The aviation industry faces new challenges every day. Proximity, technology, competitiveness, training for the individual and extended partnerships are the new horizons for today and tomorrow. As the leading aircraft manufacturer, we are taking a proactive initiative to reach these new horizons together with our end-to-end training offer.

Quality Training Services - photo © AIRBUS S.A.S. 2020 - photo by A.DOUMENJOU / master films


Safety starts from the very first day a person flies, and never stops.

The primary goal of Airbus training is naturally to ensure the safe and efficient flight of Airbus aircraft, supported via the acquisition of solid aviation skills and high quality training throughout a trainees education and career.


Airbus Flight Academy cadet with instructor in aircraft

Airbus Flight Academy

Benefit from the highest quality in training, incorporating Airbus standards & worldwide experience in pilot training to become a commercial airline pilot.

Flight Training Generic 4

Flight Training

Our Flight Training offer is designed to develop operationally-ready pilots for a smooth integration from training to the operational environment.

Dry Full Fly Simulator


Simulation solutions for your training devices to enable pilot training on Airbus aircraft.

Cabin Dry Session

Cabin Training

Enhanced knowledge of Airbus aircraft and cabin systems leads to cabin crews’ optimum service on-board and passengers’ full satisfaction.

GSF 2022 Airbus Services

Maintenance & Structure Training

Develop your competencies all along your career for Safe & Efficient operations



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