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Columbia University Libraries: The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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1815   more than 50 years it remained at tb*head of the periodical
May   literature ot the country.—Winsor, Mem, Hist, of Boston, IU:

-   638-39.                                                                                  ^    ^

I         The comraon council receives and agrees to accept an invita¬

tion frora the trustees ot St. Peter's Churcb to attend the dedica¬
tion of the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Thursday next,—flf. C. C.
(1784-1831), VIU: 195   SeeMy6,

"          The common councU makes arrangements regarding the sale

of the grounds at the governraent house and adjacent to the
Battery. It is agreed to continue Stone St. through the grounds
to State St., and that there shdl be aeven Inatead ot eight lots
fronting on Broadway. The property is to be sold at public auc¬
tion on the 16th under the direction of the comptroller. The
sales are further directed to he made on condition that the pur¬
chasers ot the lots fronting on Broadway and State St. "conform
in their buildings to such directions as should be given by the street
commissioner respecting the hdghts ot the several water table
& severd stories of the buildings and of the depth & breadth—
and that a conformity of heighth shall be preserved In the severd
houaes to be erected."—flf. C. C. {1784-1831), VUl; 198. See
My 8, and Je 5.
6         St, Patrick's Cathedral, begun In 1809, is dedicated by the

Right Rev. Dr. Cheverus, Bishop of Boston, in the presence of
about 4,000 people. "This grand and beautiful church, which
may justly be considered one ot the greatest ornaments ot our
city, and inferior in point of degance lo none in the United States,
is built in the Gothic style, and executed agreeably to the design
of Mr. Joseph E. Mangin, the celebrated architect of New-York.
It is 120 feet long, 80 wide, and between 75 and 80 high. The
superior elegance of the architecture, as well aa the novelty and
beauty of the Interior, had tor some raontha past eicited a con¬
siderable degree of public curioaity, and crowda of dtizens of all
denoralnatlona daily flocked to it, to admire its grandeur and
raagnificence. . . ."—N.Y. Eve Post,My 11, lSl$. The cathe¬
dral atood at Prince, Mott, and Mulberry Sta.—L. M. R. K.,
Ill; 936. Exterior and interior views of the cathedral, aa it was
in 1853, are in lllus.News, 1: 28, 29.
8         "The Custora House we learn will be reraoved [from the govern¬

ment house] to the buildings owned by Mr. Jauneey, In Wdl-st.
as soon as they can be fitted up In a suitable manner."—N. Y.
Eve.Post,My 8, 1815.

"          The comptroller preaenta to the common council the decision

ot tbe referees regarding the value ot the buildinga on the ground
latdy obtained from the U. S., which valuation ia put at $13,000.
As Col. Post, who has tbe deed of cession from the president,
doea not feel authorised to surrender it until such amount has
been paid, a warrant is ordered to Issue for $13,000 and another
warrant to cover the cost of the furniture when it is valued.—
flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VIU: 200.

"          The coramon council agrees to another issue of bills of credit

to the amount of $20,000 to accomraodate the public until the
banka resume specie payment.-flf. C. C. {1784-1831), VUl:
203. On July 3, it ordered an additional Issue of small bills to the
amount of $30,000.-liiJ,, VUl: 249-50.

"          The opening of Stone St. through the grounds of the govern¬

ment house (see My 1) is reconsidered by the coraraon council
and negatived. It ia agreed that the grounda shall be laid out and
sold according to a plan presented to the board by the street com¬
misrioner. The board agrees that in the purchaser's deeds an
agreement shdl be induded that the corporation's vacant grounds
on which the lots front ahall never be appropriated for private
use.—flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VIII: 203-4. See My 22. Thoa.
Poppleton's roap of the grounds Is filed (as Map No. 79) io the
div, of red estate, comptroller's office. Municipal Bldg.

20         An expedition, consisting ot ten  vessda, under Commodore

Decatur, sails from New York for Algiers to punish piracies, war
having been dedared by the United Slates.—McMaster, Hist,
ofthe People of ihe U. S; IV: 352.  See Je 30.

"          Mr. Bardin, the keeper of the Tontine Coffee House (see Ap 2,

1811), announces that beginning June i "Sdes of Houses, Landa,
kc. in the Coffee-Room" will take place between 10 and 12 o'clock;
and "Salea of Vessds in tbe Coffee-Roora" will take place between
12 and I o'clock.—Com. Adv; My 20, 1815. See, further, F3, 1823.

22         The "Fulton the First" (aeeO 29, 1814) ia "put in motion by

the force ot stearo for the firat time."—Columbian, My 23, 1815.
Sec alsoJV, Y. Eve Post, My 31. 181.

The coraraon councU refers to the street comraissioner a petition
from the inhabitants of Harlem that the opening of a part of Third
Ave. be delayed In order lo enable them "to collect the grain now
growing."—flf. C. C. (1784-1831), VIII:  208-9.

The common council, upon the recdpt of the news of the death
of Gen. Jonathan Williams, forraerly coraraanding the Corps ot
Engineers of the United States, passes the following resolution;
"Resolved that they are irapressed with a due sense ot the ira¬
portant services rendered by hira in planning the defences of this
City and Harbour, and that they retain a grateful recollection of
his raany virtues as a man and a Citizen."-Af. C. C. (1784-1831),
VIU:  115.

The common coundl again changes tbe plan of the lots at the
government house (see My 8). It is dedded tbat the front line of
the lots shall be nearly in a line witb tbe present front ot the govern¬
raent bouse; tbat there be a reservation of ground for public pur¬
poses on Whitehall St. of 25 feet front and 33 feet deep; that the
said lota be aold on Thuraday the 25th inst. [q. v.], under the direc¬
tion of the comptroUer and atreet commiarioner.—M. C. C. (1784-
1831), VUl: 215-16. An advertisement of the sale of the house
and lots appeared inA?. Y. Eve. Post, My 23, 1815.

A French frigate enters New York Harbour under the Bourbon
flag,—JV. r. Eve Posl, My 25, 1815.   See My 26.

The "lots belonging to the Governraent House, so called, con-
risting of seven lots fronting Broadway, four lots fronting on
State-street and five on Bridge-street; also, the house and lot
corner of Bridge-street and State-street, at present occupied as
Head-Quarters," are sold at auction for $158,200. "The corpora¬
tion purchased tbis ground ot tbe state for the sum of 50,000 dol¬
lars and have yet for sale the Custora-house, military work-ahopa
and various other buildings. . . ."—itf. Y. Eve. Post, My 25;
N. Y. Spectaior, My 27, 1815; descrip. of Pl. 156-a, III:   838.

The account of the sale in the Com. Adv. is as toUows:

"The plot of ground near the Battery, now occupied as a Cus¬
tora House, Head-Quarters and mlUtary work shops, and embrac¬
ing seventeen elegant building lots, was sold this day at the tontine
Coffee House, for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty eight Thou¬
sand two Hundred Dollars. The individual lots were bought by
the following persons, at the suras annexed to their respective

"Fronting the BowUog Green.


John Hone,


J. Leonard,


W. D. Cheever,


E. Anderson,


D. Lynch, jun.


A. Weston,


N. Brown,


"On State-Street.


A. Weston,


T. R. Mercdn,


R. Lenox,


J. Blackwell,


"House and lot corner of State and Bridge-sti


J. Swartwout,


"On Bridge-street,


A. Weston,


F. Suydara,


G. Smith,


J. Sharp,


J. Sharp,



^-Com. AdV; My 25, 1815. See My 22, and 26. By the aid of the
Poppleton map of this ground (see My 8), the ownership ot the
several private reridences afterwards built on the lots facing Bowl¬
ing Green, etc.. Is readily ascertained trora the foregoing list, which
shows each lot number and buyer.

"This raorning the French frigate L'Hermione [see My 24] 26
. . . hoisted Bonaparte's tri-colored flag, and fired three national
salutes. After which she tastefuUy decorated hersdt with the flags
of the different nations—that of the American being displayed
from the frigates fore top-gall ant royal mast."—N. Y. Eve. Posl,
My 26, 1815.

The remainder of the government house properly (see My 25)    "
is sold at auction tor $6 583. The cuatora (or government) house ia
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