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Illinoian glaciation - Google 検索
もしかして: Illinois glaciation
The Illinoian Stage is the name used by Quaternary geologists in North America to designate the Penultimate Glacial Period c.191,000 to c.130,000 years ago, ...


イリノイとは、きたアメリカのだいよん地質ちしつ学者がくしゃが、イリノイ氷河ひょうが構成こうせいする堆積たいせきぶつ堆積たいせきした中期ちゅうき更新こうしん後期こうきやく 191,000 ねんまえからやく 130,000 ねんまえ最後さいごから 2 番目ばんめこおりすために使用しようした名前なまえです。北米ほくべいではサンガモニアン段階だんかい先立さきだち、プレイリノイ段階だんかいつづきます。 ウィキペディア(英語えいご)
www.britannica.com からのIllinoian glaciation
Illinoian Glacial Stage, major division of geologic time and deposits in North American during the Pleistocene Epoch (about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago).
The Pre-Illinoian Stage is used by Quaternary geologists for the early and middle Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods of geologic time in North ...
Present knowledge of the Illinoian glaciation in Illinois supports the following interpretations: (1) the invading Illinoian glacier was one of great vigor; ...
In general, the climate was coldest about 140 ka (the Illinoian (called Bull Lake in the northern Rocky Mountains) glaciations), warmed to present levels by 120 ...
Present knowledge of the Illinoian glaciation in Illinois supports the following interpretations: (1) the invading Illinoian glacier was one of great vigor; ...
Pre-Illinoian glacial deposits are widespread and well-known in most of southern Iowa, northern Missouri, northeastern Kansas, and eastern Nebraska, to which ...
The Illinoian stage glaciation was extensive in Illinois. At this time ... Some animals that lived in Illinois during the Ice Ages are now found only north of ...
The second most recent cycle, known as the Illinoian Glaciation, lasted between about 300,000 and. 130,000 years ago. In many places across the Midwest, ...
Sea-level lowering during the illinoian glaciation: evidence from a bahama "blue hole". Science. 1979 Aug 24;205(4408):806-8. doi: 10.1126/science.205.4408 ...