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Black Rock Shooter (2012) - Anime Reviews by DarkRockslizer - AniDB
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Reviews for Black Rock Shooter (2012) (7.44)

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Yoshigaki Yuusuke Yoshioka Shinobu Black Rock Shooter (2012) Now, I read a bit of user forum comments on this show before posting my review and I must say just one thing... so much nerdrage... it`s like ME3 all over again. -.- Did you honestly ... AniDB Twitter - Unrated

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Vote 7
Average 6.83
Animation 6
Sound 7
Story 7
Character 6
Value 7
Enjoyment 8
Now, I read a bit of user forum comments on this show before posting my review and I must say just one thing... so much nerdrage...
it's like ME3 all over again. -.-

Did you honestly think an anime based solely on a wallpaper would be the next messiah of the Japanese animation industry? I mean, after the terrible BRS OVA which was just fighting and eye-candy art with no explanations, my expectations, at least, were pretty low for this one. The 1st episode, however, was more intriguing than I ever thought it could be, and instead of just checking it out I watched the whole show.

Art & Animation: 6/10
Certainly the weakest part of the show, although I usually don't like to rate shows by how pretty they are.

- The real world characters are drawn in a really hurried low budget 2D most of the time.
- They use 3D MMD models for the parallel world characters, and the difference in animation quality between the two methods simultaneously used in the same anime is obvious.
+ Parallel world battles are interesting and unexpectedly well animated, however.

Sound: 7/10

Both voice acting and bg themes were just okay.

Story: 7/10
It's been a long time since I had such contradicting feelings on something.
In this show, the story is both the strongest and the weakest part of the whole.

The introduction during eps 1&2 is very promising, although show later takes a whole different direction than you'd be expecting. Basically, it shows real life problems of school kids mirrored in an introspective dream world, with symbolisms behind things and is relatively deep. If they had continued down this road, it might even have made an outstanding psychological anime, I'm not kidding.

Later on, show transforms into a complete mindf**k of unprecedented scale. It is possible to take guesses at what's going on but it's mostly pointless as it turns out that the writer is using this as a chance to move away from the initial premise we were lured in by culminating in a "parallel world" explanation that, truly, does explain everything up until now but also leaves a couple of plotholes behind...

Spoilers: Read this ONLY if you've seen the whole anime already.
1. Saya-chan seems to have some sort of ability to affect/wound kids where it hurts the most. Can she read the future? Has she made a contract with the devil?
2. So Yuu was never really there. However after switching back with Strength, she gains a shadow again and hasn't aged a bit, unlike Saya. Did she hide her real body in a convenient cryo capsule all this time?
3. The parallel world thing by itself is little explained and self-contradictory. If it is formed by teenage girls' grief:
3.1. Then how?
3.2. If so then whose? We only saw a couple girls from the same school, same ol' Japan being there. If it was all the world's grieving girls then the united world after the walls collapsed after the final fight should have had tons of chicks around making everyone mad with their squealing.
3.3. Why only girls, where's the boy's world? Is there also one??
3.5. And most importantly, do boys' and girls' grief worlds ever meet!? Do they make baby worlds!??!?

Long story short,
+ Symbolisms
+ Well made introspection (at first)
+ Miraculously fast pacing for an angst anime
+ Mystery is actually properly explained

- This show seems much shallower after you find it all out
- Minor plotholes (I've seen worse.)

Character: 6/10

+ unlike in OVA, real world girls finally have distinct personalities of their own
+- yuri NTRing and emotional floods worthy of a genuine soap opera (+ or - depends on taste)
- parallel world girls still don't get personalities.

(except one)

Value: 7/10
In the end, it was not that great, however it certainly wasn't bad, either.
It was a pretty memorable experience watching it, despite it being several notches away from being an actual gem.

As for the rewatchability, the couple first episodes do include some minor hints and subtle details you won't know or notice at first, similar to Madoka, indicating more work than for just 8 eps behind the scenes, however this will probably never be discussed or noticed as much. You will probably only rewind this for the battle scenes which were nicely done.

Enjoyment: 8/10
Despite the flaws, this is a somewhat fresh and innovative anime that is entertaining to follow unlike another generic crap. As a semi-experimental anime it was certainly one of the most interesting watches of the season if you're looking for something different. Fighting might not have been so necessary for the plot but it does add a lot for the overall enjoyment.

I personally had a good time watching this, even though I was not okay with how the story was developed later. The ending was... okay, just okay, but I'm also fine with it as so many animes I have watched have badly wrapped up endings or are straight out unfinished, plus it had a good and warm after-feel to it.

As for the unsatisfied Miku Miku fans.....

You do know that most of the Pixiv and NicoNico fanart is crap, right, but most still glorifies the music videos having the most developed indie animation and the fanart comics being in color? It is because among them all, one or some of them might be something especially just for your little throbbing heart.
But when it comes to an anime, the only thing that could satisfy them all would be a mystery box that would change its contents according to what each separate fan would have imagined for the anime of their ideal imaginary character to contain.

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