(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 2 Chronicles 29:11 Commentaries: "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him, to minister to Him, and to be His ministers and burn incense."
2 Chronicles 29:11
My sons, be not now negligent: for the LORD hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister unto him, and burn incense.
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(11) My sons.—A condescending term from the king; just as my father was a term of respect (2Kings 2:12; 2Kings 5:13; 2Kings 13:14).

Be not now negligent.—The Niphal form of the verb shalah (“to be at ease”) occurs nowhere else. The margin is incorrect.

The Lord hath chosen you.You hath the Lord chosen. The pronoun is emphatic. (Comp. the similar words: 1Chronicles 23:13; Deuteronomy 10:8.)

To stand before him, (in order) to serve him, is the construction.

And that ye should minister.—Literally, And to become to him ministers and thurifers.

The thoughts and the style of the royal address make it evident enough that it is a free composition, in the well-known manner of ancient historians.

29:1-19 When Hezekiah came to the crown, he applied at once to work reform. Those who begin with God, begin at the right end of their work, and it will prosper accordingly. Those that turn their backs upon God's ordinances, may truly be said to forsake God himself. There are still such neglects, if the word be not duly read and opened, for that was signified by the lighting the lamps, and also if prayers and praise be not offered up, for that was signified by the burning incense. Neglect of God's worship was the cause of the calamities they had lain under. The Lord alone can prepare the heart of man for vital godliness: when much good is done in a little time, the glory must be ascribed to him; and all who love him or the souls of men, will rejoice therein. Let those that do good work, learn to do it well.He hath delivered them to ... hissing - See 1 Kings 9:8 note. It was an expression which Hezekiah might naturally use, for it had occurred in a prophecy of Micah M1 Corinthians 6:16, his contemporary and monitor Jeremiah 26:18-19, which was probably uttered toward the close of the reign of Ahaz. In Jeremiah the phrase becomes common (marginal references). 10, 11. Now it is in mine heart to make a covenant with the Lord God—Convinced of the sin and bitter fruits of idolatry, Hezekiah intended to reverse the policy of his father, and to restore, in all its ancient purity and glory, the worship of the true God. His commencement of this resolution at the beginning of his reign attests his sincere piety. It also proves the strength of his conviction that righteousness exalteth a nation; for, instead of waiting till his throne was consolidated, he devised measures of national reformation at the beginning of his reign and vigorously faced all the difficulties which, in such a course, he had to encounter, after the people's habits had so long been moulded to idolatry. His intentions were first disclosed to this meeting of the priests and Levites—for the agency of these officials was to be employed in carrying them into effect. My sons; so he calls them indifferently, though many of them were elder than himself, because he was by his tender love and affection, as he was by his office obliged to be, a nursing-father to them. See Isaiah 49:23.

Be not now negligent, in sanctifying yourselves and the temple, 2 Chronicles 29:5, and in quickening and preparing yourselves and the people to God’s service.

My sons,.... So, as the father of his people, he speaks of them in the most tender and affectionate manner:

be not now negligent; backward to this good work, slothful, sluggish, and remiss in it; according to Jarchi and Kimchi, the word has the signification of error, and the sense may be, do not continue in the error in which you have been, in neglecting the service of God:

for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister unto him, and burn incense; on the altar of incense, which was the work of the priests, and for which they were selected from the rest of their brethren; and Hezekiah's discourse was directed to them, as well as to the Levites, 2 Chronicles 29:4.

My sons, be not now negligent: for the LORD hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister unto him, and burn incense.
11. to stand before him] Deuteronomy 10:8.

to serve him, and that you should minister unto him] R.V. to minister unto him, and that ye should be his ministers.

Verse 11. - Be not now negligent; Hebrew, אַל־תִּשָּׂלוּ. This verb in kal (supposing it the same verb) occurs but five times (Job 3:26; Job 12:6; Psalm 122:6; Jeremiah 12:1; Lamentations 1:5), the radical idea of it being the safety of ease or security rather than any absolute safety. In niph. it is found only in this place and in 2 Kings 4:28, where the rendering of the Authorized Version, "Do not deceive me," will easily yield the same essential idea. The derivative adjective (שֶׁלֵו) occurs eight times, and always has the same flavour about it (1 Chronicles 4:40; Job 16:12; Job 20:20; Job 21:23; Psalm 73:12; Jeremiah 49:31; Ezekiel 23:42; Zechariah 7:7). And the derivative nouns (שֶׁלֶו and שַׁלְוָה) occur nine times, and, at any rate, in almost every instance evidently carrying the same fundamental idea (Psalm 30:6; Psalm 122:7; Proverbs 1:32; Proverbs 17:1; Jeremiah 22:21; Ezekiel 16:49; Daniel 8:25; Daniel 11:21, 24). Our Authorized Version, therefore, sufficiently reproduces the thought of Hezekiah, though perhaps this would more exactly come out of the rendering, "Be not now at ease," i.e. sacrifice ease and self-indulgence, etc. To serve him... that ye should minister. The same verb is used in both these places; so Revised Version, To minister unto him, and that ye should be his ministers. 2 Chronicles 29:11To turn away this anger of God, Hezekiah wishes to make a covenant with the Lord, i.e., to renew the covenant with Jahve by restoring His worship (לבבי עם as in 2 Chronicles 6:7; 2 Chronicles 9:1; 1 Chronicles 28:2, etc.), and therefore calls upon the Levites not to neglect the performance of their duty. בּני he calls the Levites, addressing them in kindly language; cf. Proverbs 1:8, etc. תּשּׁלוּ in Niph. occurs only here, and denotes to avoid a thing from carelessness or laziness, - from שׁלה, to draw forth; Job 27:8. On 2 Chronicles 29:11, cf. Deuteronomy 10:8; 1 Chronicles 23:13.
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