique du Nord; peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs, graveurs, photographes et orfèvres. [Québec], 1992.   

LeBlanc, Jean. Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada: les diocèses catholiques canadiens des Églises latine et orientales et leurs évêques; repères chronologiques et biographiques, 1658–2002. Montréal, 2002.   

The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758–1983: a biographical directory. Edited by Shirley  B[urnham] Elliott. [Halifax], 1984.   

Legislators and legislatures of Ontario: a reference guide. Compiled by Debra Forman. 4 vols. [1792–1991]. [Toronto, 1984–92].   

Le Jeune, L[ouis-Marie]. Dictionnaire général de biographie, histoire, littérature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, mœurs, coutumes, institutions politiques et religieuses du Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, [1931].   

Linteau, Paul-André. Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération. Montréal, 1992.   


    legislative assembly/assemblée législative   

    Journals/Journaux. Winnipeg, 1871–    . Published in separate French and English editions until 1889; in English only, 1890–1985; bilingual from 1986. The journals for 1871–1914 include appendices; title varies: “Appendix”/“Appendice,” 1871–85; “Sessional papers”/Documents de la session,” 1886–89; “Sessional papers,” 1890–1914.   

    Statutes/Statuts. Winnipeg, 1871–    . Published in separate English and French editions until 1888/89; in English only, 1890–1983, but with some French content after 1980. English title varies: Acts from 1890. Bilingual from 1984/85 as Acts/Lois.   

Middleton, Jesse Edgar. The municipality of Toronto: a history. 3 vols. Toronto and New York, 1923.   

Minding the house: a biographical guide to Prince Edward Island MLAs, 1873–1993. Edited by Blair Weeks. Charlottetown, 2002.   

The national union catalog, pre-1956 imprints. .  .  . 754 vols. London and Chicago, 1968–81.   

New Brunswick. For a bibliography of New Brunswick government publications, see O.  B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).   

    Acts. Saint John or Fredericton, 1786–    .   

    legislative assembly   

    Synoptic report of the proceedings. Fredericton, 1893–    . Formerly issued in Saint John etc., 1874–92, by the House of Assembly whose name continues to appear on the title-page in 1893–94.   

Newfoundland. Information on publications of the colonial and provincial governments of Newfoundland appears in the Biblio. of Nfld (O’Dea and Alexander), supra.   

    Acts. St John’s, 1833–    . Title varies: Statutes since 1949.   

    house of assembly   

    Journal. St John’s, 1833–1933. Issued by the unicameral General Assembly, 1843–46. No assemblies took place in 1842 or 1847.   

    general assembly   

    Proceedings. St John’s, 1909–59, except for 1934–48 when no meetings were held. Published under various titles: 1909–24: Proceedings of the House of Assembly and Legislative Council; 1925–59: Proceedings of the House of Assembly.   

“Newspaper Hansard.” See Ont., Legislature, Debates, infra.   

The newspaper reference book of Canada; embracing facts and data regarding Canada and biographical sketches of representative Canadian men for use by newspapers. Toronto, 1903.   

Nicholson, G[erald] W[illiam] L[ingen]. Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914–1919: official history of the Canadian army in the First World War. Corrected 2nd printing. Ottawa, 1964.   

Nova Scotia. A bibliography of Nova Scotia government publications is available in O.  B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).   

    house of assembly   

    Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1855–1916. Title varies.   

    Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1761 to the present. This title in effect from 1789.   

    legislative council   

    Debates and proceedings. Halifax, 1858–1922.   

    Journal and proceedings. Halifax, 1830–1928.   

    The statutes of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1798 to the present. Title varies; this one in effect from 1851/52.   

Ontario. Further information concerning Ontario government publications is available in the following: O.  B. Bishop, Publications of the government of Ontario, 1867–1900 (Toronto, 1976); H.  I. MacTaggart, Publications of the government of Ontario, 1901–1955 (Toronto, 1964); Royal commissions and commissions of inquiry for the provinces of Upper Canada, Canada and Ontario, 1792 to 1991: a checklist of reports, comp. Dawna Petsche-Wark and Catherine Johnson (Toronto, 1992); and Select committees of the assemblies of the provinces of Upper Canada, Canada and Ontario, 1792 to 1991: a checklist of reports, comp. Richard Sage and Aileen Weir (Toronto, 1992).   

    chief election officer   

    A history of the electoral districts, legislatures and ministries of the province of Ontario, 1867–1968. Compiled by Roderick Lewis. Centennial edition. Toronto, [1969]. Originally published as A statistical history of all the electoral districts of the province of Ontario since 1867, comp. Roderick Lewis (Toronto, [1960]).   


    Debates. Toronto, 1867/68–    ; official publication begins in 1944. The debates for 1867–1943 were reconstructed from unofficial newspaper reports and made available on microfilm by the AO in 1964 under the title “Newspaper Hansard.”   

    Journals. Toronto, 1867/68–1900.   

    Sessional papers. Toronto, 1868/69–1948.   

    Ontario Gazette. Toronto, 7 March 1868–    .   

    Statutes of the province of Ontario. Toronto, 1867/68–    .   

Ontario History. Toronto. 1 (1899)–    ; vols.1–49 (1957) reprinted Millwood, N.Y., 1975. Title varies: Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records to 1946.   

Political appointments, parliaments, and the judicial bench in the Dominion of Canada, 1867 to 1895. Edited by N[arcisse]-Omer Coté. Ottawa, 1896. Supplement .  .  . 1896 to 1903. 1903.   

Prince Edward Island. Further information concerning Prince Edward Island government publications is available in O.  B. Bishop, Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758–1952 (Ottawa, 1957).   

    The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, 1790–    ; not printed, 1798–1805.   

    house of assembly   

    Debates and proceedings. Charlottetown, 1860–93. Title varies: The parliamentary reporter; or, debates and proceedings to 1886.   

    Journal. Charlottetown, 1788–1893, except 1798–1805 when none were printed. Title varies.   

    legislative assembly   

    Journal. Charlottetown, 1894–    . Title varies.   

Quebec. For further information on Quebec government publications, see Répertoire des publications gouvernementales du Québec de 1867 à 1964, André Beaulieu et al., compil. (Québec, 1968), and Yvon Thériault, Les publications parlementaires d’hier et d’aujourd’hui ([2e éd.], Québec, 1982), also issued in English as The parliamentary publications, past and present (1983).   

    assemblée législative/legislative assembly   

    Débats. 1867/68–1967 (continued by the Débats of the Assemblée Nationale, 1968–    ). A semi-official series of debates for the period June 1879–February 1893 was published as Débats de la législature provinciale de la province de Québec, G.-A. Desjardins et al., édit. (15v., Québec, 1879–95). Titles and editors vary for the official publication. The Débats de l’Assemblée législative for 1867/68–78 and 1893–1962 are being reconstructed from unofficial reports (37v. parus [1867/68–78 and 1893–1927], Marcel Hamelin et al., édit., Québec, 1974–    ). The reconstruction for the years 1908–32 can be consulted at the following website: www.assnat.qc.ca.   

    Quebec Official Gazette/Gazette officielle de Québec. Bilingual 16 Jan. 1869–1977; issued in French only from 1978.   

    Statuts de la province de Québec/Statutes of the province of Quebec. 1868–    . Title varies. Issued in separate French and English editions until 1941 and from 1978 to 1988; bilingual, 1942–77; French only from 1989.   

Répertoire des parlementaires québécois, 1867–1978. Sous la direction d’André Lavoie. Québec, 1980. See also DPQ, supra.   

A report on Alberta elections, 1905–1982. [Edmonton, 1983].   

Les résultats électoraux depuis 1867. Québec, 1990.   

Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française. Montréal. 1 (1947–48)–    .   

Roy, Pierre-Georges. Les juges de la province de Québec. Québec, 1933.   

Royal Society of Canada/Société Royale du Canada, Ottawa. Proceedings and Transactions/Mémoires et comptes rendus. 1st ser., 1 (1882/83)–12 (1894); 2nd ser., 1 (1895)–12 (1906); 3rd ser., 1 (1907)–56 (1962); 4th ser., 1 (1963)–22 (1985); 5th ser., 1 (1986). French title varies: Délibérations et mémoires from 4th ser., 10 (1972). Continued as separately issued Proceedings/Délibérations, 5th ser., 2 (1987)–4 (1988) and Transactions/Mémoires, 6th ser., 1 (1990)–11 (2000). The Proceedings/Déliberations and Transactions/Mémoires have been published only online since 2001 at www.rsc.ca.    

Rumilly, Robert. Histoire de la province de Québec. 41 vols. Montréal et Paris, 1940–69. 2e édition des vols.1–9. s.d. 3e édition des vols.1–6. s.d. Réimpression des vols.1–15 de la 1re édition, Montréal, 1971–80.   

——. Histoire de Montréal. 5 vols. Montréal, 1970–74.   

Saskatchewan executive and legislative directory, 1905–1970. Regina and Saskatoon, 1971. Supplement, 1964–1977. Regina and Saskatoon, 1978. An updated version is available online (www.saskarchives.com/web/services-gov-directory.html).   

Saturday Night. Toronto. 3 Dec. 1887–    . Title varies: Toronto Saturday Night to 15 July 1911; Canadian Saturday Night, August 1962–June/July 1963.   

Science and technology in Canadian history: a bibliography of primary sources to 1914. Compiled by R.  Alan Richardson and Bertrum  H. MacDonald. Microfiche edition. Thornhill, Ont., 1987.   

A standard dictionary of Canadian biography: the Canadian who was who. Edited by Charles G[eorge] D[ouglas] Roberts and Arthur L[eonard] Tunnell. 2 vols. Toronto, 1934–38.   

Université Laval, Québec. Annuaire de l’université Laval. From the academic year 1856/57 to the present. Title varies: Annuaire général from 1932/33; L’Université Laval from no.117 (1975–79).   

Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers. .  .  . Compiled by Daniel Fred Johnson. 102 vols. to date [1784–1896]. Saint John, N.B., 1982–    . Vols.1–5 [1784–1834] were issued by the New Brunswick Genealogical Society as New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers, comp. D.  F. Johnson et al. (Fredericton, 1982–84).   

Walkington, Douglas. Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1875–1925. N.p., 1987.   

——. Methodist ministers in Canada, 1903–1925. N.p., n.d.   

Wallace, W[illiam] Stewart. The Macmillan dictionary of Canadian biography. Edited by W[illiam] A[ngus] McKay. 4th edition. Toronto, 1978.   

When was that? A chronological dictionary of important events in Newfoundland down to and including the year 1922; together with an appendix, “St. John’s over a century ago,” by the late J.  W. Withers. Compiled by H[arris] M[unden] Mosdell. St John’s, 1923; reprinted 1974.   

Who’s who and why. .  .  . Edited by J.  F. Kennedy et al.  Vancouver, 1912–14; Toronto, 1915/16–1921. Covers Canada and Newfoundland. Subtitle and editor vary.   

Who’s who in Canada.  .  .  . Edited by B[arnet] M. Greene et al. Toronto, 1922–      . Subtitle, publisher, and editor vary. Continues Who’s who and why.