(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Psalm 50:3 Catholic Bible: Our God is coming, but not in silence; a raging fire is in front of him, a furious storm around him.
Psalm 50:3 {49:3}
Good News Translation
Our God is coming, but not in silence; a raging fire is in front of him, a furious storm around him.

New Revised Standard Version
Our God comes and does not keep silence, before him is a devouring fire, and a mighty tempest all around him.

Contemporary English Version
Our God approaches, but not silently; a flaming fire comes first, and a storm surrounds him.

New American Bible
Our God comes and will not be silent! Devouring fire precedes him, it rages strongly around him.

Douay-Rheims Bible
God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him.


Psalm 48:14 For this is God, our God unto eternity, and for ever and ever: he shall rule us for evermore.

Psalm 68:20 Our God is the God of salvation: and of the Lord, of the Lord are the issues from death.

Revelation 22:20 He that giveth testimony of these things, saith: Surely, I come quickly: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.


Psalm 50:21 These things hast thou done, and I was silent. Thou thoughtest unjustly that I should be like to thee: but I will reprove thee, and set before thy face.

Psalm 83:1 A canticle of a psalm for Asaph. [2] O God, who shall be like to thee? hold not thy peace, neither be thou still, O God.

Isaiah 42:13,14 The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, as a man of war shall he stir up zeal: he shall shout and cry: he shall prevail against his enemies. . . .

Isaiah 65:6,7 Behold it is written before me: I will not be silent, but I will render and repay into their bosom. . . .

a fire

Psalm 97:3 A fire shall go before him, and shall burn his enemies round about.

Exodus 19:18 And all Mount Sinai was on a smoke: because the Lord was come down upon it in fire, and the smoke arose from it as out of a furnace: and all the mount was terrible.

Leviticus 10:2 And fire coming out from the Lord destroyed them: and they died before the Lord.

Numbers 16:35 And a fire coming out from the Lord, destroyed the two hundred and fifty men that offered the incense.

Deuteronomy 9:3 Thou shalt know therefore this day that the Lord thy God himself will pass over before thee, a devouring and consuming fire, to destroy and extirpate and bring them to nothing before thy face quickly, as he hath spoken to thee.

1 Kings 19:11,12 And he said to him: Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord: and behold the Lord passeth, and a great and strong wind before the Lord, overthrowing the mountains, and breaking the rocks in pieces: but the Lord is not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake: but the Lord is not in the earthquake. . . .

Daniel 7:10 A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened.

Nahum 1:5-7 The mountains tremble at him, and the hills are made desolate: and the earth hath quaked at his presence, and the world, and all that dwell therein. . . .

Habakkuk 3:5 Death shall go before his face. And the devil shall go forth before his feet.

Malachi 3:2,3 And who shall be able to think of the day of his coming? and who shall stand to see him? for he is like a refining fire, and like the fuller's herb: . . .

Malachi 4:1 For behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace: and all the proud, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch.

Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.

2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 In a flame of fire, giving vengeance to them who know not God and who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . .

Hebrews 2:3 How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Which, having begun to be declared by the Lord, was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.

Hebrews 10:28,29 A man making void the law of Moses dieth without any mercy under two or three witnesses: . . .

Hebrews 12:18-21,29 For you are not come to a mountain that might be touched and a burning fire and a whirlwind and darkness and storm, . . .

it shall

Psalm 18:7-15 The earth shook and trembled: the foundations of the mountains were troubled and were moved, because he was angry with them. . . .

Psalm 97:4,5 His lightnings have shone forth to the world: the earth saw and trembled. . . .

The Mighty One Calls
2Out of Sion the loveliness of his beauty. 3God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him.4He shall call heaven from above, and the earth, to judge his people.…
Cross References
Leviticus 10:2
And fire coming out from the Lord destroyed them: and they died before the Lord.

Numbers 16:35
And a fire coming out from the Lord, destroyed the two hundred and fifty men that offered the incense.

Psalm 18:8
There went up a smoke in his wrath: and a fire flamed from his face: coals were kindled by it.

Psalm 18:12
At the brightness that was before him the clouds passed, hail and coals of fire.

Psalm 18:13
And the Lord thundered from heaven, and the Highest gave his voice: hail and coals of fire.

Psalm 21:9
Thou shalt make them as an oven of fire, in the time of thy anger: the Lord shall trouble them in his wrath, and fire shall devour them.

Psalm 96:13
before the face of the Lord, because he cometh: because he cometh to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with justice, and the people with his truth.

Psalm 97:3
A fire shall go before him, and shall burn his enemies round about.

Isaiah 65:6
Behold it is written before me: I will not be silent, but I will render and repay into their bosom.

Daniel 7:10
A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened.

Psalm 50:2
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