(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
ATHENA - Pierre Perroud


Raphael The School of Athens
Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520) Scuola di Atene.
Je sème un grain qui pourra un jour produire une moisson.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778), Traité sur la Tolérance (1763).

Athena e-texts (environ 500 oeuvres et textes créés à Athena, depuis 1994)
Search Athena - Recherche dans Athena
Contributors / Collaborateurs
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Maupassant (oeuvres éditées par Thierry Selva, en 1997-1999)
Initiation aux méthodes et problèmes de littérature française moderne (unige) (11 textes mis en ligne en 2001-2003)

Athena Mineral databases (created 1986, on-line since 1994)
Athena Mineral Search (from chemical elements in formula, from mineral name, mineral group, type locality; created 1994)
Athena OpticMin search on optical data for common rock forming minerals
Athena Mineral pictures
Links for Geoweb exploration

Section des Sciences de la Terre (webmaster 1999-2009) (now Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Département de Minéralogie (webmaster 1996-2013) (now under Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Mineral Resources and Geofluids (formerly Ore deposits) (webmaster 1996 -2019)

Louis Duparc | Луи Дюпарк - (also Archive at SEES)

Université de Genève

Identification - Caveat



This pioneer Website was created at the beginning of the Web adventure.
The University of Geneva awarded it in 2000 with Nessim Habif World Prize
Copyright © 1986 (off-line databases), 1994 (on-line), 2024 ATHENA - mail_pp_unige - All Rights Reserved.

1994-2024 - 30 years on the WebOwl Same address, same ethics      

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License