(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 Strong's Hebrew: 5128. נ֫וּעַ (nua) -- to quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter
5128. nua
Strong's Concordance
nua: to quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter
Original Word: נוּעַ
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: nua
Phonetic Spelling: (noo'-ah)
Definition: to quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
a prim. root
to quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter
NASB Translation
disturb (1), moving (1), reels (1), scatter (1), set trembling (1), shake (4), shaken (4), shook (1), stagger (3), staggered (1), swing to and fro (1), to and fro (1), tremble (1), trembled (2), unstable (1), vagrant (2), wag (2), wander (5), wandered (2), wave (4).

נוּעַ verb quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter (Late Hebrew Pilpal נִעְנַע shake, Aramaic נוּעַ waver, stagger (rare); Arabic , bend (of boughs), see commotus fuit (of id.), so Kam Frey; also change, kind, species, variety; Di compare Ethiopic hunt); —

Qal Perfect נָ֫עוּ Job 28:4 +; וְנָע֫וּ Amos 4:8 2t.; Imperfect וַיָּ֫נַע Isaiah 7:2; 3feminine singular תָּנוּעַ Isaiah 24:20; אֲנוּעֲךָ 2 Samuel 15:20 Kt (but read Qr Hiph`il q. v.); יָנ֫וּעוּ Psalm 109:10; יְנוּע֑וּן Psalm 59:16 Kt (so read; not Qr Hiph`il), etc.; Infinitive absolute Isaiah 24:20; Psalm 109:10; construct נוּעַ Judges 9:9 3t.; נוֺעַ Isaiah 7:2; Participle נָע Genesis 4:12,14; נָעִים Proverbs 22:19; נָעוֺת 1 Samuel 1:13: —

1 wave, of trees, followed by עַל Judges 9:9,11,13 followed by מִמְּנֵי of cause Isaiah 7:2; quiver, vibrate, of lips 1 Samuel 1:13; swing (to and fro) of miners Job 28:4 ("" דלל); stagger like drunkard, of mariners in storm Psalm 107:27 ("" חגג), compare Isaiah 29:9 ("" שׁכר); hence be unstable, figurative of ways of harlot Proverbs 5:6; tremble, of doorposts, Isaiah 6:4 (followed by מִן causative ), idols Isaiah 19:1 (followed by מִמְּנֵי), earth Isaiah 24:20 ("" התנודד), people Exodus 20:18 (E); figurative of heart Isaiah 7:2.

2 totter, go tottering (faint and uncertain) Lamentations 4:14 Lamentations 4:15 ("" נוּץ), Amos 8:12 ("" שׁוטט); as beggars Psalm 109:10 ("" שִׁאֵל), compare Psalm 59:16; Amos 4:8 followed by אֶלֿ; participle vagabond Genesis 4:12,14 (both "" נָד); figurative = err, sin, Jeremiah 14:10.

Niph`al Imperfect יִנּוֺעַ Amos 9:9 be tossed about (of corn) in a sieve; יִנּוֺעוּ id., of bulwarks as fig-trees Nahum 3:12 ("" נפל).

Hiph`il Perfect3feminine singular הֵנִ֫יעָה 2 Kings 19:21 = Isaiah 37:22; וַהֲנִָֽעוֺתִ֫י Amos 9:9; Imperfect יָנִיעַ Zephaniah 2:15; jussive יָ֫נַע 2 Kings 23:18; אֲנִיעֲךָ 2 Samuel 15:20 Qr (compare Qal); יְנִיעוּן Psalm 109:25 + Psalm 59:16 Qr (read Kt

Qal q. v. ), etc.; Imperative suffix הֲנִיעֵ֫מוֺ Psalm 59:12; —

1 toss about Amos 9:9 subject ׳י, object Israel followed by בַּגּוֺיִם (compare Niph`al).

2 shake, cause to totter: = set me tottering Daniel 10:10 on my knees and hands; especially shake or wag the head, in mockery 2 Kings 19:21 = Isaiah 37:22 ("" בוז, לעג) compare Psalm 22:8; Psalm 109:25; followed by עַלֿ Job 16:4 (׳בְּמוֺ ר [Ges§ 119q]), also Lamentations 2:15 ("" שׁרק), Zephaniah 2:15 יָדוֺ ("" id.), [see also Ecclus 12:18; Ecclus 13:7 (׳בְּר)].

3 (shake), disturb, bones of dead 2 Kings 23:18.

4 cause to wander Numbers 32:13 (J); 2 Samuel 15:20 (followed by ללכת); Psalm 59:12 ("" הוריד, for which LagProph. Chald. xlviii. proposes הניד).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
continually, fugitive, make, to go up and down, be gone away

A primitive root; to waver, in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively (as subjoined) -- continually, fugitive, X make, to (go) up and down, be gone away, (be) move(-able, -d), be promoted, reel, remove, scatter, set, shake, sift, stagger, to and fro, be vagabond, wag, (make) wander (up and down).

Forms and Transliterations
אֲנִֽיעֲךָ֤ אניעך הֲנִיעֵ֣מוֹ הֵנִ֔יעָה הניעה הניעמו וְ֭יָנוּעוּ וְאָנִ֥יעָה וְנ֤וֹעַ וְנָע֞וּ וְנָע֡וּ וְנָעוּ֙ וַהֲנִע֥וֹתִי וַיְנִעֵם֙ וַיָּ֤נַע וַיָּנִ֣עוּ וַיָּנֻ֔עוּ וַיָּנֻ֙עוּ֙ וַתְּנִיעֵ֥נִי ואניעה והנעותי וינועו וינע וינעו וינעם ונוע ונעו ותניעני יְנִיע֣וּן יְנִיע֥וּן יִנּ֕וֹעוּ יִנּ֙וֹעַ֙ יָנ֣וּעוּ יָנִ֥יעַ יָנִ֥יעוּ יָנַ֣ע ינוע ינועו יניע יניעו יניעון ינע כְּנ֥וֹעַ כנוע לָנ֔וּעַ לָנ֖וּעַ לנוע נ֣וֹעַ נָ֑עוּ נָ֤ע נָ֥ע נָּע֔וֹת נָֽעוּ׃ נָע֖וּ נָע֤וּ נָע֥וּ נוע נע נעו נעו׃ נעות תָּנ֤וּעַ תנוע ’ă·nî·‘ă·ḵā ’ănî‘ăḵā aniaCha hă·nî·‘ê·mōw hănî‘êmōw haniEmov hê·nî·‘āh hênî‘āh heNiah kə·nō·w·a‘ keNoa kənōwa‘ lā·nū·a‘ laNua lānūa‘ na nā‘ nā‘ōwṯ nā‘ū nā·‘ō·wṯ nā·‘ū naot Nau nō·w·a‘ Noa nōwa‘ tā·nū·a‘ taNua tānūa‘ vahanioti vaiYana vaiyaNiu vaiyaNuu vatteniEni vayniEm veaNiah venaU veNoa Veyanuu wa·hă·ni·‘ō·w·ṯî wahăni‘ōwṯî wat·tə·nî·‘ê·nî wattənî‘ênî way·ni·‘êm way·yā·na‘ way·yā·ni·‘ū way·yā·nu·‘ū wayni‘êm wayyāna‘ wayyāni‘ū wayyānu‘ū wə’ānî‘āh wə·’ā·nî·‘āh wə·nā·‘ū wə·nō·w·a‘ wə·yā·nū·‘ū wənā‘ū wənōwa‘ wəyānū‘ū yā·na‘ yā·nî·‘ū yā·nî·a‘ yā·nū·‘ū yaNa yāna‘ yānî‘ū yaNia yānîa‘ yaNiu yānū‘ū yaNuu yə·nî·‘ūn yənî‘ūn yeniUn yin·nō·w·‘ū yin·nō·w·a‘ yinNoa yinNou yinnōw‘ū yinnōwa‘
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Englishman's Concordance
Genesis 4:12
HEB: כֹּחָ֖הּ לָ֑ךְ נָ֥ע וָנָ֖ד תִּֽהְיֶ֥ה
NAS: its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer
KJV: unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond
INT: yield strength vagrant wanderer become

Genesis 4:14
HEB: אֶסָּתֵ֑ר וְהָיִ֜יתִי נָ֤ע וָנָד֙ בָּאָ֔רֶץ
NAS: I will be hidden, and I will be a vagrant and a wanderer
KJV: shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond
INT: will be hidden to pass vagrant wanderer the earth

Exodus 20:18
HEB: וַיַּ֤רְא הָעָם֙ וַיָּנֻ֔עוּ וַיַּֽעַמְד֖וּ מֵֽרָחֹֽק׃
NAS: saw [it], they trembled and stood
KJV: saw [it], they removed, and stood
INT: saw the people trembled and stood A distance

Numbers 32:13
HEB: יְהוָה֙ בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וַיְנִעֵם֙ בַּמִּדְבָּ֔ר אַרְבָּעִ֖ים
NAS: against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness
KJV: against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness
INT: the LORD'S Israel wander the wilderness forty

Judges 9:9
HEB: וַאֲנָשִׁ֑ים וְהָ֣לַכְתִּ֔י לָנ֖וּעַ עַל־ הָעֵצִֽים׃
NAS: and go to wave over
KJV: and go to be promoted over the trees?
INT: and men and go to wave over carpenter

Judges 9:11
HEB: הַטּוֹבָ֑ה וְהָ֣לַכְתִּ֔י לָנ֖וּעַ עַל־ הָעֵצִֽים׃
NAS: fruit, and go to wave over the trees?'
KJV: and go to be promoted over the trees?
INT: and my good and go to wave over carpenter

Judges 9:13
HEB: וַאֲנָשִׁ֑ים וְהָ֣לַכְתִּ֔י לָנ֖וּעַ עַל־ הָעֵצִֽים׃
NAS: and go to wave over
KJV: and go to be promoted over the trees?
INT: and men and go to wave over carpenter

1 Samuel 1:13
HEB: רַ֚ק שְׂפָתֶ֣יהָ נָּע֔וֹת וְקוֹלָ֖הּ לֹ֣א
NAS: her lips were moving, but her voice
KJV: only her lips moved, but her voice
INT: but her lips were moving her voice was not

2 Samuel 15:20
HEB: [אֲנֹועֲךָ כ] (אֲנִֽיעֲךָ֤ ק) עִמָּ֙נוּ֙
NAS: and shall I today make you wander with us, while I go
KJV: make thee go up and down with us? seeing I go
INT: came today continually with go

2 Kings 19:21
HEB: אַחֲרֶ֙יךָ֙ רֹ֣אשׁ הֵנִ֔יעָה בַּ֖ת יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃
NAS: of Zion; She has shaken [her] head
KJV: of Jerusalem hath shaken her head
INT: behind head has shaken the daughter of Jerusalem

2 Kings 23:18
HEB: אִ֖ישׁ אַל־ יָנַ֣ע עַצְמֹתָ֑יו וַֽיְמַלְּטוּ֙
NAS: one disturb his bones.
KJV: let no man move his bones.
INT: one no disturb his bones left

Job 16:4
HEB: עֲלֵיכֶ֣ם בְּמִלִּ֑ים וְאָנִ֥יעָה עֲ֝לֵיכֶ֗ם בְּמ֣וֹ
NAS: against you And shake my head
KJV: words against you, and shake mine head
INT: against words and shake against at

Job 28:4
HEB: דַּ֖לּוּ מֵאֱנ֣וֹשׁ נָֽעוּ׃
NAS: They hang and swing to and fro far from men.
KJV: they are dried up, they are gone away from men.
INT: hang men and swing

Psalm 22:7
HEB: יַפְטִ֥ירוּ בְ֝שָׂפָ֗ה יָנִ֥יעוּ רֹֽאשׁ׃
NAS: with the lip, they wag the head,
KJV: the lip, they shake the head,
INT: separate the lip wag the head

Psalm 59:11
HEB: יִשְׁכְּח֬וּ עַמִּ֗י הֲנִיעֵ֣מוֹ בְ֭חֵילְךָ וְהוֹרִידֵ֑מוֹ
NAS: will forget; Scatter them by Your power,
KJV: forget: scatter them by thy power;
INT: will forget my people Scatter your power and bring

Psalm 59:15
HEB: [יְנוּעוּן כ] (יְנִיע֣וּן ק) לֶאֱכֹ֑ל
NAS: They wander about for food And growl
KJV: Let them wander up and down for meat,
INT: like continually food if

Psalm 107:27
HEB: יָח֣וֹגּוּ וְ֭יָנוּעוּ כַּשִּׁכּ֑וֹר וְכָל־
NAS: They reeled and staggered like a drunken man,
KJV: They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,
INT: reeled and staggered A drunken and were at

Psalm 109:10
HEB: וְנ֤וֹעַ יָנ֣וּעוּ בָנָ֣יו
NAS: Let his children wander about and beg;
KJV: Let his children be continually vagabonds,
INT: wander wander his children

Psalm 109:10
HEB: וְנ֤וֹעַ יָנ֣וּעוּ בָנָ֣יו וְשִׁאֵ֑לוּ
KJV: be continually vagabonds, and beg:
INT: wander wander his children and beg

Psalm 109:25
HEB: לָהֶ֑ם יִ֝רְא֗וּנִי יְנִיע֥וּן רֹאשָֽׁם׃
NAS: to them; When they see me, they wag their head.
KJV: unto them: [when] they looked upon me they shaked their heads.
INT: they see wag their head

Proverbs 5:6
HEB: פֶּן־ תְּפַלֵּ֑ס נָע֥וּ מַ֝עְגְּלֹתֶ֗יהָ לֹ֣א
NAS: Her ways are unstable, she does not know
KJV: her ways are moveable, [that] thou canst not know
INT: does not ponder are unstable her ways does not

Isaiah 6:4
HEB: וַיָּנֻ֙עוּ֙ אַמּ֣וֹת הַסִּפִּ֔ים
NAS: of the thresholds trembled at the voice
KJV: of the door moved at the voice
INT: trembled and the posts of the thresholds

Isaiah 7:2
HEB: עַל־ אֶפְרָ֑יִם וַיָּ֤נַע לְבָבוֹ֙ וּלְבַ֣ב
NAS: of his people shook as the trees
KJV: And his heart was moved, and the heart
INT: in Ephraim shook his heart and the hearts

Isaiah 7:2
HEB: וּלְבַ֣ב עַמּ֔וֹ כְּנ֥וֹעַ עֲצֵי־ יַ֖עַר
NAS: of the forest shake with the wind.
KJV: of the wood are moved with
INT: and the hearts of his people shake as the trees of the forest

Isaiah 19:1
HEB: וּבָ֣א מִצְרַ֔יִם וְנָע֞וּ אֱלִילֵ֤י מִצְרַ֙יִם֙
NAS: of Egypt will tremble at His presence,
KJV: of Egypt shall be moved at his presence,
INT: to come to Egypt will tremble the idols of Egypt

40 Occurrences

Strong's Hebrew 5128
40 Occurrences

’ă·nî·‘ă·ḵā — 1 Occ.
hă·nî·‘ê·mōw — 1 Occ.
hê·nî·‘āh — 2 Occ.
kə·nō·w·a‘ — 1 Occ.
lā·nū·a‘ — 4 Occ.
nā‘ — 2 Occ.
nā·‘ō·wṯ — 1 Occ.
nā·‘ū — 5 Occ.
nō·w·a‘ — 1 Occ.
tā·nū·a‘ — 1 Occ.
wa·hă·ni·‘ō·w·ṯî — 1 Occ.
way·yā·na‘ — 1 Occ.
way·yā·ni·‘ū — 1 Occ.
way·yā·nu·‘ū — 2 Occ.
wat·tə·nî·‘ê·nî — 1 Occ.
way·ni·‘êm — 1 Occ.
wə·’ā·nî·‘āh — 1 Occ.
wə·nā·‘ū — 3 Occ.
wə·nō·w·a‘ — 1 Occ.
wə·yā·nū·‘ū — 1 Occ.
yā·na‘ — 1 Occ.
yā·nî·a‘ — 1 Occ.
yā·nî·‘ū — 1 Occ.
yā·nū·‘ū — 1 Occ.
yə·nî·‘ūn — 2 Occ.
yin·nō·w·a‘ — 1 Occ.
yin·nō·w·‘ū — 1 Occ.

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