(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Strabo, Geography, BOOK XIII., CHAPTER I., section 6
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On doubling Lectum a large bay opens,1 formed by Mount Ida, which recedes from Lectum, and by Canæ, the promontory opposite to Lectum on the other side. Some persons call it the Bay of Ida, others the Bay of Adramyttium. On this bay are situated the cities of the Æolians, extending, as we have said, to the mouths of the Hermus. I have mentioned also in a former part of my work, that in sailing from Byzantium in a straight line towards the south, we first arrive at Sestos and Abydos through the middle of the Propontis; then at the sea-coast of Asia as far as Caria. The readers of this work ought to attend to the following observation; although we mention certain bays on this coast, they must understand the promontories also which form them, situated on the same meridian.2

1 The Gulf of Edremid or Jalea, the ancient Elea.

2 The meridian, according to our author's system, passing through Constantinople, Rhodes, Alexandria, Syene, and Meröe.

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