(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Acts 10:18 Commentaries: and calling out, they were asking whether Simon, who was also called Peter, was staying there.
Acts 10:18
And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
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10:9-18 The prejudices of Peter against the Gentiles, would have prevented his going to Cornelius, unless the Lord had prepared him for this service. To tell a Jew that God had directed those animals to be reckoned clean which were hitherto deemed unclean, was in effect saying, that the law of Moses was done away. Peter was soon made to know the meaning of it. God knows what services are before us, and how to prepare us; and we know the meaning of what he has taught us, when we find what occasion we have to make use of it.Doubted in himself - Doubted in his own mind. He was perplexed, and did not know how to understand it.

Behold, the men ... - We see here an admirable arrangement of the events of Providence to fit each other. Every part of this transaction is made to harmonize with every other part; and it was so arranged that just in the moment when the mind of Peter was filled with perplexity, the very event should occur which would relieve him of his embarrassment. Such a coincidence is not uncommon. An event of divine Providence may be as clear an expression of his will, and may as certainly serve to indicate our duty, as the most manifest revelation would do, and a state of mind may, by an arrangement of circumstances, be produced that will be extremely perplexing until some event shall occur, or some field of usefulness shall open, that will exactly correspond to it, and indicate to us the will of God. We should then carefully mark the events of God's providence. We should observe and record the train of our own thoughts, and should watch with interest any event that occurs, when we are perplexed and embarrassed, to obtain, if possible, an expression of the will of God.

Before the gate - The word here rendered "gate," πぱいυうぷしろんλらむだωおめが͂νにゅーαあるふぁ pulōna refers properly to the porch or principal entrance to an Eastern house. See the notes on Matthew 9:2; Matthew 26:71. It does not mean, as with us, a gate, but rather a door. See Acts 12:13.

17-24. while Peter doubted … what this should mean, behold, the three men … stood before the gate … and asked—"were inquiring," that is, in the act of doing so. The preparations here made—of Peter for his Gentile visitors, as of Cornelius for him—are devoutly to be noted. But besides this, at the same moment, "the Spirit" expressly informs him that three men were inquiring for him, and bids him unhesitatingly go with them, as sent by Him. Being strangers, they address themselves to such of the house as came to the door.

And called, and asked,.... That is, they called to the people of the house, Simon's family; and in a civil and courteous manner asked them,

whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter; which they said to distinguish him from Simon the master of the house, and as Cornelius was directed, and they were instructed by him: concerning him they inquired, whether he

were lodged there; the Ethiopic version adds, without any foundation for it, "and the place where they called at was Peter's lodging room".

And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
Acts 10:18. φωνήσαντες: “having called out some one of the servants” (Blass, Alford, Kuinoel), but = “called” simply, R.V.; “vocantes portæ curatorem,” Wetstein.

18. and called] i.e. on some one within the house to come forth. These messengers, like Cornelius himself, were most probably Gentiles, and so might not feel justified in entering a Jewish house without giving notice of their presence.

Acts 10:18. Φανήσαντες, having called) their boldness of speech (confidence) being now increased.

Verse 18. - Lodging for lodged, A.V. Acts 10:18Called

A general summons to any one within, in order to make inquiries.

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