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Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar Project
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Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar

Sarcolaenaceae- Sarcolaena multiflora Thouars

Specimen voucher: Schatz 1484

Didymelaceae- Didymeles integrifolia J. St.-Hil.

Specimen voucher: Schatz 2778

What's New:

Rediscovering Lost Species, a paper presented at the ICSEB VI Meetings, 9-16 September 2002, Patras, Greece

Purchase Guide to Malagasy Trees

Generic Tree Flora of Madagascar now available through MBG Scientific Publications

Geo-Reference Madagascar Collecting Localities:

Gazetteer to Malagasy Botanical Collecting Localities

Read Web versions of 2 Scientific Papers

Malagasy/Indo-Australo-Malesian Phytogeographic Connections, a paper presented at the International Symposium on the Biogeography of Madagascar, 26-28 September 1995, Paris.

The Classification of Natural and Anthropogenic Vegetation In Madagascar, a paper presented at the International Symposium entitled "Natural and Human-induced Change in Madagascar" held at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago 2-4 June 1995.

The Madagascar Conspectus Project

The Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar Project is an international, multi-institutional effort involving the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), the Laboratoire de Phanérogamie (P) of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, the Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza (TAN), and the Centre National de la Recherche Appliquée au Devéloppement Rural (TEF), whose goal is to make information on all vascular plants occurring in Madagascar widely accessible.

The Madagascar Conspectus database is a subset of the larger TROPICOS database housed at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and currently exists in Madagascar in its PC-TROPICOS form. We plan to incorporate both in situ specimen-vouchered images and scanned illustrations, as well as utilize the geo-referenced specimen data for GIS analyses of distribution. The images will also be incorporated into an Interactive Identification System to the families and genera of woody Malagasy plants currently under development.

The following images are arranged on individual family "home pages", and are linked to their specimen and taxonomic name records in the database. At the name record, all specimens for a given taxon can be accessed and mapped.

Our hope is that the Madagascar Conspectus will both facilitate new and revised treatments for the ongoing Flore de Madagascar, as well as serve the needs of conservation organizations and the Malagasy people.

We gratefully acknowledge support from U.S. National Science Foundation grants DEB-9024749 and DEB-9627072, and from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation, LWO Inc., and the National Geographic Society.

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View Images of Malagasy Crassulaceae

View Images of Malagasy Cunoniaceae

View Images of Malagasy Cytinaceae

View Images of Malagasy Didiereaceae

View Images of Malagasy Didymelaceae

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View Images of Malagasy Dioscoreaceae

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View Images of Malagasy Rhizophoraceae

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View Images of Malagasy Ruscaceae

View Images of Malagasy Rutaceae

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View Images of Malagasy Sapindaceae

View Images of Malagasy Sapotaceae

View Images of Malagasy Sarcolaenaceae

View Images of Malagasy Simaroubaceae

View Images of Malagasy Solanaceae

View Images of Malagasy Sphaerosepalaceae

View Images of Malagasy Stilbaceae

View Images of Malagasy Strelitziaceae

View Images of Malagasy Thymelaeaceae

View Images of Malagasy Velloziaceae

View Images of Malagasy Verbenaceae

View Images of Malagasy Violaceae

View Images of Malagasy Vitaceae

View Images of Malagasy Winteraceae

View Images of Malagasy Zingiberaceae

Botanical comments: George E. Schatz/schatz@mobot.org

Technical comments: Chris Freeland/chris.freeland@mobot.org

Updated 21 November 2005
