(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Mark 11:4 Commentaries: They went away and found a colt tied at the door, outside in the street; and they untied it.
Mark 11:4
And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.
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(4) Without in a place where two ways met.—Each touch is characteristic of St. Mark, and implies personal observation on the part of his informant. The colt was at the door—outside, not inside, the court-yard; it was not at “a place,” but at “the place,” as we speak of “the cross-roads,” where two ways met.

Mark 11:4-10. And they went their way, and found the colt, &c. — Found all the particulars contained in Christ’s prediction exactly true. See on Matthew 21:6-11. Blessed be the kingdom of our father David — May the kingdom of the Messiah, promised to our father David, be speedily established, and may it long flourish; that cometh — Which is now to be erected; in the name of the Lord — And therefore will be fitly termed the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of heaven. Hosanna in the highest — Repeat again and again your songs and congratulations. Thus they expressed their joyful and rapturous expectations of his assuming the royal dignity, and vindicating Israel from the Roman yoke; and, imboldened by the display of his power in the resurrection of Lazarus, which he had lately effected, they feared not the resentment of their present masters, for declaring themselves thus openly in his favour.

11:1-11 Christ's coming into Jerusalem thus remarkably, shows that he was not afraid of the power and malice of his enemies. This would encourage his disciples who were full of fear. Also, that he was not disquieted at the thoughts of his approaching sufferings. But all marked his humiliation; and these matters teach us not to mind high things, but to condescend to those of low estate. How ill it becomes Christians to take state, when Christ was so far from claiming it! They welcomed his person; Blessed is he that cometh, the He that should come, so often promised, so long expected; he comes in the name of the Lord. Let him have our best affections; he is a blessed Saviour, and brings blessings to us, and blessed be He that sent him. Praises be to our God, who is in the highest heavens, over all, God blessed for ever.Two ways met - A crossroads. A public place, probably near the center of the village.CHAPTER 11

Mr 11:1-11. Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, on the First Day of the Week. ( = Mt 21:1-9; Lu 19:29-40; Joh 12:12, 19).

See on [1475]Lu 19:29-40.

See Poole on "Mark 11:3"

And they went their way,.... The two disciples went to the village, where Christ sent them, without objecting any difficulties that might present, in the execution of these orders:

and found the colt tied by the door without; in the street, fastened to the door of the owner's house, at the town's end:

in a place where two ways met; to go into and out of the village; at the corner house, where two ways met; so that the place was very public, and such an affair could not be transacted, without being seen:

and they loose him; as soon as ever they came to the place, they immediately began to untie the colt, and were going away with him.

And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.
Mark 11:4. ἀμφόζου (ἄμφοδον and -ος from ἀμφί and ὁδός, here only in N. T.), the road round the farmyard. In Jeremiah 17:27, Sept[101], it seems to denote some part of a town: “the palaces of Jerusalem” (R. V[102]).


[102] Revised Version.

4. in a place where two ways met] So Wyclif, “in þe meeting of tweye weyes,” following the Vulgate bivium. The word in the original thus rendered denotes (1) any road that leads round a place, a street, or a crooked lane; (2) a block of houses surrounded by streets; (3) the quarter of a town = Lat. vicus. Here it means the passage round the house. They went and found the ass tied at the door, and the colt with her, not in the highway, but in a back way or alley, which went round the house. Observe the minuteness of the circumstances specified. The Apostles would find the colt tied; it had never been ridden; it would be found not in the courtyard, but outside, at the door of the house; not in the highway, but in a back lane or alley skirting the house; and persons would be near it, and the words which they would speak are predicted, and the answer is suggested which the Apostles were to make. The colt, untamed, and tied at the back gate, as if ready for a rider, has been interpreted as a symbol of the Gentile world to be brought to Christ from the lanes and alleys of Heathendom (Luke 14:21); the she-ass as symbolizing God’s ancient people who were familiar with the yoke of the Law.

Mark 11:4. Ἀμφόδυ) Ἄμφοδον, a way, a broad street [Eng. Vers. where two ways meet].

Verse 4. - By the door without, in a place where two ways met (πぱいτたうοおみくろんῦ ἀμみゅーφふぁいδでるたοおみくろんυうぷしろん) literally, in the open street. Mark 11:4In a place where two ways met (εいぷしろん̓πぱいιいおた̀ τοῦ αあるふぁ̓μφόδでるたοおみくろんυうぷしろん)

Αあるふぁ̓́μφοδον is literally any road which leads round (αあるふぁ̓μφί) a place or a block of buildings. Hence the winding way. The word occurs only here in the New Testament. Rev., in the open street, which in an Eastern town is usually crooked. Perhaps, by contrast with the usual crookedness, the street in Damascus where Paul lodged was called Straight (Acts 9:11). "It is a topographical note," says Dr. Morison, "that could only be given by an eye-witness." The detail of Mark 11:4 is peculiar to Mark. According to Luke (Luke 22:8), Peter was one of those sent, and his stamp is probably on the narrative.

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