(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
World Island Information--The Geography of the World's Islands


 World Island Info Blog

 Island Superlatives

 Principal World Islands and Groups

 Continent or Island? Greenland and Australia

 100 Largest Islands of the World

 Largest Islands by Continent

 Largest Islands of 187 Countries

 Largest Island Lists for Selected Countries

 Islands of the United States

 Islands of Canada

 Largest Lake Islands of the World

 Most Populous Islands of the World

 Most Populous Island Countries

 Islands Divided by International Borders

 Tallest Islands of the World

 Former and Alternate Names of Islands

 Island Misinformation

 Starting Your Own Island Country

 Fictional Islands: Islands on The Simpsons

 A Note on Sources














Copyright 1995-2010 Joshua Calder

Contact WorldIslandInfo at calder.josh[at]gmail.com with questions or suggestions. 

A site about island facts and island geography.