(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Fundraise - United Society Partners in the Gospel
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Thanks to supporters like you, we’re already partnering with churches around the world as they seek to have an impact on the communities they serve. For example, the Anglican Church of Tanzania has a programme that aims to reduce the rate of transmission of HIV from mother to baby. This programme is having an extraordinary impact; now most of the children born to HIV-positive mothers on the programme are HIV-free.

Your fundraising efforts can make a real difference and we will support you every step of the way. You could run a 5K race or even a marathon, trek up a mountain or get muddy cycling through country lanes. You can bake, run a fete or do a virtual challenge. Whatever you choose to do, your support will help the global church.

Whether you fundraise on your own or as part of your church, it is the getting involved that counts. For more ideas and tips, please download our Fundraising Guide.

If you are taking on a challenge, we have lots of resources for you from leaflets to T-shirts. Please contact fundraising@uspg.org.uk to let us know what you are doing and how we can support you.

If you need inspiration, here is the story of Father Douglas Davies who celebrated his 100th birthday by asking 100 people to complete 100 laps. The idea started off with a plan to have everyone walk (or run if that way inclined) a lap of his local rugby club. However due to Coronavirus restrictions, the plans had to be changed and it evoled to an 'isolation amble', with everyone walking a lap of anything they chose to: their garden, a kitchen table or even a chair!

More than 100 people got involved and raised over £5,000. Father Doug, a lifelong USPG supporter, inspired many with his idea and was so encouraged and grateful to receive birthday wishes.

Father Douglas Daviies

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