About Our Succession of the Scholarship Program from the Konno Foundation for the Prommotion of Education
笑顔 あふれる未来 をつくる。
Creating a Future full of smiles.
Based on the idea of using profits generated by customers for the benefit of society,
we use the amount equivalent to 1% of the profits generated by the patronage of customers of the AEON Group.
We are committed to environmental and social contribution activities with the following main themes:
Healthy Development of Children, Friendships with Other Countries,Local Development Contributions,
and Emergency Disaster Recovery Support.
財団 情報
About us
お知 らせNews
事業 活動 Activities
子 どもたちの健全 な育成
Healthy Development of Children
We nurture children’s abilities to think independently about issues in their own regions, on environmental and social themes, while learning about societal rules. Furthermore, we support the building of schools in countries that lack sufficient educational facilities.
諸 外国 との友好 親善
Frendships with Other Countries
We provide students with opportunities for international cultural and interpersonal exchange, and strengthen the bonds of friendship between Japan and various countries by deepening mutual understanding. In addition, we support the development of internationally-minded citizens through actions such as awarding scholarships to university students from Asian nations.
地域 の発展 への貢献
Local Development Contributions
We support the succession of traditional events and culture firmly rooted in local regions, which need to be passed down to the next generations, and tackles various issues in local communities.
災害 復興 支援
Disaster Recovery Support
We provide support for recovery and reconstruction following natural disasters, so that the survivors can resume normal daily life as quickly as possible. We carry out swift donations of emergency funds in order to assist with such revival and reconstruction efforts in disaster-affected regions, both within Japan and overseas.