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TPIEF Social Media Policy | Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation

TPIEF Social Media Policy

Tottori Prefectural International Exchange
Foundation Social Media Policy

The Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation’s official social media accounts (official accounts hereafter) are to be run in accordance with the policy detailed below for the purpose of furnishing information beneficial to foreign residents in particular, with a focus on information pertaining to multicultural symbiosis, international exchange, and international cooperation to bring the activities of the Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation (TPIEF hereafter) closer to the public. Users employing the above account and the information distributed thereby consent to the relevant stipulations of this social medial policy.

1 Basic Policy

(1)Information distributed via TPIEF official accounts is handled by TPIEF staff. Questions and comments are received directly through the enquiry function on our website as well as by email and telephone.
  〇 TEL:0857-51-1165
  〇 Email:tpief@torisakyu.or.jp

(2)Consultations using functions such as Messenger are processed on an individual basis, with questions in languages other than Japanese channeled to staff proficient in the relevant language. Please be advised that responses could take two or three days depending on staff schedule.

2 TPIEF Official Accounts

Facebook page
Accurate and easily understandable information useful and beneficial to foreign residents of Tottori Prefecture (Japanese culture, disaster prevention, rules, etc.) and showcasing of TPIEF activities.
  • English / Easy Japanese(English/やさしいにほんご)
    Title (Facebook page name): Tottori niko-niko とっとりニコニコ
    ULR https://www.facebook.com/tottori2525.en/
  • Simplified Chinese(简体ちゅうぶん
    Title (Facebook page name): 微笑びしょうてき鸟取 とっとりニコニコ
    URL https://www.facebook.com/tottori2525.zhs/
  • Traditional Chineseしげるたいちゅうぶん
    Title (Facebook page name): 微笑びしょう生活せいかつざい鳥取とっとり とっとりニコニコ
    URL https://www.facebook.com/tottori2525.zht/
  • Vietnamese(Tiếng việt)
    Title (Facebook page name): Tottori nikoniko
    URL https://www.facebook.com/tottori2525.vi/  
TPIEF Tottori- Vermont Youth Exchange Program
  • Title (YouTube channel name): TPIEF Tottori- Vermont Youth Exchange Program
    URL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6OYKlI_cuekIthXEv27YQ/featured

3 Posting Agent


4 Hours of Operation

We manage our social media accounts during open hours (weekdays 9am to 6pm, excluding holidays and the New Year’s period). On occasion we may be able to manage our accounts outside these designated times.

5 Response to Post

(1)In principle, TPIEF does not respond to or “like” user comments or follow posts or other accounts.
(2)Where possible, accounts will be set not to host comments, evaluations, or posts from other users, or otherwise set to hide these.

6 Emergency Response

In emergency situations where an unusual response is required, social media options may be activated to accord with user contact procedures.

7 Matters to Be Observed

Users are not permitted to post in any of the following ways. If TPIEF determines an occurrence of any of the following, the post in question will be deleted without consent of the user and other appropriate steps may be taken.

a. Defamation or slander of TPIEF, other users, or any third party
b. Violation of law, public order and morality, or other content deemed unlawful
c. Falsification of information or identity
d. Content for which propriety cannot be determined
e. Advertising, advocacy, solicitation, or other content for business purposes or intended to garner profit (including the introduction of websites)
f. Content with political or religious motivations
g. Discrimination or abetting discrimination on the basis of human rights, thought, or creed.
h. Infringement on any intellectual property such as copyright, trademark, or portrait rights
i. Identifying, displaying, or revealing personal information pertaining to any user or third party, including address, telephone number, or email address, which may constitute a violation of personal privacy
j. Interference with communications devices though the dissemination of harmful software, phishing, or interference with user access in any form
k. Content posing a disadvantage to TPIEF, other users, or any third party
l. Any other content, including internet links, determined by TPIEF to be inappropriate

8 Copyright

(1)Copyright (or intellectual property rights) for any content disseminated through TPIEF official accounts shall be attributed either to TPIEF or to the original rightful claimant.
(2)Content distributed via official TPIEF accounts may be used, quoted, or promoted in accordance with the acceptable use policy of each specific social media platform

9 Disclaimers

(1)While all TPIEF official accounts are subject to prudent attention as to the accuracy and management of information, we cannot guarantee any immunity of such information against manipulation by any third party, nor can we bear any responsibility for damage or harm originating in any TPIEF official account or in any information handled thereby.
(2)TPIEF reserves the right to suspend or terminate distribution of information on its official social media accounts, and to make alterations to its format and functions, in whole or in part, without notice.
(3)This social media policy is subject to change without prior notice. In the event of any alteration to our policy, TPIEF consents to post notification on its website. The said alteration may be put into effect from the precise moment of notification posted.