(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (Ed. Bron Taylor)
Religion, Nature, Environmentalism, Culture and Ecology
  • Encyclopedia
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  • Academic study of humans, ecology, environment, culture, technology and religion

    The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature


    "This is a remarkable encyclopedia that explores our spiritual connections to nature in countless ways, and describes our ever more urgent efforts to create a more compassionate and environmentally sustainable world. It tackles the tough questions: will the emergent “greening” of religion, and our efforts to leave ever lighter ecological footprints in our daily lives, spread rapidly enough around the globe to halt our heedless destruction of nature and heal some of the scars we have inflicted, before it is too late?  Many of the contributions reflect my conviction that there is, indeed, reason for hope. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature is a scholarly and critical resource for anyone who cares about the future of planet Earth, and wonders how we might more effectively work together to save our beautiful world for future generations."
    Jane Goodall PhD, DBE
    Founder - the Jane Goodall Institute
    & UN Messenger of Peace
    "This massive undertaking documents the impressive groundswell of connection between environmentalism and religion, and lays clear the future possibilities. As one scientist after another has made clear, a habitable planet depends on this collaboration bearing fruit – so bravo for this essential document!"
    Bill McKibben
    Scholar in Residence
    Environmental Studies
    Middlebury College
    Author, The End of Nature
    "This encyclopedia will become the essential reference in the critical important dialogue between religious faiths and environmental concern. Quite impressive in scope with 1,000 entries by over 500 authorities, both scholars and activists, it is especially commendable for bridging religious conviction to environmental ethics, science, and policy, across local, regional, and global levels."
    Holmes Rolston, III
    University Distinguished Professor and
    Professor of Philosophy
    Colorado State University
    Templeton Prize Winner, 2003
    "The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature is a significant contribution to a new field of study in religion and ecology. The impressive range of articles clearly reminds us of the importance of collaborative scholarship. We are indebted to Taylor and Kaplan for their remarkable achievement in overseeing this work."
    Mary Evelyn Tucker
    Co-Founder, Forum on Religion and Ecology