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Greek Texts
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Aeschines. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Andocides. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Antiphon. Speeches. K. J. Maidment. (Greek) search this work
Apollodorus. Library and Epitome. Sir James George Frazer. (Greek) search this work
Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica. George W. Mooney. (Greek) [Apollon.] search this work
Aratus Solensis. Phaenomena. G. R. Mair. (Greek) [Arat.] search this work
Aristides, Aelius.
Bacchylides. Odes. (Greek) search this work
Barnabas. Barnabae Epistula. Kirsopp Lake. (Greek) search this work
Callistratus. Statuaram Descriptiones. Carl Ludwig Kayser. (Greek) search this work
Colluthus. Rape of Helen. A. W. Mair. (Greek) [Colluth.] search this work
Demades. On the Twelve Years. (Greek) search this work
Dinarchus. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Dio Chrysostom. Orationes. J. de Arnim. (Greek) [D.Chr.] search this work
Cassius Dio Cocceianus. Historiae Romanae. Earnest Cary, Herbert Baldwin Foster. (Greek) search this work
Diodorus Siculus.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus.
Elegy and Iambus, Volume I. J. M. Edmonds. (Greek) search this work
Elegy and Iambus, Volume I. J. M. Edmonds. (English) search this work
Elegy and Iambus, Volume II. J. M. Edmonds. (Greek) search this work
Elegy and Iambus, Volume II. J. M. Edmonds. (English) search this work
Epictetus. Works. (Greek) search this work
Euclid. Elements. J. L. Heiberg. (Greek) [Euc.] search this work
Greek Anthology, Volume I. W. R. Paton. (Greek) [Anth. Gr.] search this work
Greek Anthology, Volume II. W. R. Paton. (Greek) [Anth. Gr.] search this work
Greek Anthology, Volume III. W. R. Paton. (Greek) [Anth. Gr.] search this work
Greek Anthology, Volume IV. W. R. Paton. (Greek) [Anth. Gr.] search this work
Greek Anthology, Volume V. W. R. Paton. (Greek) [Anth. Gr.] search this work
Harpocration, Valerius. Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos. Wilhelm Dindorf. (Greek) [Harp.] search this work
Herodotus. The Histories. (Greek) [Hdt.] search this work
Homeric Hymns. Hugh G. Evelyn-White. (Greek) search this work
Hyperides. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Isaeus. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Flavius Josephus.
Lycophron. Alexandra. A.W. Mair. (Greek) [Lycophr.] search this work
Lycurgus. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Lysias. Speeches. (Greek) search this work
Philostratus Minor. Imagines. Carl Ludwig Kayser. (Greek) [Philostr. Jun. Im.] search this work
New Testament. Brooke Foss Westcott, Fenton John Anthony Hort. (Greek) search this work
Nonnus of Panopolis. Dionysiaca. W.H.D. Rouse. (Greek) [Nonn. D.] search this work
Oppian of Apamea. Cynegetica. A. W. Mair. (Greek) [Opp. C.] search this work
Oppian. Halieutica. A. W. Mair. (Greek) [Opp. H.] search this work
Pausanias. Description of Greece. (Greek) [Paus.] search this work
Philostratus the Athenian.
Philostratus the Lemnian (Philostratus Major). Imagines. Carl Ludwig Kayser. (Greek) [Philostr. Im.] search this work
Pindar. Odes. (Greek) search this work
Polybius. Histories. Theodorus Büttner-Wobst after L. Dindorf. (Greek) [Plb.] search this work
Pseudo-Xenophon. Constitution of the Athenians. E. C. Marchant. (Greek) [Ps. Xen. Const. Ath.] search this work
Quintus Smyrnaeus. Fall of Troy. Arthur S. Way. (Greek) [Q. S.] search this work
Strabo. Geography. (Greek) [Strab.] search this work
Theocritus. Idylls. R. J. Cholmeley, M.A.. (Greek) search this work
Theophrastus. Characters. Hermann Diels. (Greek) [Thphr. Char.] search this work
Thucydides. The Peloponnesian War. (Greek) [Thuc.] search this work
Tryphiodorus. The Taking of Ilios. A. W. Mair. (Greek) [Tryph.] search this work