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Kansan glaciation - Google 検索
もしかして: Sansan glaciation
The Kansan glaciation or Kansan glacial (see Pre-Illinoian) was a glacial stage and part of an early conceptual climatic and chronological framework ...
Kansan glaciation

Kansan glaciation

カンサン氷河ひょうがまたはカンサン氷河ひょうが氷河期ひょうがきであり、4つの氷河期ひょうがきあいだごおりからなる初期しょき概念的がいねんてき気候きこうおよび年代ねんだいじゅん枠組わくぐみの一部いちぶでした。 ウィキペディア(英語えいご)
The Kansan glaciations appear to have been very extensive. Away from the ice margins, in present Kansas and southern Indiana, well-developed forests and ...
The Glaciated Region in northeastern Kansas was invaded by at least two of the eight or nine glaciers that ground their way down into the northern United ...
A two-ice-Iobe model for the Kansan glaciation includes two confluent ice-streams, "Dakota Ice" and "Minnesota Ice," both moving generally southward either side ...
The complexity of glaciation in Kansas was recognized increasingly during the 1960's and 1970's by many geologists, who recognized evidence for multiple glacial ...
In Kansas, at least two separate glacial advances took place, first from Minnesota and later from the Dakota regions. Ice lobes dammed the ancestral Kansas ...
ABSTRACT. Buried Kansan drift and Yarmouth soil beneath Illinoian drift are described from three locations south of the Wisconsin drift border in ...
... Kansan glaciation extended further south. The Kansan is approximately equivalent to the Günz glacial of the Alps. From: Kansan in A Dictionary of Ecology ».
The Kansan glaciation should be representative of Early Pleistocene glaciations in the Kansas-Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri region. It is often assumed the Kansan ...