(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
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K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan)


“You and I must see that vision of eternity and live our lives accordingly.
Jesus died for us that we may live. Let us live for others
that they too may hear that He died for them.”

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Because nobody should die
without knowing the love of Christ

One-third of the world’s communities are still waiting to experience Christ’s love for the first time.
The majority of them live and die in Africa and Asia.
Build a bridge to a community for just 63 cents per day.

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Join the Challenge to Provide Millions of Gospel Opportunities

Costing less than a penny to produce, a simple tract can mean the difference between life or death for someone who doesn’t know Jesus. You can provide Gospel literature and reach people with the Good News of Christ. And thanks to generous GFA World friends, each donation toward tracts will be doubled during our matching gift campaign!

Our Church-Centered Ministries

Children are often the key that opens the door to the sharing God's love in many villages. And GFA Children's Ministry is taking this message of God's love to tens of thousands of the precious children in developing nations.

Tens of thousands of people in Asia suffer from leprosy. Because the disease affects the nervous system, the areas of a person's body affected with leprosy become numb to many things that ordinarily cause pain. GFA workers serve victims of natural disasters and disease. These relief teams love the Lord and serve the needy from that same heart.

In Asian culture, many widows are seen as a curse and may even be shunned from society. Depending on the circumstances, they’re often ignored by even their close relatives. Donations help provide GFA World workers with the means to help these precious women of God by providing essentials and hope in this desperate time.

Jesus Wells Are Bringing Water, Breakthroughs and Redemption. GFA's clean water ministry is delivering safe, disease-free water to families across Asia through Jesus Wells. Each Jesus Well provides clean drinking water to approximately 300 people at a cost of less than $5 per person for up to two decades of supply.

Prevention is better than cure. But what if you can't access either? Some of the most common diseases in Asia are curable—even preventable. But many are suffering and dying from these treatable ailments. GFA-supported medical ministry is helping thousands who are in need of medical attention, all while displaying the love of Christ.

Can you imagine living as a Christian without a Bible? When you want to know more about Jesus or grow in your walk with Him, where would you turn? What if your community didn’t love Jesus, and you were the only believer in your home? Think about it.

“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

—Romans 10:13-15