(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)

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The Home of my Multimedia Empire

Whenever I ask my youngest a pop culture question for a podcast or blog entry, he says "Being edgy again Dad?"

So edgydoc.com it is. However, it does not bug them half as much as my license plate: PUS.

As of Oct 1, 2024

My first (of, I hope, a trilogy) novel, Skeptics in the Pub: Cholera is available at Amazon.com or order it from your favorite bookshop, www.bookshop.org.

 As of Oct 2024 I am rewriting the Compendium as a more general interest book. Pus. An Owners Manual. It is still chockablock full of information for the physician, ID or otherwise. The BETA version can be found at https://publish.obsidian.md/pus-an-owners-manual/. Note the term BETA. I will continue to convert and rewrite the compendium from now until death or senility. Eventually, when and if it is complete, it will be available for sale but always for free on the web.
