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Other Workshops and Events (1998) - ACL Anthology

Other Workshops and Events (1998)


bib (full) Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers

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Discourse Relations and Discourse Markers

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A surface-based approach to identifying discourse markers and elementary textual units in unrestricted texts
Daniel Marcu

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Identifying the Linguistic Correlates of Rhetorical Relations
Simon H. Corston-Oliver

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Enriching Automated Essay Scoring Using Discourse Marking
Jill Burstein | Karen Kukich | Susanne Wolff | Chi Lu | Martin Chodorow

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Representing temporal discourse markers for generation purposes
Brigitte Grote

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On classifying connectives and coherence relations
Liesbeth Degand

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Lexical marking of discourse relations - some experimental findings
Claudia Soria | Giacomo Ferrari

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Meta-discourse markers and problem-structuring in scientific articles
Simone Teufel

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Linguistic ways for expressing a discourse relation in a lexicalized text generation system
Laurence Danlos

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Similarity and contrast relations and inductive rules
Alistair Knott

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Temporal Discourse Markers and the Flow of Events
Frank Schilder

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Some Exotic Discourse Markers of Spoken Dialog
Nigel Ward

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Lexical Marking and the Recovery of Discourse Structure
Kathleen Dahlgren

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Discourse Relations versus Discourse Marker Relations
Jacques Jayez | Corinne Rossari

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Signalling in written text: a corpus-based approach
Marie-Paule Pery-Woodley

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Anchoring a Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar for Discourse
Bonnie Lynn Webber | Aravind K. Joshi

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Discourse Markers in Spontaneous Dialogue: A Corpus based study of Japanese and English
Masahito Kawamori | Takeshi Kawabata | Akira Shimazu

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Cue Phrase Selection in Instruction Dialogue Using Machine Learning
Yukiko I. Nakano | Tsuneaki Kato

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Automatic Disambiguation of Discourse Particles
Kerstin Fischer | Hans Brandt-Pook

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Lexical, Prosodic, and Syntactic Cues for Dialog Acts
Daniel Jurafsky | Elizabeth Shriberg | Barbara Fox | Traci Curl


bib (full) The Computational Treatment of Nominals

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The Computational Treatment of Nominals

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The representation of syntactically unexpressed complements to Nouns
Ralf Naumann

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A Dynamic Temporal Logic of Events, Intervals and States for Nominalization in Natural Language
Raft Naumann

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Representation and Processing of Chinese Nominals and Compounds
Evelyne Viegas | Wanying Jin | Ron Dolan | Stephen Beale

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Using NOMLEX to Produce Nominalization Patterns for Information Extraction
Adam Meyers | Catherine Macleod | Roman Yangarber | Ralph Grishman | Leslie Barrett | Ruth Reeves

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Construction of Japanese Nominal Semantic Dictionary using “A NO B” Phrases in Corpora
Sadao Kurohashi | Masaki Murata | Yasunori Yata | Mitsunobu Shimada | Makoto Nagao

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The treatment of noun phrase queries in a natural language database access system
Alexandra Klein | Johannes Matiasek | Harald Trost

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Integrating Referring and Informing in NP Planning
Michael O’Donnell | Hua Cheng | Janet Hitzeman

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Coreference in Knowledge Editing
Kees van Deemter | Richard Power

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Automatic Collection and Analysis of GermanCompounds
John Goldsmith | Tom Reutter

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Simplex NPs Clustered by Head: A Method for Identifying Significant Topics Within a Document
Nina Wacholder

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Tools for locating noun phrases with finite state transducers
Jean Senellart

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Exemplar-Based Sense Modulation
Mohsen Rais-Ghasem | Jean-Pierre Corriveau

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Nominal Metonymy Processing
Boyan Onyshkevych

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The Role of Cardinality in Metonymic Extensions to Nouns
Helmut Horacek


bib (full) Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems

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Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems

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General Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based on a Full Sentential Context
Jiri Stetina | Sadao Kurohashi | Makoto Nagao

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Disambiguating Verbs with the WordNet Category of the Direct Object
Eric V. Siegel

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Word Sense Disambiguation based on Semantic Density
Rada Mihalcea | Dan I. Moldovan

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The Use of WordNet in Information Retrieval
Mandala Rila | Takenobu Tokunaga | Hozumi Tanaka

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Indexing with WordNet synsets can improve text retrieval
Julio Gonzalo | Felisa Verdejo | Irina Chugur | Juan Cigarran

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Text Classification Using WordNet Hypernyms
Sam Scott | Stan Matwin

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Towards a Representation of Idioms in WordNet
Christiane Fellbaum

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Linking WordNet Verb Classes to Semantic Interpretation
Fernando Gomez

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Using WordNet for Building WordNets
Xavier Farreres | German Rigau | Horacio Rodffguez

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Aligning WordNet with Additional Lexical Resources
Oi Yee Kwong

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Automatic Adaptation of WordNet to Sublanguages and to Computational Tasks
Roberto Basili | Alessandro Cucchiarelli | Carlo Consoli | Maria Teresa Pazienza | Paola Velardi

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Augmenting WordNet-like lexical resources with distributional evidence. An application-oriented perspective
Simonetta Montemagni | Vito Pirrelli

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Lexical Acquisition with WordNet and the Mikrokosmos Ontology
Tom O’Hara | Kavi Mahesh | Sergei Nirenburg

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Algorithms for Ontological Mediation
Alistair E. Campbell | Stuart C. Shapiro

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Semi-automatic Induction of Systematic Polysemy from WordNet
Noriko Tomuro

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A Comparison of WordNet and Roget’s Taxonomy for Measuring Semantic Similarity
Michael L. McHale

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Incorporating Knowledge in Natural Language Learning: A Case Study
Yuval Krymolowski | Dan Roth

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Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Generation
Hongyan Jing

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Lexical Discovery with an Enriched Semantic Network
Doug Beeferman

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Deriving Metonymic Coercions from WordNet
Sanda M. Harabagiu


bib (full) Natural Language Generation

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Natural Language Generation
Eduard Hovy

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Natural Language Generation Journeys to Interactive 3D Worlds Invited Talk Extended Abstract
James C. Lester | William H. Bares | Charles B. Callaway | Stuart G. Towns

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Communicative Goal-Driven NL Generation and Data-Driven Graphics Generation: An Architectural Synthesis for Multimedia Page Generation
John Bateman | Thomas Kamps | Jorg Kleinz | Klaus Reichenberger

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A Principled Representation of Attributive Descriptions for Generating Integrated Text and Information Graphics Presentations
Nancy Green | Giuseppe Carenini | Johanna Moore

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An Architecture for Opportunistic Text Generation
Chris Mellish | Mick O’Donnell | Jon Oberlander | Alistair Knott

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Controlled Realization of Complex Objects
David D. McDonald

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De-Constraining Text Generation
Stephen Beale | Sergei Nirenburg | Evelyne Viegas | Leo Wanner

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Automatic Generation of Subway Directions: Salience Gradation as a Factor Fordetermining Message and Form
Lidia Fraczak | Guy Lapalme | Michael Zock

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Introducing Maximal Variation in Text Planning for Small Domains
Erwin Marsi

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A New Approach to Expert System Explanations
Regina Barzilay | Daryl McCullough | Owen Rambow | Jonathan DeCristofaro | Tanya Korelsky | Benoit Lavoie

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Macroplanning with a Cognitive Architecture for the Adaptive Explanation of Proofs
Armin Fiedler

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Experiments Using Stochastic Search for Text Planning
Chris Mellish | Alistair Knott | Jon Oberlander | Mick O’Donnell

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Abductive Reasoning for Syntactic Realization
Ralf Klabunde | Martin Jansche

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Generating Warning Instructions by Planning Accidents and Injuries
Daniel Ansari | Graeme Hirst

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Discourse Marker Choice in Sentence Planning
Brigitte Grote | Manfred Stede

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Clause Aggregation Using Linguistic Knowledge
James Shaw

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Attention During Argument Generation and Presentation
Ingrid Zukerman | Richard McConachy | Kevin B. Korb

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Planning Dialogue Contributions With New Information
Kristiina Jokinen | Hideki Tanaka | Akio Yokoo

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Generation of Noun Compounds in Hebrew: Can Syntactic Knowledge Be Fully Encapsulated?
Yael Dahan Netzer | Michael Elhadad

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Textual Economy Through Close Coupling of Syntax and Semantics
Matthew Stone | Bonnie Webber

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A Language-Independent System for Generating Feature Structures from Interlingua Representations
Murat Temizsoy | Ilyas Cicekli

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Towards Multilingual Protocol Generation For Spontaneous Speech Dialogues
Jan Alexandersson | Peter Poller

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Fully Lexicalized Head-Driven Syntactic Generation
Tilman Becker

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Approaches to Surface Realization With HPSG
Graham Wilcock

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The Multex generator and its environment: application and development
Christian Matthiessen | Licheng Zeng | Marilyn Cross | Ichiro Kobayashi | Kazuhiro Teruya | Canzhong Wu

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A Flexible Shallow Approach to Text Generation
Stephan Busemann | Helmut Horacek

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The Practical Value of N-Grams Is in Generation
Irene Langkilde | Kevin Knight

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Generation as a Solution to Its Own Problem
Donia Scott | Richard Power | Roger Evans

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EXEMPLARS: A Practical, Extensible Framework For Dynamic Text Generation
Michael White | Ted Caldwell

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System Demonstration Natural Language Generation With Abstract Machine
Evgeniy Gabrilovich | Nissirn Francez | Shuly Wintner

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System Demonstration Content Planning as the Basis for an Intelligent Tutoring System
Reva Freedman | Stefan Brandle | Michael Glass | Jung Hee Kim | Yujian Zhou | Martha W. Evens

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System Demonstration FLAUBERT: An User Friendly System for Multilingual Text Generation
Frederic Meunier | Laurence Danlos

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System Demonstration Overview of GBGen
Thierry Etchegoyhen | Thomas Wehrle

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System Demonstration GoalGetter: Generation of Spoken Soccer Reports
Mariet Theune | Esther Klabbers

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System Demonstration Multilingual Weather Forecast Generation System
Tianfang Yao | Dongmo Zhang | Qian Wang

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System Demonstration Interactive Generation and Knowledge Administration in MultiMeteo
Jose Coch

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ROMVOX Experiments Regarding Unrestricted Text to Speech Synthesis for the Romanian Language
Attila Ferencz | Teodora Ratiu | Maria Ferencz | Tonde-Csilla Kovacs | Istvan Nagy | Diana Zaiu

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WYSIWYM: knowledge editing with natural language feedback
Richard Power | Donia Scott


bib (full) New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning

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New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning

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Abstraction Is Harmful in Language Learning
Walter Daelemans

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Natural Language Learning by Recurrent Neural Networks: A Comparison wRh probabilistic approaches
Michael Towsey | Joachim Diederich | Ingo Schellhammer | Stephan Chalup | Claudia Brugman

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Learning a Lexicalized Grammar for German
Sandra Kubler

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A Lexically-Intensive Algorithm for Domain-Specific Knowlegde Acquisition
Rene Schneider

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Look-Back and Look-Ahead in the Conversion of Hidden Markov Models into Finite State Transducers
André Kempe

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The effect of alternative tree representations on tree bank grammars
Mark Johnson

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Automation of Treebank Annotation
Thorsten Brants | Wojciech Skut

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Implementing a Sense Tagger in a General Architecture for Text Engineering
Hamish Cunningham | Mark Stevenson | Yorick Wilks

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Knowledge Extraction and Recurrent Neural Networks: An Analysis of an Elman Network trained on a Natural Language Learning Task
Ingo Schellhammer | Joachim Diederich | Michael Towsey | Claudia Brugman

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Finding Structure via Compression
Jason L. Hutchens | Michael D. Alder

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Linguistic Theory in Statistical Language Learning
Christer Samuelsson

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A Bayesian Approach to Automating Argumentation
Richard McConachy | Kevin B. Korb | Ingrid Zukerman

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Automatically generating hypertext in newspaper articles by computing semantic relatedness
Stephen J Green

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Choosing a Distance Metric for Automatic Word Categorization
Emin Erkan Korkmaz | Gokturk Ucoluk

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Sense Variation and Lexical Semantics Generative Operations
Patrick Saint-Dizier

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An Attempt to Use Weighted Cusums to Identify Sublanguages
Harold Somers

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Cross-Entropy and Linguistic Typology
Patrick Juola

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Applications and Explanations of Zipf’s Law
David M. W. Powers

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Proper Name Classification in an Information Extraction Toolset
Edmund Yuen | Greg Chase

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Evolution and Evaluation of Document Retrieval Queries
Robert Steele | David Powers

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Generatlon of Simple Turkish Sentences with Systemic-Functional Grammar
Ilyas Cicekli | Turgay Korkrmaz

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Extracting Phoneme Pronunciation Information from Corpora
Ian Thomas | Ingrid Zukerman | Bhavani Raskutti

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Modularity in Inductively-Learned Word Pronunciation Systems
Antal van den Bosch | Ton Weijters | Walter Daelemans

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Do Not Forget: Full Memory in Memory-Based Learning of Word Pronunciation
Antal van den Bosch | Walter Daelemans

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Natural Language Concept Analysis
Vera Kamphuis | Janos Sarbo

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The Present Use of Statistics in the Evaluation of NLP Parsers
J. Entwisle | D. M. W. Powers

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A Method of Incorporating Bigram Constraints into an LR Table and Its Effectiveness in Natural Language Processing
Hiroki Imai | Hozumi Tanaka

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Selective Attention and the Acquisition of Spatial Semantics
James M. Hogan | Joachim Diederich | Gerard D. Finn

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Towards Language Acquisition by an Attention-Sharing Robot
Hideki Kozima | Akira Ito

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A Constructivist Approach to Machine Translation
Michael Carl

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Shallow Post Morphological Processing with KURD
Michael Carl | Antje Schmidt-Wigger

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Induction of a Stem Lexicon for Two-level Morphological Analysis
Erika F. de Lima

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Introducing MegaHAL
Jason L. Hutchens | Michael D. Alder

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Methods and tricks used in an attempt to pass the Turing Test
V. Bastin | D. Cordier

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The Total Turing Test and the Loebner Prize
David M. W. Powers

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Language Model and Sentence Structure Manipulations for Natural Language Application Systems
Zenshiro Kawasaki | Keiji Takida | Masato Tajima

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Position Paper on Appropriate Audio/Visual Turing Test
Bradley B. Custer

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Learning Feature-Value Grammars from Plain Text
Tony C. Smith

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Morphemes as Necessary Concept for Structures Discovery from Untagged Corpora
Herve Dejean

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The segmentation problem in morphology learning
Christopher D. Manning

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Reconciliation of Unsupervised Clustering, Segmentation and Cohesion
David M. W. Powers

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Syntactico-Semantic Learning of Categorial Grammars
Isabelle Tellier


bib (full) Content Visualization and Intermedia Representations (CVIR’98)

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Content Visualization and Intermedia Representations (CVIR’98)

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The Pausanian Notation: a method for representing the structure and the content of a hyperdocument
Nickolas Gouraros | Wendy Hall

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Intelligent Network News Reader with Visual User Interface
Hitoshi Isahara | Kiyotaka Uchimoto | Hiromi Ozaku

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Coreference as the Foundations for Link Analysis over Free Text Databases
Breck Baldwin

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Texplore- exploring expository texts via hierarchical representation
Yaakov Yaari

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Visualization for Large Collections of Multimedia Information
Dave Himmel

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I just played that a minute ago!:” Designing User Interfaces for Audio Navigation
Julia Hirschberg | John Choi | Christine Nakatani | Steve Whittaker

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Interactive Multimedia Navigation
Mihai Nadin | Clemens Lango

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Semantic Visualization
Penny Chase | Ray D’Amore | Nahum Gershon | Rod Holland | Rob Hyland | Inderjeet Mani | Mark Maybury | Andy Merlino | Jim Rayson

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Integrated generation of graphics and text- a corpus study
Marc Corio | Guy Lapalme

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A Media-Independent Content Language for Integrated Text and Graphics Generation
Nancy Green | Giuseppe Carenini | Stephan Kerpedjiev | Steven Roth | Johanna Moore

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How to build a (quite general) linguistic diagram editor
Jo Calder

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Visualization of Protocols of the Parsing and Semantic Interpretation Steps in a Machine Translation System
Ulrich Germann

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Multimodal Visualization of Geometrical Constructions
Valerie Bellynck

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Navigating maps with little or no sight: An audio-tactile approach
R. Dan Jacobson

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Visualization by People without Vision
Vladimir Bulatov | John Gardner

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Integration of Speech and Vision in a small mobile robot
Dominique Estival


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bib (full)
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1998)

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Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1998)
Bente Maegaard

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LMT at Tivoli Gardens
Arendse Bernth | Michael McCord

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Drug Terminology. A multilingual term database. The AVENTINUS project
Christian Sjögreen

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AVENTINUS, GATE and Swedish Lingware
Dimitrios Kokkinakis

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Norwegian Computational Lexicon (NorKompLeks)
Torbjørn Nordgård

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Structural Lexical Heuristics in the Automatic Analysis of Portuguese
Eckhard Bick

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An HPSG Marking Analysis of Danish Determiners and Clausal Adverbials
Costanza Navarretta | Anne Neville

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A Chart-Based Framework for Grammar Checking. Initial Studies
Anna Sågvall Hein

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CP-UDOG: An Algorithm for the Disambiguation of Compound Participles in Danish
Jens Ahlmann Hansen | Poul Søren Kjærsgaard

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Evaluation of the Syntactic Parsing Performed by the ENGCG Parser
Klas Prytz

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CATCH: A Program for Developing World Wide Web CALL Material
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang

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Assembling a Balanced Corpus from the Internet
Johan Dewe | Jussi Karlgren | Ivan Bretan

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Peeking Into the Danish Living Room. Internet access to a large speech corpus
Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Extraction of Translation Equivalents from Parallel Corpora
Jörg Tiedemann

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The Construction of a Tagged Danish Corpus
Thomas Bilgram | Britt Keson

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Linguistics isn’t always the answer: Word comparison in computational linguistics
Lars Borin

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Logic for Part-of-Speech Tagging and Shallow Parsing
Torbjörn Lager

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A statistical and structural approach to extracting collocations likely to be of relevance in relation to an LSP sub-domain text
Bjarne Blom

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A Reasonably Language Independent, Heuristic Algorithm for the Marking of Names in Running Texts
Benny Brodda

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Some Results Regarding Tree Homomorphic Feature Structure Grammar and the Empty String
Tore Burheim

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Teaching and learning computational linguistics in an international setting
Koenraad de Smedt


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bib (full)
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)
Anne Abeillé | Tilman Becker | Giorgio Satta | K. Vijay-Shanker

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An experiment on synchronous TAGs for the construction of a transfer module
Alexandre Agustini | Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima

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Transplanting supertags from English to Spanish
Srinivas Bangalore

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Recursive Matrix Systems (RMS) and TAG
Tilman Becker | Dominik Heckmann

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Motion verbs and semantic features in TAG
Tonia Bleam | Martha Palmer | K. Vijay-Shanker

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A generalization of mildly context-sensitive formalisms
Pierre Boullier

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Can the TAG derivation tree represent a semantic graph? An answer in the light of Meaning-Text Theory
Marie-Hélène Candito | Sylvain Kahane

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Defining DTG derivations to get semantic graphs
Marie-Hélène Candito | Sylvain Kahane

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The LexSys project
John Carroll | Nicolas Nicolov | Olga Shaumyan | Martine Smets | David Weir

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An integrated parser for TFG with explicit tree typing
Marc Cavazza

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Synchronous TFG for speech translation
Marc Cavazza

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A tabular interpretation of bottom-up automata for TAG
Eric de la Clergerie | Miguel A. Alonso Pardo | David Cabrero Souto

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TAG derivation as monotonic C-command
Robert Frank | K. Vijay-Shanker

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Describing discourse semantics
Claire Gardent | Bonnie Webber

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Tree-grammar linear typing for unified super-tagging/probabilistic parsing models
Ariane Halber

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Towards a workbench for schema-TAGs
Karin Harbusch | Friedbert Widmann | Jens Woch

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TAG and raising in VSO languages
Heidi Harley | Seth Kulick

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On some similarities between D-tree grammars and type-logical grammars
Mark Hepple

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A standard representation framework for TAG
Fabrice Issac

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Partial proof trees and structural modalities
Aravind K. Joshi | Seth Kulick | Natasha Kurtonina

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A hierarchy of local TDGs
Laura Kallmeyer

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A ‘Tree Adjoining’ Grammar without adjoining: The case of scrambling in German
Gerard Kempen | Karin Harbusch

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An improved Earley parser with LTAG
Yannick de Kercadio

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Clitic climbing in Romance: “Restructuring”, causatives, and object-control verbs
Seth Kulick

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Wh-dependencies in Romanian and TAG
Manuela Leahu

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Which rules for the robust parsing of spoken utterances with Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars?
Patrice Lopez | David Roussel

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‘Category families’ for Categorial Grammars
Mary McGee Wood

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Packing of feature structures for optimizing the HPSG-style grammar translated from TAG
Yusuke Miyao | Kentaro Torisawa | Yuka Tateisi | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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TAGs M-constructed
Uwe Mönnich

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Description theory, LTAGs and underspecified semantics
Reinhard Muskens | Emiel Krahmer

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Prefix probabilities for linear indexed grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof | Anoop Sarkar | Giorgio Satta

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Automatic extraction of stochastic lexicalized tree grammars from treebanks
Günter Neumann

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Memoisation in sentence generation with lexicalised grammars
Nicolas Nicolov

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Constructive models of extraction parameters
Dick Oehrle

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Two-step TAG parsing revisited
Peter Poller | Tilman Becker

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Wh-islands in TAG and related formalisms
Owen Rambow | K. Vijay-Shanker

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On defining TALs with logical constraints
James Rogers

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Exploiting semantic dependencies in parsing
William Schuler

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Comparison of XTAG and LEXSYS grammars
Martine Smets

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A compact encoding of a DTG grammar
Martine Smets | Roger Evans

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Formal analyses of the Hungarian verbal complex
Temese Szalai | Edward Stabler

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Translating the XTAG English grammar to HPSG
Yuka Tateisi | Kentaro Torisawa | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Consistent dendrification: Trees from categories
A.M. Wallington

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Consistent grammar development using partial-tree descriptions for Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Fei Xia | Martha Palmer | K. Vijay-Shanker | Joseph Rosenzweig


bib (full) Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Bayesian Stratified Sampling to Assess Corpus Utility
Judith Hochberg | Clint Scovel | Timothy Thomas | Sam Hall

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Encoding Linguistic Corpora
Nancy Ide

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Using a Probabilistic Translation Model for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Jian-Yun Nie | Pierre Isabelle | George Foster

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Using Suffix Arrays to Compute Term Frequency and Document Frequency for All Substrings in a Corpus
Mikio Yamamoto | Kenneth W. Church

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Semantic Tagging using a Probabilistic Context Free Grammar
Michael Collins | Scott Miller

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An Empirical Approach to Conceptual Case Frame Acquisition
Ellen Riloff | Mark Schmelzenbach

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Semantic Lexicon Acquisition for Learning Natural Language Interfaces
Cynthia A. Thompson | Raymond J. Mooney

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The Effect of Topological Structure on Hierarchical Text Categorization
Stephen D’Alessio | Keitha Murray | Robert Schiaffino | Aaron Kershenbaum

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Refining the Automatic Identification of Conceptual Relations in Large-scale Corpora
Alex Collier | Mike Pacey | Antoinette Renouf

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Generalized unknown morpheme guessing for hybrid POS tagging of Korean
Jeongwon Cha | Geunbae Lee | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Language Identification With Confidence Limits
David Elworthy

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Aligning tagged bitexts
Raquel Martinez | Joseba Abaitua | Arantza Casillas

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Towards Unsupervised Extraction of Verb Paradigms from Large Corpora
Cornelia H. Parkes | Alexander M. Malek | Mitchell P. Marcus

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Can Subcategorisation Probabilities Help a Statistical Parser
John Carroll | Guido Minnen | Ted Briscoe

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Edge-Based Best-First Chart Parsing
Eugene Charniak | Sharon Goldwater | Mark Johnson

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What grammars tell us about corpora: the case of reduced relative clauses
Paola Merlo | Suzanne Stevenson

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A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser for Unrestricted Text
Wojciech Skut | Thorsten Brants

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Exploiting Diverse Knowledge Sources via Maximum Entropy in Named Entity Recognition
Andrew Borthwick | John Sterling | Eugene Agichtein | Ralph Grishman

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A Statistical Approach to Anaphora Resolution
Niyu Ge | John Hale | Eugene Charniak

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A Decision Tree Method for Finding and Classifying Names in Japanese Texts
Satoshi Sekine | Ralph Grishman | Hiroyuki Shinnou

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POS Tagging versus Classes in Language Modeling
Peter A. Heeman

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Automatic Acquisition of Phrase Grammars for Stochastic Language Modeling
Giuseppe Riccardi | Srinivas Bangalore

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Linear Segmentation and Segment Significance
Min-Yen Kan | Judith L. Klavans | Kathleen R. McKeown

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Improving summarization through rhetorical parsing tuning
Daniel Marcu

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Discourse Parsing: A Decision Tree Approach
Tadashi Nomoto | Yuji Matsumoto

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Mapping Collocational Properties into Machine Learning Features
Janyce M. Wiebe | Kenneth J. McKeever | Rebecca F. Bruce