(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Lord Croham

Lord Croham

Lord Croham, who died on September 11 aged 93, was, as Sir Douglas Allen, Head of the Home Civil Service from 1974 to 1977, and before that one of the architects of the Heath government’s prices and incomes policy.

Lord Croham
Lord Croham Credit: Photo: PHOTOSHOT

Rated by contemporaries as “a crisp operator who runs things very efficiently”, Allen was the ultimate meritocrat. A grammar school boy who took a First in Statistics at the LSE, he gave the lie to the myth that all Whitehall mandarins were Oxbridge classicists.

Given his three decades at the heart of Whitehall’s economic planning, it was easy to see him as “a product of a totally closed society”, as some did. Yet it was Allen who, just before his retirement, took the first tentative step toward “open government”, and after receiving a life peerage joined the campaign for freedom of information legislation.

Like mandarins before him and since, he moved effortlessly in the rarefied climes of the great and the good but disliked being in the spotlight. This was demonstrated in January 1971, when the Heath government decided that, instead of a minister, it should be Allen (then joint permanent secretary at the Treasury) who explained to the Wilberforce inquiry into an electricity pay dispute why the government wanted to limit the increase to little over 10 per cent.

He found himself grilled by Jim Mortimer, a member of the Prices and Incomes Board whose abolition Heath had announced, on why the only body capable of moderating pay increases was being scrapped, and by the electricians’ leader Frank Chapple on why Allen and other top civil servants had just received 18 per cent. He refused to answer most of these questions, deeming them “political”; the experiment was not repeated.

His reputation alone was reckoned to have extended the lives of two Whitehall departments. As permanent secretary at the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), set up by Harold Wilson to counterbalance the Treasury, Allen gave it a raison d’être long after its unstated purpose — providing a berth for the mercurial George Brown — had disappeared. As Head of the Civil Service, his advocacy also prolonged the life of the Civil Service Department (CSD), whose permanent secretary he was beyond his retirement and, just, into the Thatcher years.

Allen took the view that “a government department is conditioned to respond to the political guidance of its Minister and not to question his political judgment”. But that did not prevent him disagreeing strongly with Heath’s Chancellor, Anthony Barber, over economic policy.

Allen told Barber that he was trying to expand the economy too fast and, after Heath abandoned his monetarist policy in his famous “U-turn”, that the government was relying too much on prices and incomes policy. Nevertheless Allen, as one of the “four wise men” (with the leaders of the CBI, the TUC and the National Economic Development Office) did much to make that policy workable.

Douglas Albert Vivian Allen was born on December 15 1917, the son of Albert Allen, who was killed in action when Douglas was three months old. Brought up on a war orphan’s pension of 10 shillings a week, he was educated at Wallington Grammar School and the LSE, graduating in 1938.

He entered the Board of Trade the next year, but when war broke out joined the Royal Artillery, serving throughout the conflict. In 1947 he moved to the Cabinet Office, joining the team of economic planners set up for the Attlee government by Edwin Plowden. A year later he went to the Treasury, and in 1958 was promoted to under-secretary at the Ministry of Health.

Allen returned to the Treasury in 1960, and two years later was promoted to third secretary in its newly-formed national economy group. When Labour came to power in 1964 and the DEA was formed, Allen went there as deputy under-secretary, playing a vital part in policy liaison with other departments affected by Brown’s National Plan. He first became visible to the outside world when, in April 1966, he had to explain Labour’s import surcharge to a hostile European Free Trade Area meeting in Geneva.

In May 1966 Allen was promoted to second permanent under-secretary at the DEA, becoming responsible for the compulsory prices and incomes policy Wilson introduced that July; in October he succeeded Sir Eric Roll as its permanent secretary. He assured sceptics that there would be a successor to the National Plan, once uncertainties caused by Wilson’s application to join the Common Market had been resolved.

Allen again moved back to the Treasury in May 1968, as joint permanent secretary in charge of finance and economics, becoming the main channel of advice to the Chancellor — Roy Jenkins — and the Prime Minister. Just before the 1970 election, he fell victim to Labour’s incomes policy: his recommended salary increase to £15,000 was pegged back to £12,700.

The Treasury’s oversight of the economy was closely bound up with the National Economic Development Council (known as “Neddy”), created by Selwyn Lloyd and killed off a generation later by Nigel Lawson. One of Allen’s first tasks for Heath’s incoming government was to review the need for the “little Neddys” covering each industrial sector; he recommended keeping 10 and winding up three, with ministers to determine the fate of nine more. Before Heath opted for compulsion, it was through “Neddy” that the “four wise men” met to discuss pay restraint — to mutterings of dissent from hardliners in the TUC and CBI. The talks were suspended during the upheavals over the jailing of five dockers for refusing to obey the National Industrial Relations Court, then resumed with Sir William Armstrong, Head of the Civil Service and Allen’s predecessor at the Treasury, in the chair.

When Heath took Britain into Europe, Allen represented him — in advance of membership — on a committee to coordinate member states’ short-term economic policies. From April 1972 he also chaired the economic policy committee of the Paris-based OECD, a post he held with distinction for five years. Just before his retirement, he reported OECD’s failure to agree on measures to pull the West out of recession, as Germany and Japan refused to reflate.

As inflation began to accelerate, Allen represented Britain in discussions on curbing price rises across Europe. After Heath imposed a 90-day price freeze in August 1972, he took part in new talks with the TUC and CBI, and then with Armstrong and Sir Frank Figgures, head of NEDO, drafted Heath’s prices and incomes “package”.

Allen became Head of the Home Civil Service and permanent secretary of the CSD in July 1974, four months into Wilson’s second government, when Armstrong left for the Midland Bank. In those days the Cabinet Secretary was a separate appointment.

The hottest of potatoes awaited him: a claim for £50,000 from Marjorie Halls, widow of Wilson’s former private secretary, who blamed his premature death on the strain of dealing with Wilson’s political secretary Marcia Williams (by then Lady Falkender) and her “tantrums”. Allen offered to recommend an ex-gratia payment, but when Mrs Halls made the offer public he withdrew it. She reactivated her lawsuit, eventually dropping it in 1978.

Allen also had to conduct a series of high profile leak inquiries. The first was ordered by Wilson in February 1975, after confidential documents about plans to conceal details of the Queen’s personal fortune appeared in the press. More explosive was the leaking to New Society in July 1976 of Cabinet papers on the introduction of child benefit . Suspicion fell on Tony Lynes, special adviser to David Ennals, Social Services Secretary, and several ministers, some of whom refused to be questioned. The source was never identified.

As ministers struggled to cut spending, Allen and a team of permanent secretaries reviewed civil service staffing and identified 35,000 potential job savings. Some economies were made, but real cuts only began under Margaret Thatcher.

In August 1977 Allen took the first small, but important, step toward ending Whitehall’s climate of secrecy, with a directive to permanent secretaries and departmental heads on “open government”. He decreed that, in future, policy analyses must include options (to be made public) and advice (that would not be) instead of being entirely confidential. After his retirement that December, Allen said the current degree of secrecy was damaging to good government.

Succeeded by Sir Ian Bancroft, Allen was created a life peer as Lord Croham, his title identifying with his Croydon home. In 1979 an IRA letter bomb arrived there from Brussels; it was defused. From the choice of targets, police concluded the bombers were using an out-of-date copy of Who’s Who.

Croham joined the Bank of England in 1978 as an adviser on industrial policy, staying five years. That June, he told the Lords that Britain must develop new industries to survive as a major industrial nation . He also became deputy chairman of the British National Oil Company, and chairman in 1982 . He left BNOC in 1985 as it was wound up.

He next became chairman, in 1983, of the bankers Guinness Peat, succeeding Alastair Morton, who remained as chief executive until called to relaunch Eurotunnel. From 1989 to 1992 Croham chaired the parent bank, Guinness Mahon. He also chaired Trinity Insurance and was a director of Pilkington.

In September 1984 Croham and five former permanent secretaries joined the Campaign for Freedom of Information as pressure grew for reform of the Official Secrets Act.

His final duty for government was to chair a committee set up by Sir Keith Joseph, which in 1987 recommended replacing the University Grants Committee by a group half drawn from outside the world of education.

Croham was president of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and of the British Institute of Energy Economics; chairman of the Anglo-German Foundation; and a founder member of the Green Alliance.

He was appointed CB in 1963, KCB in 1967 and GCB in 1973.

Douglas Allen married, in 1941, Sybil Allegro; she died in 1994, and he is survived by a son and a daughter; another son predeceased him.