(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Job 27 GWT
Job 27
GOD'S WORD® Translation

1Job continued his poems and said,

2"I swear an oath by God, the one who has taken away my rights, by the Almighty, who has made my life bitter:

3'As long as there is one breath [left] in me and God's breath fills my nostrils,

4my lips will not say anything wrong, and my tongue will not mumble anything deceitful.'

5It's unthinkable for me to admit that you are right. Until I breathe my last breath, I will never give up my claim of integrity.

6I cling to my righteousness and won't let go. My conscience won't accuse me as long as I live.

7"Let my enemy be [treated] like wicked people. Let anyone who attacks me be [treated] like unrighteous people.

8After all, what hope does the godless person have when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?

9Will God hear his cry when trouble comes upon him?

10Can he be happy with the Almighty? Can he call on God at all times?

11"I will teach you about God's power. I will not hide what the Almighty has done.

12Certainly, you have all seen it. Why then do you chatter on about such nonsense?

13This is what God has waiting for the wicked person, the inheritance that tyrants receive from the Almighty:

14If he has many children, swords will kill them, and his descendants won't have enough food.

15Those who survive him will be buried by a plague, and their widows won't cry [for them].

16Though he collects silver like dust and piles up clothing like dirt,

17righteous people will wear what he piles up, and the innocent will divide the silver [among themselves].

18He builds his house like a moth, like a shack that a watchman makes.

19He may go to bed rich, but he'll never be rich again. When he opens his eyes, nothing will be left.

20Terrors overtake him like a flood. A windstorm snatches him away at night.

21The east wind carries him away, and he's gone. It sweeps him from his place.

22It hurls itself at him without mercy. He flees from its power.

23It claps its hands over him. It whistles at him from his own place.

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