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Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, Α α, , ἀναπίνω , ἀναπίπτω
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ἀναπίπτω , poet. μみゅーπぱい- ,
A.fall back, A.Ag.1599, E.Cyc.410; lay oneself back, like rowers, Cratin.345, X.Oec.8.8; “. ὑπτίαPl.Phdr.254b, cf. e; of riders, “ὑπτίους ἀναπεπτωκότας ἐλαύνεινX.Eq.Mag.3.14.
2. metaph., fall back, give ground, Th.1.70; flag, lose heart, D.19.224; τたうαあるふぁῖς σπουδαῖς (vulg. σπονδ-)“ ἀναπεπτωκέναιD.H.5.53.
4. . πぱい οおみくろんκかっぱωおめがνにゅー to be banished from one's house, Poet. ap. Athenagoraspro Christo 22.
5. recline at meals, like ἀνάκειμαι, Alex.293, Com.Adesp.638, PPar.51.4, Ev.Marc.6.40, Luc.Asin.23.
b. take to one's bed in sickness, PMag.Leid.V.11.1.
6. recoil, of the arms of torsion-engines, Hero Bel.100.2.
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