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Home History and Culture Gan and Shi's Celestial Book
Gan and Shi's Celestial Book
Learn Chinese - History and Culture

    Five Planets
As early as in Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū shí qī 春秋しゅんじゅう时期) and the Warring States Period (zhàn guó shí qī 战国时期), Chinese people had made great achievement in astronomy. Based on their long-time observation of the celestial phenomena, Gan De (gān dé あまとく) of the State of Qi (qí guó 齐国) wrote a work titled Astronomy and Astrology (tiān wén xīng zhàn 天文てんもんぼしうらない) in eight volumes, and Shi Shen (shí shēn せきさる) of the State of Wei (wèi guó こく)wrote his Astronomy (tiān wén 天文てんもん), also in eight volumes. The later generations combined their books, naming it Gan and Shi’s Celestial Book (gān shí xīng jīng あませきほし经), which is the earliest astronomic work in the world.

Gan DeGan and Shi’s Celestial Book is the regarded as the earliest astronomic work in the world. It boasts a record of the names of over 800 stars, the positions of 121 which have been ascertained. Gan De discovered Jupiter's moon with the naked eye, 2,000 years earlier than the Italian astronomer Galileo, who discovered it with an astronomical telescope in 1609. Shi Shen discovered the reason for solar and lunar eclipses. A crater on the moon has been named after Shi Shen. Besides, the movement of five planets—Jupiter Shi Shen(mù xīng 木星もくせい), Mars (huǒ xīng 火星かせい), Saturn (tǔ xīng 土星どせい), Venus (jīn xīng 金星きんぼし), and Mercury (shuǐ xīng 水星すいせい) and the rule dictating their appearances were also recorded. In later generations, many astronomers referenced the data from Gan and Shi’s Celestial Book when they measured the place and movement of the sun, the moon and the other planets. Thus, Gan and Shi’s Celestial Book is of great significance in the history of astronomy in China and the whole world.

Diagram of Stars     《あませきほし经》我国わがくに、也是世界せかいじょう最早もはやてき一部いちぶ天文学てんもんがく著作ちょさく它在そうだい以后しつ传了,こんてんただのう从唐だいてき天文学てんもんがく书籍《开元うらない经》さと见到它的一些片断摘录。这些へんだん摘录表明ひょうめいあま德和とくわせきさる曾系统地观察りょうきんみず五大行星的运行,发现りょう五大行星出没的规律;们还记录りょうはちひゃく恒星こうせいてき名字みょうじ,测定りょういちひゃくじゅういち恒星こうせいてき方位ほういきさきじんはたあま德和とくわせきさる测定てき恒星こうせい记录しょう为《あませきほしひょう》,这是我国わがくに、也是世界せかいじょう最早もはやてき恒星こうせいひょうまれ腊天文学ぶんがくともえたに测编てきおうしゅうだい一个恒星表大约早二百年,きさき许多天文学てんもんがくざい测量つきくだりぼしてき位置いち运动时,要用ようよういたあませきほし经》ちゅうてきすうすえいん此,《あませきほし经》ざい我国わがくに世界せかい天文学てんもんがく史上しじょう占有せんゆう重要じゅうよう地位ちい


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