(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Adobe Treating Australians As Lesser Beings Even After Details Of 2.9 Million Accounts Were Stolen

Adobe Treating Australians As Lesser Beings Even After Details Of 2.9 Million Accounts Were Stolen

Oh, Adobe. Not content with overcharging Australians and trying to dodge questions about it, now we’re getting second-rate treatment even when you’re attacked by hackers. Sigh.

As I detail over at Lifehacker, Adobe has advised all its customers to change their online passwords after encrypted details of 2.9 million accounts were stolen by hackers. From an Aussie perspective, what grates about this is that US customers are being given extra compensation for the potential risk:

Customers whose credit or debit card information was involved will receive a notification letter from us with additional information on steps they can take to help protect themselves against potential misuse of personal information about them. U.S. only: Adobe is also offering customers, whose credit or debit card information was involved, the option of enrolling in a one-year complimentary credit monitoring membership.

So down under, we pay more and we get less. Thanks for nothing, Adobe. [Lifehacker]

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