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Jonathan's Space Report - Latest Issue

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Jonathan's Space Report
No. 837 draft                                                    2024 Aug 26   Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 71 continues. Crew are Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, Matthew
Dominick, Michael Barratt, Jeanette Epps, Aleksandr Grebyonkin, Tracy
Dyson, Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams.

The Cygnus NG-21 cargo ship fired its engines for a 19 min, 1.1m/s ISS reboost burn on Aug 22.
The burn was scheduled at 1721 UTC.

The Progress MS-28 cargo ship fired its engines for a 18min, 2.0 m/s ISS reboost burn on Aug 28
and again on Sep 5 for a 13 min, 1.4m/s reboost.

Seven 1U cubesats were deployed from the JAXA J-SSOD No. 31 deployer on Aug 29 -
four of them from Japanese organizations (Sakura, Emma, Sagansat0, Wisseed Sat) and
three from Australia's Curtin University (Binar 2 to 4).

Starlink launches

Starlink Group 8-6 (21 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Aug 28.
Starlink Group 8-10 (21 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Aug 31.
Starlink Group 9-5 (21 sats) was launched from Vandenberg on Aug 31.
Starlink Group 8-11 (21 sats) was launched from Canaveral on Sep 5.

The first stage from Group 8-6, B1062.23, caught fire and was destroyed
shortly after landing on A Shortfall of Gravitas.


It has been confirmed that the GNA-3 satellite is owned by the Swedish defense research agency FOI.

The ION tug has released four Spire Global Lemur-2 satellites.


Galactic Energy launched a Gushenxing-1 from the Dongfeng Hangtiangang barge at about 123.2E 36.4N
in the Yellow Sea on Aug 29 to a sun sync orbit with 1330 local time descending node. 
The payloads were three Yunyao-1 GNSS-RO meteorology satellites,
the Jitianxing A-03 imaging satellite from  Jitian Xingzhou Space Technology of Suzhou,
the Suxing 1-01 imaging satellite from Taicang Yangtze River Delta Research Inst.
and the Tianfu Gaofen 2 imaging satellite from Xiamen Tianwei Tech Co Ltd.

SAST launches

On Sep 3 SAST launched a CZ-4B with the second group of Yaogan 43 satellites. They are possibly
military comm satellites.

On Sep 5 SAST launched a CZ-6 with 10 autonomous-driving-support comm satellites for Geely.

Vega VV24

Arianespace launched the final base-model Vega, flight VV24, on Sep 4, placing the Sentinel 2C
satellite in sun-sync orbit.


The BepiColombo probe made a 165 km altitude flyby of Mercury on Sep 4 at 2148 UTC. In its
passage through Mercury's gravitational sphere of influence from Sep 4 0441 UTC to Sep 5 1459 UTC
it changed its solar orbit from 0.31 x 0.58 AUえーゆー x 5.8 deg to 0.31 x 0.47 AUえーゆー x 4.3 deg.


The third Starshield launch, NROL-113, was launched by Falcon 9 on Sep 6.

Chinese spaceplane

The Chinese spaceplane (possible X-37 analog) completed its third flight with a landing on Sep 6.
TLE analysis suggests landing at Lop Nor at circa 0110 UTC Sep 6.


I missed Starlink Group 10-7 from the narrative in the last issue, and wrote EOS-07 instead of EOS-08.
Also, ZX-4A launch site was Wenchang.
The data in GCAT are correct.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches

Date UT       Name			     Launch Vehicle	 Site		 Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl	 Notes
Aug 16 1856   Transporter-11                     Falcon 9                 Vandenberg SLC4E Rideshare 149 590 x 595 x  97.8
Aug 20 1320   Starlink Group 10-5                Falcon 9                 Canaveral LC40   Comms    150  284 x 297 x 53.2
Aug 22 1225   ZX-4A                              Chang Zheng 7A           Wenchang         Comms    151A 220 x 35790 x 14.6
Aug 26        Lemur-2                                                     ION SCV012, LEO  Met      149  
Aug 27        Lemur-2                                                     ION SCV012, LEO  Met      149  
Aug 28 0654   Starlink Group 8-6                 Falcon 9                 Canaveral LC40   Comms    152  283 x 298 x 53.2
Aug 28        Lemur-2                                                     ION SCV012, LEO  Met      149  
Aug 29 0522   Yunyao-1 15                        Gushenxing-1            DFHT, Yellow Sea  Met      153  528 x 549 x 97.6
              Yunyao-1 16                                                                  Met      153
              Yunyao-1 17                                                                  Met      153
              Jitianxing A-03                                                              Imaging  153
              Suxing 1-01                                                                  Imaging  153
              Tianfu Gaofen 2                                                              Imaging  153
Aug 29 0945   Sakura                                                      ISS, LEO         Tech   98067WS
              Emma                                                                         Tech   98067WT
              Sagansat0                                                                    Tech   98067WU
              WisseedSat                                                                   Tech   98067WV
Aug 29 1120   Binar-2                                                     ISS, LEO         Tech   98067WW
              Binar-3                                                                      Tech   98067WX
              Binar-4                                                                      Tech   98067WY
Aug 29        Lemur-2                                                     ION SCV012, LEO  Met      149  
Aug 31 0743   Starlink Group 8-10                 Falcon 9                 Canaveral LC40  Comms    154   287 x 300 x 53.2
Aug 31 0848   Starlink Group 9-5                  Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E Comms    155   282 x 292 x 53.2
Sep  3 0115   Yaogan 43-02 01 to 06               Chang Zheng 4B          Xichang          Comms?   156   489 x 501 x 35.0
Sep  4 0150   Sentinel 2C                         Vega                    CSG ELV          Imaging  157A  776 x 780 x 98.6
Sep  5 1533   Starlink Group 8-11                 Falcon 9                 Canaveral LC40  Comms    158   288 x 302 x 53.2
Sep  5 1830   Geely Group 03  01 to 10            Chang Zheng 6            Taiyuan         Comms    159
Sep  6 0320   Starshield Group 1-3                Falcon 9                Vandenberg SLC4E Comms    160   300?x300? x 70

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches 

Blue Origin flew New Shepard flight NS-26 on Aug 29, with passengers Ephraim Rabin, Nicolina Elrick,
Eugene Grin, Robert Ferl, Karsen Kitchen and Eiman Jahangir becoming space travellers 699 to 704.

Date UT       Payload           Rocket              Site                 Mission       Apogee    Target

Aug 13 1000   RockSat-X         Terrer Imp. Mal.    Wallops I.           Education      164      Atlantic Ocean
Aug 26 0400   OAxFORTIS         Black Brant 9       White Sands          UV Astron      272      White Sands
Aug 29 1308   NS-26             New Shepard         W Texas              Priv.Sflt      104?     W Texas

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
| JSR: https://www.planet4589.org/jsr.html                                 |
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